The_Machine86 wrote:
How would you fit in the Neutral/Neutral character? about the neutral/neutral character wins if he's still alive when the LG, the CG, the LE, and the CE characters are all dead? That is, when the only people left have "Neutral" in their alignment.
Of course, you'd have to make it a challenge for him to figure out, and if anyone else figured out what his role was he's be killed right away, especially if you make the "Extreme" alignments have strong rolls (LG=paladin, CE=psychopath, ect)
If done right, it'd be a little like the "rock, paper, scissors" mafia, but much more complicated, with more complicated strategy, and even MORE backstabbing then in the rock paper scissors version (LE guy tells LG guy that he's going for a "lawful" win, gets the LG guy to kill the CG guy, then LE guy kills LG guy for a "Evil" win...) So, yeah, you'd better mod a few normal games first, heh.