Page 37 of 78

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:33 am
by notscience
I didn't notice gobble's stance changing much from that slot but I did notice my own- you neglected to mention both of Klick's predecessors moved from early scumreads to townreads on me (which follows most of the games reads so I don't necessarily think its as bad as you do). I do note some of your issues with her, I think maybe a touch of overexaggeration from Klick.

The way a townbloc works as a whole you kinda have to townread each other- its why I kept talking to her earlier about adding agar- you dont add people the group as a whole doesnt believe to be town. Have you not played with townbloccers before?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:04 am
by notscience
Spoiler: Una Quotes
In post 471, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 447, gobbledygook wrote:That reads to me like a scum reaction.
How on earth did you get a read like that? :lol:
I'm starting to think you are the type of player who decide outcomes and reads first, and then make everything new fit that decision.
There was absolutely nothing about my latest post that wasn't dedicated to
false statements about my own play so far.
If you find that scummy, slap a vote on me.
I can't do much to help you.
In post 447, gobbledygook wrote:Most of your posts are talking about Gypyx. Ergo talking a lot but not doing anything with your vote
Ah, but then you took an opportune time to scold me.
I have already said my piece regarding Gypyx, and I thought I made it rather clear as well, hmm? :]

Moving on, as should you.
I don't think scum would be scolding like this. I kinda like the "case closed" attitutde because I just don't see scum having the chutzpah to do.
In post 479, UnaBombaH wrote:Well, wasting your votes and energy on me is still even less profitable for us than it was when voting for Espeonage.

Let me ask you this - do you believe Hoopla has managed to create an all-town group, with their masterful craft so far?
Frankly I don't view scum scoffing at the townbloc like this. I could see town, who has been scumreading most of the people in there doing so though.
In post 516, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 493, gobbledygook wrote:My CoolDog read still has conditions on it, but he has done enough now that I can town read him independent of any conditions. Thank goodness. I did not want to reveal my conditions.
Also - THIS is antitown if anything.
I get constantly called out for my vague and "mysterious" reads, but it's almost always something related with PRs or silly meta-tells I do not feel like outing.
But instead of continuosly repeating them for funsies, I state them and move on.
Dwelling on them like this, only makes them stick out more for scum, and everyone who ever has trouble trusting you/CoolDog.
I think this is a game of annoying double standards and I feel the genuine annoyance in this
In post 517, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 494, Emperor flippyNips wrote:that's right i did ask una why he's sring NS. i feel like im getting called out left & right for only memeing but i've asked plenty of questions that are just getting pushed aside as of rn by una since you've responded gobble
I guess I've missed that question then?
Sorry about that.

My initial scumread on notscience came about from their earliest interactions with/around Hoopla.
Hoopla was awkwardly(?) trying to build the first bridge, and I think notscience reacted in a suspicious manner.
My take on it was something a scum would likely do - not jumping at the thought and immediately hopping onboard the townbin, but trying to come across suspecting and hard to get.
Somehow I got the read that a scummie had to fake suspicions and paranoia towards Hoopla, because in reality they KNOW their alignment.

That feeling has somewhat passed, especially since I feel like there are better lynchoptions in the same "towngroup" from Hoopla now.
But whenever I reread those first interactions, I have a feeling notscience was putting on an act.
This one isnt a tonal quote but this is one of the reads on me that I liked. This sounds really weird but I get the scumreads on me, especially after my reread. I did sound incredibly awkward and convoluted early game.
In post 797, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 793, Hoopla wrote:i do get behavioural reads on D1, but they are more intuitive and based on how players interact with/perceive me, since that is the only alignment i currently know.
This makes sense to me, and reflects very much how I used to play D1s and 2s.
The thing here, is that it's misguided as hell to assume "I am town, therefore everyone should always know I'm town, or they are scum".
, but that is often the problem.
People tend to get caught in the emotional side when no one trusts them or understands them.
And we can rarely see the flaws in ourselves - something we do or say might seem scummy to someone else but the fault is always in them.
Like how Gobbledy already said.
In post 705, gobbledygook wrote:See ya nerds. This is probably a town loss with how bad the town is
= Salty/arrogant/selfcentered or whatever. I hate that post, and I've seen it from many players on this site.
The rest of us are all bad, because "we can't see how clearly he is town and everyone he votes is scum" - or something to that extent.
How about sometimes, if the majority is against you, the flaw might be :giggle:

And while this could be interpreted in many ways, it's always just AtE and venting.
He could be scum faking it, or trying to vent his frustration.
But it does NOTHING to help town.
It's a team game.
If you get wagoned and lynched D1, no matter your alignment, use all the ammo you have left in favor of your surviving teammates.
And thus, I'm not moving my vote from Gobbledy, and consider their reactions on being wagoned very scummy indeed.
I don't really see a lot of these bitching type posts from scum. Hiraki called it coaching but iirc coaching is a buzzword I used to use all the time that used to always come up fruitless.

