Basically, whenever you post it looks town, but you're posting less often than I would expect, essentially--every time you post I see town, but the paranoia is from seeing those posts less often than I'd expect. (And you're decent enough at scum that, if you space your posts out, it's possible for you to make town posts as scum.)In post 963, Smoke and Mirrors wrote:@Mastina I don’t understand why your read on us is less strong because given my recent posting, I would expect the exact opposite, so can you explain this?
When Koalawang was going on you were like...every other post in the game.
But now it's or two posts a day.
However bursts of activity look town and the content within looks town.
Which is where the rating comes in:
Early very very strong, currently okay. Okay isn't as good as strong, but okay is still explicitly good, it's still strong, just not