(blantantly stolen and altered from bloojay who stole them from discer who stole them from Werebear who stole them from Meme)
1. Each "Night" phase will last a maximum of
36 hours
. The deadline will be posted. If you need an extension, just tell me, I might need one someday myself.
2. "Days" will last no longer than
2 weeks
. If discussion lags, I will impose an earlier deadline. If discussion picks up, the deadline will be rescinded. Aren't I the nice one??? (the correct answer is... NO)
Votes must be in bold
. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted. If you are not counted, you do not exist.
4. There is no rule 4. Muahahaha.
5. Once a player has reached the necessary majority to lynch, the day is over. Unvoting them will not save their life. At deadline, the first player to have reached at least half majority (assuming there is a tie) will constitute a lynch. Otherwise, there will be no lynch. At 4 or less players, deadline rules do not apply. Majority is needed for a lynch.
6. No lynches are allowed, they require the same votes as a lynch.
7. The game is not to be discussed outside of the thread unless your role specifically states that you may do so. You button your lip, or I button it for you.
8. Once your death scene has been posted, unless you're not dead, you’re dead. You will be told if you're not dead. Once your dead please
until the game is over. I will allow one "BAH!" post, as long as it contains no pertinent information.
9. Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts. No matter what stupid thing you've done. Why can't you just THINK? I mean, come on!
10. Don’t quote any PMs or e-mails from me, lest I kill you.
11. If you have a night choice to make, it is due by the posted deadline. If you miss a deadline, no choice will be made. This usually involves you being very unhappy.
12. If you're going to be gone any amount of time, let everyone know.
13. The mod is god. Any mistakes such as inaccurate vote counts are obviously YOUR mistake. Please point out your mistakes so I can correct them. And if I ask you to eat play-doh, you say "WHAT COLOR, MOD!?". Sacrifices of small woodland animals accepted.
Special Rules:
1. Each player has the ability to sacrifice themselves in a suicide attack on another player. Doing so will kill both players instantly and end the day. Once such an attack has been made, neither player is allowed to make any further posts in the thread other than the aforementioned "bah" post. All "martyr" attempts must be made in the form
Suicide: Name
. Any other format will not be accepted as a legitimate kill attempt. Do not try to flaunt this distinction with typos. Lack of bolding, however, will not result in a modkill, but will also not constitute an attack. The first attack made in a day will be the only one honored, any attempts made after that will not be activated. Lynches can be performed normally in the absence of a suicide attack.
2. Each player will receive a Quick Topic forum for the people they can communicate with. This is the
form of communication allowed outside of the game thread, and the QT thread can only be utilized at night. QT forums will be posted upon conclusion of the game, so don't say anything you wouldn't want people reading later. If there are any exceptions to this rule, they will be provided specifically in your role pm.
3. Below is a sample terrorist role:
You are Mateen "Killer of Infidels" bin Sayidul Mursaleen. Al'Qaeda has sent you here to London in cells to strike back at the British for sending their troops to Islamic lands. Each cell has three members and has been given a target for retaliation. You and your two cellmates, Harees(us)a laykum ul Siratum Mustaqeem (Skruffs) and Rasool ur Ra'ahmah al Rahmah (rajrhcpfreak), are charged with eliminating your target before British Intelligence can stop you. You may speak with the rest of your cell when you gather at night, but you do not know whether or not MI-5 has managed to infiltrate your cell, so tread carefully. Since you are trained to be a martyr, you can detonate yourself to take out another person, if you think they are MI-5. Be careful, though, as this will also kill you, obviously. You would not want to bring shame to you and your family by accidentally killing a fellow martyr instead of one of those damned spies. You win when all MI-5 operatives have been destroyed, one way or another.