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Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 3:58 pm
by Gentleman 3
In post 923, Gentleman 6 wrote:There's some sort of stanford prison guard experiment thing going on where alot of the gentlemen are in their roles as douchey guys at a club.
Isn't anonymity wonderful?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 3:59 pm
by Gentleman 3
Well, to be fair. There are some really cool things that have come out of this game being anonymous. The intro pages where everyone was getting to know each other were really fun.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 3:59 pm
by Gentleman 3
But now we have to like actually read people and it's hard because mafia is hard.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:03 pm
by Gentleman 5
In post 924, Gentleman 6 wrote:I do feel like G2 is roleplaying as such ironically, I do wish people respected the fact that L4 isn't enjoying the shtick and stopped it.
Is it that big a deal?
Gentleman 3 wrote:
In post 914, Gentleman 5 wrote:Hey you.

Yeah you.

You town?

Had a rough couple of days and the site habitually being godawful didn't help.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:06 pm
by Gentleman 6
I'm at the point where I'm deciding between Lady 7 and Lady 4 off of a purely activity basis because I want someone I can interact meaningfully with in our dance pairing.

The choice there is between taking the slot that I'm more confidently townreading and sitting or getting nightkilled on a known T-T pairing, or taking the uncertain one and potentially via the hood sorting my partner and getting a T-T pairing where we wouldn't have had one. Or removing my partner from the dance, hopefully correctly.
Is it that big a deal?
I don't see why I'd want to enable someone's experience being worse if I didn't feel like it was necessary to win the game.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:10 pm
by Lady 7
In post 906, Gentleman 4 wrote:
I haven't seen any particularly toxic, anti-town, or spammy play from any player, so that, too, is encouraging. I think this game looks to be very fun at the least.
Yes, that’s a definite positive. It’s definitely been nice not waking up to 10 pages over night for sure!

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:14 pm
by Gentleman 6
In post 345, Lady 1 wrote:I scoped out all of the players because I was interested in what people were doing. You can still find profiles even if someone hasn't posted, using the member list. Lady 6 does not have an avatar.

This seems like a nothing question. I mean if you're interested in how to view their profiles sure, but sounded like you were trying to get a read off my method somehow.
It's pretty intense to go from scoping the profile pictures before the game to lurking. I think that this might be scum for that reason.
Like, they were super keen on the game but then they got a scum role PM and weren't enthusiastic about it.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:17 pm
by Lady 7
Super keen wooden posting.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:18 pm
by Gentleman 4
Treating another player disrespectfully or intentionally aggravating someone you aren't sure is scum is anti-town play. It's a tactic that can be used by scum to make it more difficult to read that player for several reasons. To see a mod-confirmed town player do this to another player that is quite likely town just reveals inexperience/lack of ability or awareness.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:20 pm
by Gentleman 4
Using the above post to attempt to attempt to determine my reads will prove fruitless, by the way. The example is merely that: an example that I'm certain is relevant to no real-life circumstances. No one would be foolish enough to make an enemy of a player they might be later trying to convince of their reads or try and keep a player from being able to adequately read and play the game. That would be foolish beyond all reason.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:21 pm
by Lady 7
In post 925, Gentleman 3 wrote:
In post 923, Gentleman 6 wrote:There's some sort of stanford prison guard experiment thing going on where alot of the gentlemen are in their roles as douchey guys at a club.
Isn't anonymity wonderful?
Anonymous games are a lot of fun in general! It gets hilarious when people have bad altguesses they’re convinced of and meta off those bad alt guesses and base their reads on them.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:24 pm
by Gentleman 3
That... doesn't sound hilarious...

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:25 pm
by Gentleman 6
Only scum!Tammy makes 935 by the way. Speedlynch her.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:31 pm
by Lady 7
In post 936, Gentleman 3 wrote:That... doesn't sound hilarious...
Yeah it was sarcasm a little. It’s funny in retrospect though.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:55 pm
by Gentleman 6
Ladies 4 and 7

Why should I choose you over the other lady?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:13 pm
by Lady 2
Sorry, I've been feeling pretty miserable and trouble focusing yesterday and today. Now then.
In post 772, Gentleman 3 wrote:
In post 766, Lady 2 wrote:Walk us through it a bit when you have time?
It's pretty hard to explain, I guess just prioritizing content over appearance? And I don't just mean the four word posts, I mean the focus of his posting stream was very much to push out as much content as he could without really explaining it or trying to make it look good.
Eh, but was it content for content's sake, or was there really any there there? It felt low-commitment and maybe low effort. I'm reserving judgment but it didn't feel like valuable content.

