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-XylBot- Game over! Winners page 56.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:58 pm
by Xylthixlm
Now talking on #mafia
Topic for #mafia is: Moderator: Xylthixlm. Backup mods: Vollkan and MafiaSSK.

||| MAFIABOT || Signups are over. 19 playing. Sending roles... (Setup: wacky) |||

Channel list:
+Empking's Alt

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:59 pm
by Xylthixlm
>xylbot< help basics
-XylBot- First of all, type "!xmafia rules" to see the channel rules. Violating them is cheating. Night talk
-XylBot- in the channel isn't prohibited, but it is mildly discouraged.
-XylBot- -
-XylBot- To start a game, type "!xmafia start" in the channel. If you prefer, you can start a specific setup
-XylBot- such as 'straight' or 'mild' by using "!xmafia start [setup]". To get a list of setups, use
-XylBot- "!xmafia special". Beginners should stick to the first few setups on the list.
-XylBot- -
-XylBot- Once a game has been started, join it by typing "!xmafia in". You have to do this even if you're the
-XylBot- person who started the game. Signups end automatically after a short time. If all interested players
-XylBot- have signed up before the timer expires, you can start the game immediately with "!xmafia go".
-XylBot- -
-XylBot- To submit a night or day action to the bot, type "/msg XylBot [action] [target]". For example, to
-XylBot- inspect Dave, type "/msg XylBot inspect Dave". For more details, type "/msg XylBot help actions".
-XylBot- -
-XylBot- To vote, type "!vote [player]". To clear your vote, type "!unvote". You don't need to unvote before
-XylBot- revoting. For more details, type "/msg XylBot help vote".

>xylbot< help rules
-XylBot- In order for everyone to enjoy the game, please follow these rules during play. Violators may be
-XylBot- modkilled and/or banned.
-XylBot- 1. No private messages to other players unless you are members of the same scum team or mason group,
-XylBot- and then only at night. (In nightless games you may daytalk.)
-XylBot- 2. When you're dead, shut up. Don't say anything relevant to the game, not even "bah, go town".
-XylBot- 3. No quoting your role PM or any action results from the bot. You can paraphrase them if you want.
-XylBot- 4. No impersonating a missing player by /nick unless you are replacing into the game.
-XylBot- 5. Play to win. Deliberately losing ruins the game for the other players, so don't do it. For the same
-XylBot- reason, don't bring in vendettas from outside the current game.
-XylBot- 6. Don't join games you can't complete. If you must leave, say so rather than just vanishing.
-XylBot- 7. No nicktalking.

>xylbot< help actions
-XylBot- To submit a night or day action to the bot, type "/msg XylBot [action] [target]". For example, to
-XylBot- inspect Dave, type "/msg XylBot inspect Dave". The bot will confirm your action with a message. If you
-XylBot- don't recieve any response, check to see if you mistyped "XylBot" or the action. You can get help about
-XylBot- a specific action using "/msg XylBot help [action]".
-XylBot- -
-XylBot- The actions you can use are listed in your role PM, after "Abilities:" or "Group abilities:". If you
-XylBot- have more than one action listed, you can only use one each night. When you have a night action you
-XylBot- don't want to use, type "/msg XylBot none" so that the bot knows not to wait for you. If you're
-XylBot- mafia, only one member of the mafia can use the mafiakill action, so discuss who will make the kill
-XylBot- with your teammates.
-XylBot- -
-XylBot- Actions that start with "(day)" are day actions; leave off the "(day)" when you submit them. Actions
-XylBot- that start with "(x)" can be used during either day or night. A few roles have actions marked "(auto)",
-XylBot- which means you will use them automatically every night. They don't count as your action for the night.

>xylbot< help vote
-XylBot- vote [player1] [player2] ...: Votes to lynch a player during a game of mafia. You don't need to unvote
-XylBot- before revoting. Lynch happens immediately as soon as any player reaches the required votes to lynch.
-XylBot- You can also vote to end the day without lynching with "!vote no lynch". No lynch happens when enough
-XylBot- players are voting no lynch so that the remaining players don't have the votes to carry out a lynch.
-XylBot- If you have multiple votes, list all of them in the same line. You can vote for the same player multiple
-XylBot- times or for several different players. You can see the current votes at any time by typing
-XylBot- "!xmafia votes".