I will say part of my stance re:him is I think prana is scum and I dont expect them to be occupying the exact same slot in the game.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:10 am
by notscience
Klick talk to me bc we have polar opposite reads this game and i wanna figure out why

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:16 am
by notscience
I like most of your townreads but I dont think BM has been townier than most

I like what Hiraki has been saying. I feel like hes actually been trying to divine alignments.

I like unas tone as I said before.

Obv your read on me is wrong

And nippyflips I just get major Tippy vibes and its really weird he is your strongest scumread.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:57 am
by brassherald


Vote Count Day 1.16

gobbledygook (4):
, , ,
Gypyx (2):
Hoopla (2):
UnaBombaH (2):
Emperor flippyNips (1):

Not Voting (2):

Battle Mage is VLA until Sunday
There are (expired on 2020-06-17 06:05:00) remaining in Day 1
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.[/area]

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:50 am
by notscience
Oh and @una I’m the one who said they’re town because I have townread every iteration of the slot

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:59 am
by UnaBombaH
In post 905, notscience wrote:Oh and @una I’m the one who said they’re town because I have townread every iteration of the slot
But of course you did. :facepalm:
This is gonna be a conf.biased tunnel that's hard to shake for me.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:07 am
by PranaDevil
In post 885, notscience wrote:Honestly my biggest issue with him is how he’s been under the radar all game. I think he’s sitting exactly where scum would hide best and that deserves scrutiny- I don’t really remember ANYONE having anything substantial to say about him- and he’s the only real player sans bob who’s just catching up as his lurking predecessor never said anything either. He’s not making waves and he’s in that bunch of people saying they’re late game players like that gets taken into account when deciding to Lynch d1?
I mean... it's not like there's a recently finished game I was in, where one of the players (Una) was in that game... and where I was town and played no differently could be viewed is it?

Oh wait... there is.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:12 am
by CooLDoG
yay. Was able to frankestien together the computer. So now I am back. Is it really worth reading? probably not, but I'ma gonna have to do it anyway.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:37 am
by CooLDoG
hmmmm.... idk what to do on a person that refuses to claim when at l-1.... hmmmm.....

I'ma move my vote back to hoopla for now...
VOTE: hoopla

In post 741, PranaDevil wrote:
In post 738, Battle Mage wrote:I'm assuming:

Emperor Flippynips

are all town.

easy game so far.
This is bad posting.

All three of my scum reads are on this list.
same feeling.

Also, he has had enough time to come up ith some type of justification for why he reads these people the way he does. I gotta say it again. Lazy town hunting is scummy has hell. You can play it both ways formeta reasons and heavily favors your scum game because you can jsut drop town reads on your non-scum buds for easy town points...
In post 749, Battle Mage wrote:I don't want to rolefish but I am incredibly curious about why 3 people have replaced out of Klick's slot on Day 1 (so far). It must be a fricking horrible role. Vanilla Miller? Unlynchable Jester? Scum with me? :giggle:
and then we have degenerate d1 role speculation.
In post 754, notscience wrote:Damn I’ve never had a rule made bc of me
I have had several
In post 757, Hoopla wrote:i have a prana/unabombah scumteam, by the way.

not sure who the third is yet, but it isn't the turkey. i'm quietly confident he is town, and am hoping the non-voters, replacements and vanity vote-parkers select una ahead of him.
why prana? Also,I thouhgt you didn't do d1 reads?
In post 765, Hoopla wrote:eh, to me it looked like gypyx was doing his due diligence as responsible town player and not putting someone to L-1 and risk lolhammers. he even said himself that turkey was spiritually at L-1 and should claim. when he didn't claim,
he put him to L-1.
this is fair. I think gyphx is an easy lynch for scum to lynch. I see scum hoopla show restraint...
In post 779, Hoopla wrote:
In post 777, notscience wrote:Hoopla what made him go from “I sense people aren’t townreading him” to “he’s on a scum team with prana”
process-of-elimination and some advanced wagon composition analytics from my patented H.A.H.A system of advanced tells for advanced players.

