Mod: Jebus
Backup: Llamafluff
Setup Reviewers: Empking, Strangercoug
Status: Over
2) CryMeARiver
9) Toon Fighter
13) Raider8169
(Bold = To Be Replaced)
10) Kyle99, a Vanilla Townie, Lynched Day 5
12) Primate, a cop, Slashed Night 5
18) Konowa
19) Seacore, a Serial Killer, Killed Night 6
1) Mod is God.
-God is all powerful. If you wish to argue, do so by PM (with the exception of faulty votecounts and such).
2) Voting.
-Votes must be bolded, followed by the player name. For example,
-Unvotes must be bolded, and are needed to vote someone else. Player names are not required. For example,
-Votecounts will be edited on to the first post of each page. If it's not there yet, that means I haven't gotten online to do it yet.
3) Deadlines.
-Day deadlines go as follows: Eighteen days with more than 7 players alive, and ten days with seven or less players alive.
-Night deadlines are always four days.
-Deadlines are always at 1:00 GMT (That's 20:00 EST, or 17:00 PST)
-Deadlines are flexible by up to one day, depending when I can get on.
-When a deadline is reached with no majority of votes, a no-lynch occurs.
-Extensions can be requested, and will be given based on the situation.
4) Prods, Replacements, and Inactivity.
-Prods are by request only.
-To request a prod, post
-Inactivity V/LA notices will be edited in below the votecounts - check there before requesting a prod.
-Three prods gets a player replaced, unless no replacements are available, or the player has been moderately active (subjective).
-Replacement order is flexible. Unless requested otherwise, inactive players will be replaced in order of who made it to the replacement list first.
5) Outside the Game Topic.
-No discussing outside the game topic, unless I specifically tell you that you may.
-No discussing ongoing games. You can still discuss games that have ended, though I'd prefer not.
6) Sportsmanship.
-You signed up to play. Play to win, don't ruin the game for others.
-Games are for fun. Have fun, don't be a jerk please.
-Quoting something I said privately (not in the game thread specifically) is not okay - paraphrasing is, however - use best judgement on that.
-Common Sense > all.
-Don't try to outguess the mod - that's not how the game is supposed to be played. You'll guess wrong, anyways.
-You know the rules. If I forgot anything, please say something. Intentionally using the lack of a rule I may have forgotten to your advantage is an auto-modkill. Again, play fair ;D
7) Misc.
-No special text, other than bold or italicized text, is allowed. This means no colors, size changes, or anything of the sort.
-If you have the ability to edit posts, please DON'T.