↑Syryana wrote:I could definitely see buldermar NK'ing Nero just to get rid of the irritation factor.
Which is possibly
why he was NK'ed.
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:23 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:Don't say NK analysis is WIFOM as it bothers me when people say it. Everytime I write up a post scum always accuse of it being WIFOM to discredit it.
Well it's WIFOM whether you like it or not, so that's what I'm going to say. Are you always this quick to assume that statements or questions are accusations?
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:25 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:'Cause I'm going to reread it later. I think.
You couldn't have come to conclusions because you were going to reread it later - that makes no sense. So what did you actually mean?
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:26 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:30+ pages is a lot for a Day 1 and I'm busy with school
Oh, so that's why you decided to replace into this game?
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:27 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:I do find it alarming from what I did see that Orc was WK'ing Buld and today he's okay to lynch Buld off the NK.
Orc was WK'ing me? Quote that post, please. All I recall is him reading me as town previously.
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:28 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:Basically you voted the whole entire player list, but Buld and somewhat of SD.
He what? And even if he did, how is that WK'ing?
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:31 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:He did not have a strong town read on Buld yet he was discrediting votes on Bul while calling them bad.
Him not having a strong town read on me does not automatically make votes one me good, lol.
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:32 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:No. I don't live in Canada. I live in NY, but couldn't see her due to school and work.
The only games we talk about are the ones in the hydra (GoW / HB)
I never claimed you live in Canada.
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:35 pm
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:More because his character was in love with the blonde chick of BG which I would think would be the other neighbor
Yeah you're not reading this game at all, yet you're rambling as if you've made reads. The mod explicitly stated in the beginning of this day that flavor is randomized.
I'm probably voting you - just reading the rest of this thread before I do so.
Oh god now I just realized why that's so effing annoying.
I went back and looked how t/t or s/t neighbors was in the micro queue and also looked at some of the minis. T/t isn't as common as I thought.
I replaced into the game because I do want to play, but I wanted to wait for daybreak to happen before I read. I felt if I read and had a huge fucking post done - I'd be killed. Sometimes it's more common for replacements to die before they can give fresh thoughts.
I have iSO'd people Buld. I did an ISO on Orci because of something and he didn't have a strong town read on you while he was calling your votes bad and slowly towards the end thought you were scum. There is some truth to my posts.
Yeah you didn't accuse me of living in Canada you accused me of probably cheating. I have no clue what the point of even making that comment unless you're pissed off about the ongoing game and sorry not my fault.
Syr. Orc has been in the thread. Post your case on pit or just your reaction test in general.
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:19 am
by SafetyDance
Here. Posts and things incoming soon.
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:50 am
by SafetyDance
Holy fucking shit.
Let's see if I can get this in before the logorrhea starts.
fferyllt didn't flip town, she flipped fucking traitor. WHAT LOGIC IS THERE TO HAMMER YOURSELF AS TOWN?!?!?!?!?!? OMFG.
What else is funny? Let's see, oh right - THERE WAS OVER A WEEK TO GO TILL DEADLINE. So what fucking need is there to
hammer yourself?
Pressure? Inevitability? Um no, not with SO MUCH TIME LEFT. People on your wagon: Bacon ~ WHO WAS INACTIVE Nero - A FUCKING TROLL.
"OH WOW, OMG, LIKE SO MUCH PRESSURE, oh woe is me I'm totally getting lynched, I'm going to give up now!"
↑fferyllt wrote:SD has posted some genuinely hinky stuff. I'm interested in reading what he posts tomorrow.
You are so self-centered it is unbelievable. It's not all about you princess, it's not. And holy fucking shit, just because someone is talking to others who are talking to them, does not mean they are ignoring you and distancing from a bad wagon. Which is more self-centered delusions of importance.
↑pitoli wrote:Fery, were there any connections between players that you picked up on that'd be good to check tomorrow? Anything from subtle to blatant
The main thing I picked up was that neither you nor SD had a scum read on me. It looked like distancing.
You could argue that Lurker also distanced but he's completely disconnected from the game afaict.
was giving so much condemnation for having 3 people in a "nfi" column.
You suck.
Your reads suck.
Your play suck.
If town wins, it's no thanks to you.
Now, moving on...
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:52 am
by buldermar
↑Malakittens wrote:you accused me of probably cheating.
No I did not, that's your interpretation which is entirely wrong. I didn't even know that it would have been cheating, so I couldn't have accused you of such.
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:53 am
by SafetyDance
^ This was brought on by finding the thread locked, looking at AP's "stuff to go here" post, scrolling up, seeing posts like this:
If SD flips scum, Nero needs to be lynched immediately after
If SD flips town, we're looking at a town Nero.
Thinking I was lynched. Very much "WTF". Then trying to find where I was to in reading the posts before and then finally finding my way through the thread and seeing the self-vote.