Eh, gonna give a run down on everyone in the game for my own benefit anyway. Let's see how this goes. Edit as i'm reading BC, holy shit this is gonna take a fucking while. Sorry if this is hard to read or w/e, not gonna link to every post I mention, it takes way too fucking long.
replaces Muffin
:Muffin doesn't have that much to go through really. His second post of questioning why someone is probably town seems off, I generally don't think asking peopler to explain town reads is a good idea unless they're about to be lynched or gonna die but w/e. The next post is weird, I don't see how that would implicate him as scum really. Also just noting this would once again go with whoot's soft claiming of the cop, Malcolm seemed to be hinting at it early on. He then jumps on the random data wagon for no real reason, he'd not mentioned it before now in fact. His
post (Post 95) is rather wut. I assume he's reffering to Llama as he's directly after him, it's obvious Llama is trying to force data to panic here, I don't see what stinks. Drench/Muffin interaction is rather blah. Stupid, don't like his response to drench calling him out though. 'Chill out' is fine, but I agree w/ what drench said.
Post 131
(8 in iso)
playing the newbie card to some degree, while trying to maintain he's not, scummy.. That's the end of him.
replaces in. His first post.
why did you 'like Jordan' or what he said? Comments on Jordan's pressure vote. How is fishy's back pedalling scummy here? It's fairly fucking obvious he couldn't have certain on page w/e that someone was scum.
On your page 8 comments WOAH, where is the phrase
quick lynch
mentioned by raivann? I don't see it here, he said he wants someone lynched, okay, I don't see why that's even really that scummy, doesn't mean it has to be now.
Ugh and you did all that w/o your role pm'ing. That's kind of fucking useless isn't it, and not really playing mafia. We might as well have a neutral observer analyse a game.
BC iso 5 'The only way you can guarantee that is if you're scum' refering to Raivann saying Mufasa is town. Well this is quite obviously not true. Masons, cop investigation etc etc.
Agreed with his data vote. Switches back after the claim. And vig is a fucking horrible claim for scum imo, so yeh completely disagree w/ that point. Post 622 is stupid. Directing the vig is pretty bad as it lets the mafia plan. Who knows what roles are in the game so vigging a specific person could easily be prevented.
Also you intially seem to believe data's claim and then start to question it. Surely don't unvote untill you question him.
Votes X (or whatever it is). Good vote here actually.
He rides the X lynch to completion, though admittedly disappears for the rest of the day after parking his vote on there. If he's bussing he decided to jump on early.
Your vote on Whoot is bad. He's already beaten us over the head with his softclaiming of cop by then. Why are you voting him? Did you read his posts? Not believe him?
You vote Zazie on day 2. Agressiveness =/= scum. How many games have you played w/ Zazie? Is your sample size really big enough to try and meta her? Oh wait? She was scum in those games and you're using her agressiveness as a scumm tell. Does not fucking compute here. Telling people to ask you questions is scummy, make an effort , scum hunt.
this is really weird. You say you hate this argument but
here you use something remarkably similar in talking about raivann.
Disappears then for a bit and comes in w/ an unexplained vote for me. Then goes all 'lol hypocritical' when I vote w/o reasons despite doing the same thing.
Overall verdict
: Bleh for a guy who's accusing me of a lack of scum-hunting he's not exactly the paragon of mafia hunters himself. I get that he's been busy. Some little things about his catch up post niggle me. I'd like him to explain the difference in his stances in the 2 linked posts too if possible. Still think his reasons for voting me are pretty poor.
As it stands he's mildy scummy, I'd say. A decent lynch, there are a lot worse.
At least this guy has only 27 posts. His second post jumps out. Answers a question for X's. Possible connection there in answering a question for a buddy. Again adresses X in his 3rd post. Bleh just noting his interactions w/ the dead scum. Adressing him unneccessarily here imo.
