Lazy Neighborhood Mafia
Imagine a round-shaped area with 12 people on the perimeter. Just like a clock, with numbers 1-12 presenting the people. So everyone's got two "neighbors".
For example, 1 and 11 are 12's neighbors. So 12 can talk at nights with 1 and 11, but 1 and 11 can't talk with each others. The only exception to this rule is that the mafia can talk with each others even if they're not neighbors, so with a mafia group of 3, in theory, one person could have 4 different people to talk with at nights.
When people die, they're simply removed from the neighborhood. For example, if 12 dies, then 1 and 11 become neighbors and can talk to each others. If 11 also dies, then 1 and 10 would become neighbors.
In addition, the town power roles are only able to target their neighbors, while mafia and other anti-town roles can target whoever they want.