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:14 pm
by Xylthixlm
Alabaska J, Narsis, and Wulfy have not picked up their role PMs. armlx has picked up his role PM but not confirmed. I am looking for replacements for the first three, please excuse the delay.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:45 pm
by Xylthixlm
Seraphim replaces Wulfy.
Vir4030 replaces Narsis.

||| MAFIABOT || It is night 0. Night ends in 48 h (or when all choices are in). Submit actions to XylBot. |||
||| MAFIABOT || Living players: Alabaska_J animorpherv1 armlx BSG DrippingGoofball Empking's_Alt KaleiÃ

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:34 pm
by Xylthixlm
Tarhalindur replaces Alabaska J.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:24 am
by Xylthixlm
||| MAFIABOT || Seraphim has been killed. |||
||| MAFIABOT || Seraphim was a Terrorist Mastermind (cult). |||
||| MAFIABOT || It is day 1. It takes 10 votes to lynch. |||
||| MAFIABOT || Living players: animorpherv1 armlx BSG DrippingGoofball Empking's_Alt KaleiÃ

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:00 am
by DrippingGoofball
vote Yaya

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:20 am
by tubby216
!vote drippinggoofball

your format is wrong causing scripting errors

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:26 am
by DrippingGoofball
Well I checked the instructions and there's no exclamation mark for voting.

But hey. If you say so.

!vote Yaya

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:27 am
by Xtoxm
!xmafia help terrorist mastermind

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:32 am
by ShadowGirl
!vote Kevy

-waves- <3

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:47 am
by Xylthixlm
Terrorist Mastermind (cult; super-rare): You can recruit townie players into your terror cell, which can communicate at night. Your terrorists can suicide-bomb other players during the day. If you die, all cultists will die. Actions: recruit

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:47 am
by populartajo
Xtoxm wrote:!xmafia help terrorist mastermind
!vote: Empking's Alt

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:59 am
by BSG
!vote KaleiÃ

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:54 am
by DrippingGoofball
Xylthixlm wrote:
Terrorist Mastermind (cult; super-rare): You can recruit townie players into your terror cell, which can communicate at night. Your terrorists can suicide-bomb other players during the day. If you die, all cultists will die. Actions: recruit
Aw crap, that was my dream role.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:05 am
by tubby216
btw dgb have you seen that comercial for where theres a woman riding a horse and she says " i'm just a goof lookin for my ball"? that comercial makes me laugh cause it made me think of you lol

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:07 am
by Vir4030
!vote roflcopter

That name is way cooler than mine.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:18 am
by Phate
*hugs Xtoxm*

!vote kevy

obvscum. lynchlynchgo.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:27 am
by populartajo
Xylthixlm wrote:
Terrorist Mastermind (cult; super-rare): You can recruit townie players into your terror cell, which can communicate at night. Your terrorists can suicide-bomb other players during the day. If you die, all cultists will die. Actions: recruit
You are fast.
How can I test the setup?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:31 am
by populartajo
Here it is.
Xylthixlm wrote:
populartajo wrote:/msg XylBot help wacky
>xylbot< xmafia help wacky
-XylBot- wacky: Most roles are unusual, though basic roles still appear.

>xylbot< xmafia testsetup wacky 19
-XylBot- [wacky] mafia: Anti-Doctor, Godfather, Redirecter; town: Mason (x2), Secret Role (Kill-Immune Townie), Roleblocker, Mystery Role (Reflecter), Doctor, Nurse, Gunsmith, Townie (x4), Lovestruck Townie; wolf: Alpha Werewolf, Beta Werewolf, Werewolf
/msg XylBot testsetup wacky 19

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:05 am
by UnofficialRulerOfEveryone
Tajo XD

!vote Phate

Prepare, to be abused.


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:00 am
by armlx
!vote Fox

Oh wait

!Vote Phate

Close enough.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:02 am
by Phate
for the record

I plan to play on this game like I normally do in IRC


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:04 am
by Xylthixlm
If you want testsetups, go on IRC and get them yourself, you lazy slackers.

I'll try to remember to put the xmafia help for any dead roles in the thread.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:14 am
by populartajo
Xylthixlm wrote:
If you want testsetups, go on IRC and get them yourself, you lazy slackers.

I'll try to remember to put the xmafia help for any dead roles in the thread.
!xmafia votes