↑ SnakePlissken wrote:Anyone interested in a large Alien/s/Prometheus game? No Predators allowed.
↑ SnakePlissken wrote:Anyone interested in a large Alien/s/Prometheus game? No Predators allowed.
↑ drmyshotgun wrote:How about a theme park game where there are many (10-13) Town players, multiple (5-6) PRs, Few (2-3) Scums, and 3-4 Serial Killers.
Each day Town votes someone to get stabbed/lynched and if s/he's a SK or a special role, they survive the hit (counts as one stab, see further) but if a normal Townie, s/he will die.
As there will possibly be multiple deaths at night, we'll limit the deaths by making most or possibly all players be able to survive one stabbing at night.
So if a player gets targetted by one SK, s/he won't die, but if 2 or more target him/her, s/he will die.
Also, if s/he survives one stab at Night, when he gets stabbed once the next night, s/he will die.
But make some limited (maybe 2 players) players be able to kill with one shot.
Throw in some JK or Doctors, sounds like complicated as hell of a game.