believe me, i have these guys pinned.
poe on d1 does not work.... like at all. You poe with claims and night action results later when the actual options are relatively narrow.
In post 803, UnaBombaH wrote:I'd like to repeat and reiterate one of my earliest reads - I still believe Hoopla is town here.
I feel like their current misreads are me (as scum) and Gobbledy (as town).

And in case it wasn't clear from my latest posts - I'm currently leaning "noob-townie" on Gypyx rather than scum.
weak ass attacks on hoopla from una. Basically just trying to attack his way out of her scum read on him and then backing off of the attack. I could be persuaded to vote this guy.

@klick's good posting, Less scummy. except for what not sci says:
In post 834, notscience wrote:I don’t really think it’s a secret I can’t get a footing in this game
In post 838, notscience wrote:Also just saying it’s incredibly obvious the rotating door slot is town.
I wouldn't go so far to say that. But I am not really in the mood to lynch it. I doubt someone would replace into a cluster fuck of a d1 as scum and the decide they didn't want to play the game. SO I tentatively agree.
In post 862, Emperor flippyNips wrote:Whoa whoa whoa I’m a 1 shot combined fruit vendor gunsmith
what the actual fuck is that role? So if this is your actual claim, then we probably got a tracker and a vig then.
In post 869, Emperor flippyNips wrote:No, it’s combined they both get used at once, I send a fruit and also get my gunsmith results
wait, what? That's very strange role. Your gun smith is gonna get tracked in anyway. I guess it lets people clear you as a gun smith from a cc.
In post 870, Hoopla wrote:
In post 862, Emperor flippyNips wrote:Whoa whoa whoa I’m a 1 shot combined fruit vendor gunsmith
In post 863, Emperor flippyNips wrote:Oh.... I wasn’t L-1..
could this be scum overreager to get a claim out, and wanting to fake lucidity of "not knowing he wasn't on L-1". is 2 minutes enough to reread the last three pages, then make that post? this may just be a situation of me being old, but it seems like a very short window of time. whipper snappers please chime in!
I love the fact that your system dictates that we lynch un cc'd power roles on d1. VOte fucking hoopla people.

her post is basicalyl her back tracking because she knows she is going to get shit from the above. I mean, we can verify the fruit vendor part. A scum fruit vendor is very, very unlikely in my honest opinion. I mean, it basically nurfs a tracker to shit at that point.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:38 am
by CooLDoG
I could vote for una if it comes to that. We should really lynch hoopla for trying to lynch an uncced fruit vendor gunsmith.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:43 am
by CooLDoG
I mean, the chances of that being a fake claim are zero. Who the hell would think to fake claim that? Ridiculous.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:08 am
by Gypyx
Wait cooldog i don't really follow your thoughprocess there, why are you saying we have a tracker based on Flippy's claim?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:39 am
by bob3141
will be doing my catchup starting after the last day of my working week tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 9:41 am
by Hiraki
also if u don't gunsmith me for a dayvig shot tomorrow, you are dead to me - just fyi

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:26 am
by Klick
I'm drunk and today has been awful and I'm really not in the mood for this. Gonna think about this more tomorrow. Soz.
Heres the first bit of a post I wrote much earlier today:


The role is probably real, and it's worth getting the night action out of him tonight.
In post 876, Hiraki wrote:
In post 861, Klick wrote:Hiraki: Meh. Getting mostly nothings from him. I find myself opposed to his stances and not really understanding where he's coming from. I'm hoping to see this change soon. I'd be fine with getting some pressure here.
hey, what wagon are you on? who is currently in the front there?
I actually had no idea you were voting flippyNips because the last thing you said about his content was in your second post. You've talked plenty about your other two scumreads, but voted flippyNips without a single word about it.