His 4th post is okay to start w/ questions data and stuff. Then quotes X again. He tells X he's not helping the town here, but doesn't actually call him scummy either. Expresses no suspicioun what so ever of him.
Lyncher speculation being fueled is stupid, in his next post. Brings up cop sanities, let the cop work that out themselves. Votes X in post 6 for fos'ing like crazy. Weak vote really.
'Well maybe you know they're town' is horrible rhetoric really, lol. Oh here we go switches his vote away from X on to Mufasa. Moves back onto X in the face of Mufasa's claim. You didn't like his claim..yet you switched? Okay weird? Or am I reading this wrong.
Bogre do you believe not defending yourself against actions and scum-hunting to be scummy? You accuse cateraction of this, if I'm reading it correctly. Yeh t'rying to jump on someone else rather than defend himself' is what you accuse cateraction of doing. He replaced in, he clearly can't justify his replacees actions. Weird.
Cateraction says as much and you say 'good answer'. Really? Accusation was awful in the first place.
Post 14 in iso is basically fence sitting on Data's claim. Nice job.
Sera's accusation of cruising is probably quite apt really. It's what you've been doing.
Bogre did you ever go back and read cateraction and x in a new light?
Your 20th post is just questions, no opinions on the game. Also lol you popped up as soon as someone suggested your death.
Votes raivann for being anti-town. Anti-town =/= scummy. Does really nothing then untill he pops up in response to my vote. So b/c the guys who aren't scummy to you aren't getting lynched you do..nothing? Push a case on data of you want him lynched? Your content to sit back and let people you find scummy live. X is dead, you voted him, but apart from that barely mentioned him.
holy shit this guy is scum. He stayed away from X untill he had to. Jumped on Cateraction for shitty reasons (yeh cat was scum but seems traitorish IMO) and has decided to sit back b/c people he finds scummy aren't getting lynched. Basically he's okay he's not in ther spotlight and doesn't care who's lynched. If there's another scum BC would be a good candiate, he seems to be worried about him getting lynched. Could be a cult leader/recruit type relationship but his interaction w/ X makes it look like he's mafia bussing to me.
: Okay this guy is the dayvig. He's clearly not mafia for that reason alone. If he keeps hisd powers then it's fairly unlikely he's cult. Killing cult = way fucking OP'd. I can read more into his posts if you want but he's a town read atm, his claim alone makes me think that. SK at the very worst, altho the guy below is obviously a better chance of that.
Datadanne :
Wants to headbutt zazie. Srsly read him in iso. It's hilarious. Jester speculation, obv scummy comments. He's probably the SK, zazie has information saying that to be true also. Not gonna waste my time but he needs to be lynched at next convienience. He can wait though, I guess.
here is this fuckin' guy is scum.
Faraday Obv town and sexy.
- Fishy's claim matches up w/ his actions. I believe the claim and thus think he's probably town. His early play and tunneling on drench fits his claim very well as does the supposed breadcrumb, makes sense more than a bad choice of wording actually. Plus the way he managed to get seraphim to claim is imo quite town like. He gets on Jordan and votes him quite early, so even w/ the guitly he's obviously keeping an open mind here. Bastard game etc. This does make more sense. Bleh I'm getting tired. I had a gut scum read on him at one point, but reading him again w/ a clearer set of eyes he looks
.Claim makes him likely town imo. Bleh I'm not going to iso and go through his posts as much as I feel he's probably town, so w/e.
: Neutralish but his claim makes sense given his play so he's a town read atm.
So yeh that's like half the playerlist and that took fucking ages. As it stands Bogre lynch > all. It'll probably remain that way.
Okay I have more to come later. I need a break, that took a fair bit of effort and time. So make sure and fucking read it.
Erm of the remaining people 2 are possible scum and everyone else is fairly townie so IDK.
Tjoe and Zazie would be those two, btw. Everyone else left to do i've a town read of varying strength on. So we'll see.
So yeh, vote for Bogre. And if not lynch him tomorrow plz. More later IMO.