In post 973, ferretlover wrote:Or you could be reading the game instead of asking him... :roleyes:
...what? What is this supposed to mean?
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:57 pm
by MonkeyMan576
It means to not be lazy.
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:00 pm
by Desperado
So you can point me towards where you already talked about Nacho's SK meta and how that relates to how he's playing this game?
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:03 pm
by MonkeyMan576
Vote: Desperado
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:04 pm
by Desperado
Is that a no?
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:06 pm
by MonkeyMan576
It's an "I'm not going to do your work for you".
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:09 pm
by Desperado
I already did the work. That was the first time you had ever mentioned Nachomamma. So would you like to explain to me where you're going with this?
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:12 pm
by MonkeyMan576
A) Do a search for the game.
B) Read the game.
C) Give us an analysis of it.
You can't demand something of someone you're not willing to do yourself.
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:15 pm
by Desperado
...yes I can. I'm not using Nacho's meta to make a point. You (I guess? You aren't really making your intentions clear here) are.
Even if I did, I didn't ask you to give me a summary of Nacho's scum game. I want to know how you think it's relevant to this game.
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:17 pm
by petapan
anyway in general since this is nearing a deadline lynch i'm going to say i'm more squicked by krab's reaction to the fake daykill than gcbc's potential motivations for it - i've seen scum pull the trick before to rolefish but the hyperbolic outrage is a thing i find scum tend to do
you know what bothers me?
it's the fact that he immediately got outraged at the cops BEFORE any response from svenskt or waiting on a result. he just raged, immediately, and voted them. like he was prepared for sven flipping town.
i really hate lynching without a claim but i might be pushing myself over the edge here
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:19 pm
by MonkeyMan576
I wasn't making a point either. I was saying there was meta available if anyone wanted to look at it.
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:21 pm
by Desperado
Which you should obviously have an opinion on, considering how closely you were involved in that game. When I asked you what that opinion was, you told me to stop being lazy and read for myself. Do you see where I'm confused? My personal opinion on Nacho's meta and its relation to this game is irrelevant when I was asking
In post 960, Amethyst Actor wrote:I don't like Desperado's quick defense of that question, though what he stated was true.
What didn't you like about it? Ferret asked a stupid question that could have been posed to anyone, so I answered it while redirecting him to the task at hand--picking a viable lynch candidate. The fact that his response to this was to start a brand new Malcolm wagon with Sven pretty much speaks for itself. Anyone trying to further fracture the town at this juncture is extremely suspicious to me.
I... Just don't like it, to me it read as light WK'ing and I can defend myself from accusations made towards our slot. I see your point in how it's suspicious, and it is straw-manning but again, I can easily defend myself. Don't know what to think of this response, I
In post 959, Amethyst Actor wrote:I will say the vote on Malcom is shit, because it is shit. they are so transparently town that I have no fucking clue to why you are scum reading them, all I can see is "Nacho is lurking" which is a shitty reason to have to vote for anyone
lmfao if you believe this
If it's the only reason he has on Malcom then yeah, I believe this. I really don't like it when people apply individual Meta on a Hydra because of the fact that playing with another person can easily change how one plays the game and beyond that, Both heads have been doing pro-town posting IMO
I want a vote on Krabs, and a lynch on Krabs
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:32 pm
by MonkeyMan576
In post 986, Desperado wrote:Which you should obviously have an opinion on, considering how closely you were involved in that game. When I asked you what that opinion was, you told me to stop being lazy and read for myself. Do you see where I'm confused? My personal opinion on Nacho's meta and its relation to this game is irrelevant when I was asking
opinion is.
Your opinion is just as relevant as mine, and me being the mod is not a good reason for you refusing to do research.
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:07 pm
In post 969, Nero Cain wrote:Kise: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you think Goat is scum?
When I want to lynch someone, 10. I told you Goat will vanish overnight. Where is your faith?
What is the point of this vote at this stage of the day? Desp is not going to gather 10 more votes in a day.
Do something helpful and vote for Krabs.
I would, if I thought he was scum.
Why do you think he's town?
Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:14 pm
by Desperado
If those are my only two options then I'm against. I'm not in favor of indefinitely extending the day...I think the other 19 of us should be able to figure something out without potentially holding D1 up forever.