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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:14 am
by Albert B. Rampage
Who's down for lynching umlaut?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:14 am
by Guillotina
NorweggianboyEE post by post ISO Analysis

why does it matter that I'm an alt or not? You think if you could figure out what my alleged main was you could leave me alone or death tunnel me based on meta or what?
At this point I felt annoyed that she considered I was a bot, like really? That is disrespectful.
To be fair, I put up my Egomaniac Persona so this could be a natural emotional response from a person who loathes arrogant people. That said, from gameplay perspective, it felt like role hunting. It matches up with her not believing that I'm an ascetic villager, but if she knew that I'm a villager, she'd push there to find out if Ascetic is the entirety of my role or just a modifier.
I do not find this believable, my early claim is town alignment indicative because it's policy to do so if you are town. When you claim ascetic as town you are telling EVERYONE that only killing roles will work on you, I don't see what's more townie than sacrificing yourself for your faction's wincom.
Why cast shade on someone who is trying to town read me in this game by bringing up his scum tactics from a previous game? She is trying to use meta against IV here, this matches with the need to confirm whether I'm an alt or not.
He gave reason for 72, looks credible.
He took something out of context from my post to turn it against me.
I literally said stop "twisting my words to try to drive a mislimination" and she instantly linked that action to questioning one. You can question someone objectively without scummy traits such as twisting words, putting words on other people's mouths, taking sentences out of context to fit your narrative and push.
, posts. This is why I early claimed, so those PRs don't do it. You pushing me for it by twisting my actions and words and turn them against me pissed me off there and from this point forward I thought you were either a bad tunneling townie or just scum through and through. I kept a close eye on this poster from this point forward.
His reaction although spiteful seemed natural, if you are town and you believe someone might be scum, you don't stop just because someone else tells you to stop. Town points here.
he town leans InnocentVillager here.
You can question it, but not the way you did.
Sounds like he is legit tired of scummy town players here, this would explain her disgust for me too.
Norway finds hard to believe that scum could truthwolf/openwolf just as she finds hard to believe that town can falsewolf/opentown. For the record I'm not saying that taylor is or is not scum here.
He is annoyed by my "God of Mafia" claim OR worried about my unorthodox methods? Wait... did I ever say I was unorthodox in this game....? (2 minutes later) No, I never claimed I was unorthodox. How do you know this? Who told you this?
why not? It sounded carefree, like town are.
legit townie post, I like it.
Huh? he can do whatever he wants, stop trying to control people and why are stopping a confrontation between him and Nero?
Were you both lone wolves? You don't exactly scumread a player if you both are scum, you just know.
Looking back at this it came out rough. I intended to be honest and practical not rude. Sorry about that.
Good townie post. If I've been townread by a lot of people on D1. I'm either doing a great job or some of those people just know I'm town.
Questions Nero. Good.
Legit I wasn't thinking anything at all, I was just fishing. When you offered a theory about you two for free I thought it was a little WIFOM and decided to push it.
Yah, there is no world where Norwee and I could be partners. "Wtf Nero" is the obvious response.
Looks legit annoyed
Yah he hates me
Kill my slot because I'm arrogant and self proclaim egomaniac god of mafia? Sounds like an impulsive response. He is driven by emotion characteristic of player who hates ego-driven people. The emotion is NAI but it does't mean he can't be scum.
Ok this confirms that he hates scummy players which is NAI. Does he realize his style is kind scummy too?
Confirmation that his push is for personal reasons towards my character more than his read of my alignment.
Good townie post putting a lazy player in his place.
Sarcasm noted. I am town.
I said I'd make you a believer, you cannot stop calling me "God of Mafia". LMAO, don't hate me more for this please.
I didn't like that. Scummy post
He offered no progression at all to justify his vote. I made him look like an ass previously and that vote is for that, hence why I made that rethorical question.
I'm starting to believe you are, you just have a personal vendetta against my ego and are willing to get rid of me kfor it, not necessarily scum play but it is anti-town play.
Read this whole thing, then read Nero's analysis later.
Good point.
You said that it was the weakest not that it can't be a reason for scumreading you at all.
"Why the fuck would scum!me casually slip up like an idiot by the way of asking you what you meant by a weird comment you made?" I don't know you!scum and scum slips up pretty often than not for the most absurd reasons.
Hmmm. We'll see.
You are not getting my head today. I'm town.
I already explained why scum!me would not make that ridiculous noobish play.
This is good! A great observation that a wolf would ignore.

