Moratorium on Trolling

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Moratorium on Trolling

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:46 am

Post by mith »

The Site Rules wrote:
You should not make any post, or start any thread, with the intention of abusing, ridiculing, insulting, offending, or upsetting any other user on this site.
Within a game, criticism of another player's play is acceptable - making it personal is not, and may result in action by the moderator of that game. Outside a game, determination of the intention of the poster will be made by mith, or someone appointed by mith.
A rather large number of posts made recently fall under the above rule. Rather than waste time I don't have going through threads and deleting/editing posts and sending out warnings, I am going to instead take this opportunity to say:


If you are about to make a post with the intent of insulting another user, don't. Keep that oh-so-witty retort to yourself. Have a good private chuckle about your cleverness, but don't share it with the rest of us.

If I receive complaints about you, or if I see one of your posts that breaks the above rule, expect a GD-banning. If it carries over into games, expect more. This is the only warning you are likely to get.

As we move to phpbb3, I expect to revise the guidelines/rules, and there are features native to that software which will make the forums easier to police... and my current stress level is unlikely to remain this high. So I don't expect this to last forever. But it will last as long as is necessary.

Discuss here.