Basic notion is that the players are trapped on an island, and must tend to their needs as well as scumhunt. Everyone has a day action, all of which are private
-A certain number of people must find food, water and tend the fire, or random players will die of starvation/thirst/cold (regardless of alignment) total tally of these is public
-Anyone may role block (although this takes on new risk)
-Would still be some roles with special actions available (such as doctor, etc) who could either take that action or a basic action
-Mafia have the option of sending one player to perform a kill
-Nightless; Mafia have day talk
The overall notion is to force scum and town to work together and against each other at the same time, and to force decisions between individual and group goals.
Questions: Should total unused actions be public? What's a reasonable % of the total players that should be needed for survival?