In post 877, Hiraki wrote:
In post 855, Klick wrote:Curious. I fail to see the town motivation in being ardently anti-townbloc - it doesn't accomplish anything to take apart townreads. I can see several angles where it's useful for scum to discredit it though.
You fail to see the town motivation in having an opinion? Can understand why it might be a bit touchy talking about your predecessor!
It's a scummy opinion. You don't accomplish anything as town by being against it. Like, yay, Hoopla's town reads should be null reads and they shouldn't be cooperating...? Now what?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:37 am
by brassherald


Vote Count Day 1.16

gobbledygook (3):
, ,
Hoopla (3):
, ,
Gypyx (2):
UnaBombaH (2):

Not Voting (3):
, ,

Battle Mage is VLA until Sunday
There are (expired on 2020-06-17 06:05:00) remaining in Day 1
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.[/area]

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:40 am
by Klick
VOTE: UnaBombaH

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:47 am
by CooLDoG
In post 912, Gypyx wrote:Wait cooldog i don't really follow your thoughprocess there, why are you saying we have a tracker based on Flippy's claim?
Yeah, should have said watcher. Usually those come in a combo from my memory. But keep in mind that my meta knowledge is like 4 years old for set-ups. Typically fruit vendors come in pairs. The gunsmith is def indicative of a vig.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:54 am
by Emperor flippyNips
I was thinking gunsmith was indicative of a traitor cos I could get a unarmed result.

@CD—Why do you say vig?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:09 am
by AGar
re, - the argument on Gobble isn't isolated on Gobble's play. It's the fact that Gobble has accused other players of doing exactly what he's doing and called them scum for it. His scumhunting is contrived, or contradictory towards his own motives. He has tried to paint other players as scum with weak reasoning that could be turned back on him, it's pretty clear that he has no intent on moving the town forward in a positive manner (his latest V/LA notwithstanding). There's no actual *substance* to his scumhunting. It's surface level at best, and when pressed, he relies on weak platitudes like "When you don't advance a town win-con, that means you're scummy to me." It makes it difficult to attack his reads because he defaults to things like "Well I don't scumhunt like other people" and by keeping a very wide berth for what he defines as "scummy play," trying to excuse himself for flimsy reasoning and poor logic to push forward. The contradictory nature of his posting is what shows me contrived motive the most - leaning on someone for doing exactly what I'm doing is a pretty impressive way to open yourself up to counterwagonning and really doesn't sell things in a way that other town would want to join your wagons, if you wanted them to actually bite on.

Re Flippy claim: Fucking hell, I don't even know what to make of that. But it's confirmable so we at least have that.

Scumfuck McTurkey wagon seems to have died on the vine, going to have to re-read this weekend because a lot of my reads feel like they've shifted over the past 3 days. But I plan on getting rekt tonight because work sucked this entire fucking week.

Re Klick, in what fucking year did being anti-D1-townbloc become scummy? Fuck.

Wanna contribute something besides weakly accusing Hoopla and useless setup spec?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:39 am
by CooLDoG
una's posting is lazy.
I don't wanna lynch the replacement.
I don't wanna lynch the turkey for possible power role reasons. Him not claiming is strange.
Don't wanna lynch the guy who claimed an exotic investigative role that can be confirmed.
I think gyphx is an easy lynch for scum to pile onto.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:47 am
by CooLDoG
this game is hard. there is no stand out scummy people. I might do a re-read through tomorrow at my normal reading pace to see if anything sticks out.

I might come away with different scum reads.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:19 pm
by notscience
In post 922, CooLDoG wrote:this game is hard. there is no stand out scummy people. I might do a re-read through tomorrow at my normal reading pace to see if anything sticks out.

I might come away with different scum reads.
It helped me a lot.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:52 pm
by Hoopla
In post 909, CooLDoG wrote:I love the fact that your system dictates that we lynch un cc'd power roles on d1. VOte fucking hoopla people.

her post 879 is basicalyl her back tracking because she knows she is going to get shit from the above. I mean, we can verify the fruit vendor part. A scum fruit vendor is very, very unlikely in my honest opinion. I mean, it basically nurfs a tracker to shit at that point.
my post 879 was the synthesis of my thoughts surrounding the claim. before then, i was a-spitballin' and interrogatin', earnestly trying to pick my way through that absurd roleclaim
In post 910, CooLDoG wrote:I could vote for una if it comes to that. We should really lynch hoopla for trying to lynch an uncced fruit vendor gunsmith.
when exactly was i trying to lynch him?