MoI at 928 wrote:Regarding your Reck read – You’ve kept him on your ‘suspicion radar’ the entire game. Yet I don’t see a single vote for Reck from you. You’ve managed to drop votes on Zar and BBMolla in the past 2 days. Why is Reck always floating around in your ‘secondary suspects’ pool (you linked him to Magua Day 2 and are linking him to BBMolla today) but never someone you are actually demonstrating a push for?
Questioning why Deas has never voted Reck.
Deas at 941 wrote: Seriously MoI?
Here’s his ‘no answer’ post.
Deas at 952 wrote: Vote: Reck
And here he looks briefly at Zar’s ISO and then does what I just knocked him for not doing despite his read … voting Reck.
Does anyone else see this and not thing scumtastic?
Deas wrote: So, um, I think I made it clear that I forgot to vote for someone to receive a scummy. I was planning to vote T-Bone but I wasn't decided and I don't know why I didn't. I just completely forgot about it.
Yeah. So you were specifically made the deal-breaking vote between BBMolla and T-Bone in the QT. And started Day 3 saying you had some issues with BBMolla back to Day 1. And you ‘just forgot’ to vote to give the Scummie to T-Bone who you’ve been calling Town as opposed to BBMolla who you had issues with. The Scummie with ‘HIDDEN MYSTERY POWERS’. After the problems that happened Day 1 with Fonz getting Best Newbie …
Deas if you are Town this is exactly why I should have such a low opinion of your play. Because that is fucking abysmal on the level of Furc / DrShotty.
Reck wrote: @MoI: Do you think it's more likely for DV to be scum than Zar? If so, who do you think is most likely to be buddies with DV?
I’ll be frank. No clue. I wasn’t lying when I said I was back to square one. I still am having a hard time grasping how both Magua and KK (who are not scrubs by any stretch) could both be so terribly wrong about Ajax. Unless TheAm is scum I just can’t get it.
I’m digging through things today. Maybe I’ll have something more to go on later.
BB wrote: ...Uh we didn't discuss in 1C, but I voted to give out the scummy in 1C to hito.
I voted to give out the scummy to Quilford in 2B.
This is why I asked … I’m probably going to need to put together a Google Doc Excel spreadsheet on this to keep claims straight.
T-Bone wrote: MoI, lets talk some VCA.... first, we have some other voting methods and quite a bit of information on those votes, would a VCA on judging groups be appropriate?
If you are asking if a VCA of votes in the Judging Groups based on claims would be helpful … absolutely none. The backbone of why VCA work can be useful stems form the fact that it is Mod Confirmed Correct information. Obviously scum are going to lie if they need to about their Judging Group votes so it is a useless exercise.
T-Bone wrote:First I don't understand why that vote count shows a Zar/Theam relationship. It could show a Ajax/Theam relationship as has been implied, or perhaps an Ajax-Zar/Bone/BB relationship. Also your conclusion amounts to "there must be scum in the other players left alive' (okay you do omit Deas here) but still
I assume you are talking about VC 4/5 form
Post 899. I’ll give some more of my thoughts ..
Again Ajax started as a Singleton vote on Hito. At that time the other possible counter-wagons to him were Gaoth (3), Zar (1), TheAm(1) and Quilford (1).
Now Quilford was stupid-obv Town. So the question is – why did Ajax pass over Gaoth, Zar, and TheAm and choose Quilford to push?
We know Gaoth was Town. And at VC5 the players on that wagon are the same as VC4. First thing that comes to mind is that a partner was already on the wagon but he might have also been fishing for Town-cred in not directly pushing the most obvious option.
Again … this is looking strictly at vote counts. So in responding to you I’ve gone back to look at TheFonz moved his vote in relation to Ajax’s move to Quilford.
In looking at it Ajax moves to Quilford at
Post 103 and Fonz moves his vote to TheAm at
Post 108.
So my original premise still stands … Ajax specifically chose to move to Quilford with 1 vote over either TheAm or Zar with one vote.
This, combined with Zar’s presence on the Goath wagon, is what is giving me the Zar / TheAm possible partners thoughts.
Is it rock solid? Nope. But it is worth considering.