Trojan Horse wrote:All the talk about
Inadvertent Mountainous games in
this thread has given me a particularly evil idea.
Mountainous, or Not?
The idea: the mod puts together two possible setups for the game. One of them is an Inadvertent Mountainous setup with X scum, and the other is a (balanced) setup with some town power, and X+1 scum. (For example, with 12 players, X would be 2. If the mod was crazy enough to try this with 18 players, X would be 3.) Then the mod flips a coin to decide which setup to use. So the players have to figure out whether the game is mountainous or not.
So that the scum don't know immediately whether the game is mountainous or not, one of the scum in the normal setup is a
Traitor. He knows who his fellow scum are, but can't communicate with them at night. He has no say in who the scum kill, unless he is the only scum left. Fortunately, he is immune to his fellow scums' nightkills.
The hard part in setting this game up: choosing two setups that have a good chance of prolonging the confusion over whether the setup is mountainous or not. Note: besides the roles listed in the
Inadvertent Mountainous wiki page, I'd consider things like naive/paranoid cops, quack doctors, etc. to count towards a mountainous game. (How about a rolecop that always gives "townie" as a result?
I actually figured C9-type thing could work for this...
Example wrote:Doc, Nurse, Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Mafia, Townies.
Nurse, Mafia, Townies.
Mafia, Townies.
...and with Cop/Deputy included...
Example wrote:Doc, Nurse, Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Mafia, Townies.
Nurse, Mafia, Townies.
Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Nurse, Cop, Mafia, Townies
Doc, Cop, Mafia, Townies.
Nurse, Cop, Mafia, Townies.
Cop, Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Nurse, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Nurse, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Nurse, Cop, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Doc, Cop, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Nurse, Cop, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Cop, Deputy, Mafia, Townies.
Obviously, the Mafia would need powers to counterbalance these (which would be suitably useless/useful) depending on the setup chosen...