I can't 100% town read Norwee but he is likely to be town in my opinion. He just hates me.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:16 am
by NorwegianboyEE
I don't hate you Guillotina, i'm just wilfully acting as an jerkass to knock you down a bit from your pedestal.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:17 am
by Umlaut
I can only remember one other game I played with IV and he was on my ass because he didn't like my reads in that game too.

To be fair, my reads really were bad in that game and the guy he criticized me for hard-defending was scum.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:18 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Anyway i've been on the fence about it, and i think this recent post from Guillo here shows effort that is more likely town indicative from him.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:37 am
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 949, Umlaut wrote:
In post 940, Tayl0r Swift wrote:why are people still townreading DGB after that?
After what, forgetting something? (Maybe you're talking about something else but I'm not sure what)

I'm not even strongly townreading DGB, I just thought that post was towny and said as much.
not for forgetting "something". she forgot her read on someone.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:38 am
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 954, NorwegianboyEE wrote:UNVOTE:
Anyway i've been on the fence about it, and i think this recent post from Guillo here shows effort that is more likely town indicative from him.
welcome to the enlightened club

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:38 am
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 950, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Who's down for lynching umlaut?
i could be persuaded

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:38 am
by NorwegianboyEE

Although not the biggest fan of how this post equates my push as mostly an emotional response, but whatever.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:42 am
by NorwegianboyEE
VOTE: Umlaut
You seem to have been mostly ignoring me Umlaut-senpai.
Why won't you notice me?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:44 am
by Guillotina
Albert B. Rampage ISO Analysis

First post after subbing in was an insult to someone followed by a mock vote, i hate it, I hope this is not a trend from him.
He legit seems serious about this.
Ok, I was wrong. He is imitating my game, there can only be one God of Mafia! in my faction here! Unless you are scum, then you are good.
Believes my ascetic claim.
This is completely fair! Shading someone for the amount of time spent PLAYING A GAME as opposed to do RL stuff is not only scummy but angleshooting Nero!
Why? do you know she is town?
This feels like he is willing to be influenced on a decision to not take responsibility for it.
This post perplexes me. Two statements that contradict each other at its core.
He'd yeet me at deadline because "why not" but he questions why push a claimed slot with so much unaccounted for?
Carefree "why not" and "I won't because I wanna make sure" don't match in my opinion.
So it is not a big deal that Muh hasn't done anything since Sunday (which i say again it is fair), but it is a big one if I take 7 minutes to check someone's two post ISO. go pee, get a soda before replying? What gives?
He could be a lazy town or scum for this. Scum are not interested in catching up but in looking and getting read town.
Not nice! This is a personal attack, don't do it again.

Not 100% sure but ABR is most likely to be scum.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:45 am
by Tayl0r Swift
VOTE: umlaut and if it flips scum, dgb is next methinks.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:47 am
by Guillotina
In post 952, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I don't hate you Guillotina, i'm just wilfully acting as an jerkass to knock you down a bit from your pedestal.
But... gods have pedestals, who are you to knock gods down from their beautiful pedestals, mortal?

I don't hate you though and I do understand you.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:54 am
by Umlaut
In post 957, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 950, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Who's down for lynching umlaut?
i could be persuaded
In post 961, Tayl0r Swift wrote:VOTE: umlaut and if it flips scum, dgb is next methinks.
That was some pretty easy persuasion!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:55 am
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 963, Umlaut wrote:
In post 957, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 950, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Who's down for lynching umlaut?
i could be persuaded
In post 961, Tayl0r Swift wrote:VOTE: umlaut and if it flips scum, dgb is next methinks.
That was some pretty easy persuasion!
a) i trust norwee.
b) im doing a thing and wanna see what happens.
but im pretty persuadable. i also take bribes.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:56 am
by Umlaut
In post 959, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Umlaut
You seem to have been mostly ignoring me Umlaut-senpai.
Why won't you notice me?
My first impulse is to ignore this.