Gent 7 still feels not great to me as we continue in 975 because ... it's still more focus on non-player-specific content. It feels a lot like "contributing" without contributing, scum can spend time talking about oh should we talk Townreads pre-dance or not, oh well I'm of the opinion that this way is better, you know without advancing anything too specific in terms of reads, moves, etc.
In post 798, Gentleman 6 wrote:Maybe I should just go for the lady who seems most likely to put out after the dance.
I enjoy conversations in, shall we say, a private and intimate setting.

I'd be more annoyed with G5 but his reads on the ladies mesh with mine in a way that, I don't know, it makes me feel more comfortable about him I suppose. G6 seems to have the opposite reads to me on G5 and G7. Interesting. I'll keep an open mind. Yeah, even the next post 820 actually seems good from G5. Moving on.
In post 861, Gentleman 5 wrote:As for why you over L2, I was never intending on dancing with L2, that was a joke post.
Joke's on you, I'm in fact a very graceful dancer my dear sir. That said I'm still a little baffled that L5 was apparently not only really set on G5/L2 pair as some super strong thing but also seemed surprised when G5 didn't actually ask me just because she said a couple of times "you two could be lategame Town powerhouse, trust me".

Myself, I am open to G6 but under the circumstances I think he has other options that he finds more attractive. G1 and heck, even G7 are gentlemen I can see myself dancing with. G7's posts about not aiming to pir with someone too strongly Townread but still aiming to pair with Town made me rethink him a little ... I don't know, maybe my quibbls with him were just neutral playstyle stuff? It makes me feel better about him. For one thing, it's taking the setup discussion stuff that he's spent so much space on and applying it in a relevant way to himself?
In post 908, Lady 8 wrote:
In post 800, Gentleman 5 wrote:
In post 795, Gentleman 7 wrote:
In post 785, Gentleman 5 wrote:Personally, I feel outting townreads are a bad idea until dance time, but thats just me?
Wait, why is outing townreads a bad idea? I'm of the opinion that we should get a strong towncore--of course, this does depend on our ability to keep scum out. I don't really see the advantage of hiding them?
Again, I think its better not to out town reads until we dance, as we have to factor the pairs.
We can only scumhunt in ladies right now and theres the possibility that all 8 of them could be town.
Is this a town-slip? All of dance games have been 1:2 or 2:1 for scum ratios.
??? no I think it's just technically true that all
9 ladies could be Town, right? I mean the rules don't say that the randomization gives any regard to player gender, right?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:17 pm
by Lady 7
In post 939, Gentleman 6 wrote:Ladies 4 and 7

Why should I choose you over the other lady?
Can’t answer that question for you. I’m not sure you should choose me over her really.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:30 pm
by Gentleman 4
Without speaking in excess, I think the dance choices affect the game in such a way that Gentleman 6's actions merit at least some sort of response, so I'll say this: I think it would behoove you, sir, to remember your previous reads on certain players and consider the weight they held then to ensure that the pool of partners you select from is not one based on a short term memory. I would implore you to consider your selection carefully, keeping as much of the game in context that you can, prior to offering your hand.

None of this is to say I particularly disagree with Lady 4 or Lady 7 as your selection, but that consideration of past experience rarely proves wasteful or inefficient.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:45 pm
by Gentleman 4
Lady 2, if you could pick three people to be left out right now, who would you choose?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:52 pm
by Lady 4
Pros of dating me:
Always willing to consider other perspectives
Town and able to show it
Trying my best

Cons of dating me:
So-so at scumhunting
High variance in play quality between games
Two left feet

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:56 pm
by Lady 7
In post 941, Lady 7 wrote:
In post 939, Gentleman 6 wrote:Ladies 4 and 7

Why should I choose you over the other lady?
Can’t answer that question for you. I’m not sure you should choose me over her really.

Based on the way you’ve talked about your reads and the way I play I believe this would be our qt:

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:58 pm
by Lady 7
I know it’s a pt not qt by the way I just like the way qt sounds better.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:00 pm
by Lady 3
Gent 6, you should pair with Lady 1.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:01 pm
by Gentleman 6

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:01 pm
by Lady 2
In post 943, Gentleman 4 wrote:Lady 2, if you could pick three people to be left out right now, who would you choose?
I'd go with L5, L8 and ... L1 maybe? Or maybe G3? That's a little spicy, possibly the technically correct answer would be to leave out the three scummiest gents and force three of hopefully the scummiest ladies to be left without partners? G3, G8 and ... dann, no, I'm honestly willing to keep every other gent for now. Nah, go back to my first suggestion, leave out L5, L8, and either L1 or L6 I suppose. This sets up six ladies with eight gentlemen asking, with my hope to leave G3 and G8 with unrequited invitations.