Drench, destoryed by an unspeakable being on the First Night,
. Insanity Count:
Furpants_Tom, destroyed by an unspeakable being on the Fourth Night,
. Insanity Count: 0
Kise, driven insane by the Elder Gods,
. Insanity count:
Magua, lynched on the Fifth Day,
. Insanity count:
Those who have returned to dust - 10
EriktheRed, lynched on the First Day,
Insanity Count: 0
Tuberkulos, found murdered on the First Night,
Insanity Count: 0
Mastin, found murdered on the First Night,
Insanity Count: 0
Knight of Cydonia, destroyed by the gods on the Second Day,
Insanity count:
zwetschenwasser, found murdered on the First Night,
Insanity Count:
chenhsi, lynched on the Second Day,
Insanity count:
DeathNote, found murdered,
Insanity Count:
nhammen, found murdered,
Insanity Count:
dramonic, lynched on the Third Day,
Insanity Count:
CSL, lynched on the Fourth Day,
Insanity Count:
Other Game Rules
Do not discuss this game with other players outside this thread. The only exception to this rule are the Cultists, who may post in their QuickTopic thread, though only at night.
Do not directly quote any PMs you receive from the Moderator. Do not mention any content in an attempt to learn the content of another PM ("its third and fifteenth letter is g", etc.). Don't fake a PM and quote it, either.
Your Night Action choices are due to me by the posted deadline. If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline (usually 72 hours from the threadlock) you will forfeit your action(s).
I will attempt to post Votecounts once per 3 pages or once per three days, whichever is less.
The Moderator may set a deadline for the lynch. At this time, whoever has the majority of votes will be lynched. If there is a tie, whoever received their final vote first will be lynched.
This game is a commitment, and should be treated as such. If you're going to be unable to post for a significant period of time, let me know (it will help to let the other players know as well, of course).
I will prod players for being inactive for 5 days, and then possibly replace at my discretion. Players who receive multiple prods throughout the course of the game may be replaced as well.
All of the Moderator's decisions are final. The Moderator reserves the right to modify the rules during the course of the game.
Purple is the Moderator's colour
. Do not use it. Do not use small/invisible text.
Violating any of these rules will result in a punishment according to their severity, from a private or public rebuke up to and including a Modkill. Modkills may be accompanied by a change in phase, at the discretion of the Moderator.
If you see something you don't understand, ASK! If you have any questions feel free to PM me directly, or
mark your question in bold
in the thread. If they are asked publicly, I will append them to the list below for ease of reference.
Questions and Answers
Q: Are Wards consumed upon usage?
A: No. They're yours for the duration of the game.
Q: Does the target of a successful Resuscitate action know that a save occurred?
A: They will be informed that they have been saved, but not by whom.
Q: Can anyone choose Psychopath upon receiving their first insanity?
A: Yes.
Q: Are Research results always accurate?
A: Yes.
Q: Also, the cultists cannot kill night 0 because they must first craft fetishes, right?
A: Yes, Investigators are safe from being killed by the Ritual on Night 0.
Q: For research, do you gain an insanity before or after the research calculations?
A: Afterwards.
Q: With the ritual, you gain insanity at the start and blood at the end?
A: Yes.
Q: It seems that the only useful actions that could be made on N0 are Equip, Ward, Craft Fetish, and Stalk.
A: This is true!
Q: The Murderer win condition actually doesn't require everyone else to be dead. What happens when a murderer wins? Does the game continue?
A: Game ends, murderer wins. Winning as a Murderer takes at least 6 nights worth of effort, and a lot of luck.
Q: If a Stalk is disrupted by wards, do you know about this? Do you still gain insanity?
A: You do know about it, and do not gain an Insanity.
Q: Does a disrupted ritual still cause insanity, but no blood, for the cultists?
A: Yes. Any cultist who submits a name to the ritual gains an Insanity, regardless of its success or failure.
Q: Can I submit "No Action"?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I have more than one piece of Equipment?
A: Yes, there is no limit.
Last edited by Percy on Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:54 am, edited 81 times in total.
I'm a hoot
Stream: twitch.tv/dramonic
-If you stick your ear close enough to the game thread you can actually hear dram suffer in real life.-Beeboy
-Being obtuse is not a consequence of being a mod, it's a prerequisite. I think you may just have overestimated my intelligence before.-Korts
It is now Confirmation/Night 0. Please reply with a "\confirm" in this thread once you have received your PM, and send in your Night Action. Both Investigators and Cultists have Night Actions available to them.
Do not post other than to confirm, as it is currently Night
Cultists may also discuss in their quicktopic thread.
The Day will begin on Wednesday the 22nd of July. If you have not confirmed by the 21st, I will seek your replacement.
PMs going out now.
Last edited by Percy on Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.