(Not sure why I haven't gotten a strong impression from anything you've posted this game; I should probably do something about that)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:58 am
by innocentvillager
In post 944, Umlaut wrote:
In post 942, innocentvillager wrote:You really think scum!dgb who made a perfectly understandable and legitimate mistake

Doesn’t take the perfect opportunity to explain themselves here with that mess up to get towncred
That's entirely possible, sure. Wouldn't that imply there is towncred to be gained in the first place by admitting to the slip-up?
fine, assuming she gets towncred for that might have been a bit of a circular-esque assumption

but regardless of how it might be viewed, it can't really be like, that bad

my main point, was in the rest of that quote that you cut off, which was how it seems unlikely scum!dgb wouldn't just admit to the genuine mistake they actually made

so I'm wondering with all this in mind, why you're still townreading that reaction/if you are
In post 953, Umlaut wrote:I can only remember one other game I played with IV and he was on my ass because he didn't like my reads in that game too.

To be fair, my reads really were bad in that game and the guy he criticized me for hard-defending was scum.
lmao, what a game, and it was also a cakez game. also was me and you from 4+ years ago so I'm not gonna read into too much. that was also teen aggro-iv

was there anything in particular you wanted to reference from that game? or just for nostalgia's sake? (<3)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:59 am
by innocentvillager
im like, kind of just surprised that my vote on umlaut gained such a huge following so quickly (albeit not for the reasons im necessarily initially suspecting him for). let's just... see how this develops i guess

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:00 am
by innocentvillager
In post 947, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 945, Umlaut wrote:So who are my scumbuddies?
other than me?
ur too funny

in all seriousness openwolfing should be more encouraged by everyone

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:01 am
by innocentvillager
In post 939, TheGoldenParadox wrote:
In post 938, Umlaut wrote:
In post 936, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Who do you think muh's scumbuddies are?
Why are you asking me for pre-flip associatives?

I don't know who his buddies are. I don't even know if he's scum.
VOTE: umlaut this is a lack of confidence in scumreads that i don't expect from town.

while i don't expect you to know if he's scum, that wording was terrible.
i vibe with the second part of this, but not the first part like at all, and i don't even see how the two ideas are related?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:03 am
by innocentvillager
wait actually, why don't you expect him [Umlaut] to know if he [muh] is town. that implies you are kind of considering him as town, yet you're voting him

i don't want to get into semantical territory because scumslips aren't really a thing but uh... just flagging this

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:03 am
by Tayl0r Swift
ok IV is added to the town list.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:10 am
by innocentvillager
In post 966, innocentvillager wrote:fine, assuming she gets towncred for that might have been a bit of a circular-esque assumption

but regardless of how it might be viewed, it can't really be like, that bad

my main point, was in the rest of that quote that you cut off, which was how it seems unlikely scum!dgb wouldn't just admit to the genuine mistake they actually made

so I'm wondering with all this in mind, why you're still townreading that reaction/if you are
i think off of this line of questioning, i also don't love that you only responded to that one specific part of my quote that was like slightly logically fallacious and maintained your stance/didn't address the meat of my argument

gives me the vibe that you don't actually care about evaluating DGB/are more interested in attacking my argument only

it's weak because i do know players who do this stuff as town too but yeah still

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:12 am
by innocentvillager
i appreciate that guil is making the effort to PbPA Norway and ABR even if i personally don't think it's the most time-effective way to analyze. i don't mind playing with self absorbed players at all i think, as long as they're not dicks. Norway i don't think it makes them townier necessarily, but whatever makes you see the light i guess

i thinkkkk ABR is town though, mostly just tonally and some mindmelding

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:15 am
by innocentvillager
In post 666, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Glitch NPOM Umlot Kanna-slot and Golden

Pretty sure we have better than 50% odds of hitting scum in this group

I'll iso guillotine
i actually really liked this PoE tbh, even though i doubt it actually contains 3 scum