Borrowed heavily from Tarhaliander
<0> I am the Mod thy God. If a dispute arises, my decision is final. That said, I am not infallible - if I make a mistake or you have a question, please inform me of the problem (preferably via PM or bold text) and I will correct it.
<1> This is a game. I hope that you have fun. In return, I ask that you not have your fun at the expense of the other players in this game (in other words, don't be a jackass). Repeated or extreme violations of this rule will result in replacement or modkill.
<1a> Attempting to use loopholes in the rules to gain an advantage in the game is considered jackassery, and will be treated as such. This applies to things like encrypted codes, invisible text, editing and deleting posts, trying to use the structure of the role PM to gain an advantage, etc. Please, use your common sense!
<2> If there is a conflict between a role and the rules, the role wins.
<3> Claiming that another player is your scumbuddy will result in a modkill, EVEN IF YOU ARE TOWN!
<4> Quoting private communications (role PM, mason conversations, etc.) or pretending to do the same will result in a modkill. Paraphrasing, however, is not only acceptable but encouraged unless I explicitly say otherwise.
<5> You may not talk with other people about this game outside of the thread (but see Rule 2).
This game will have both a vote count and a FoS (Finger of Suspicion) count. All players will have 1 vote and 1 FoS (but see Rule 2).
<6a> In a Normal game, the FoS count will have no effect on the game other than breaking voting ties at deadline. Theme games make no such guarantee. (Especially not this one!)
There will be no FoS count in this game. Fuck. That. Shit.
<7> To help the game run smoothly, votes should be made in bold text, be colored in
, and use the format Vote: XXXX. An unvote and is
generally preferred
to remove a vote, but not required.
<8> If a player or No Lynch has a majority of votes, that player is lynched and cannot be unvoted. You may talk during twilight unless I state otherwise.
<8a> If there are an even number of votes in play and No Lynch has exactly 50% of votes, No Lynch will occur.
<9> Each game day, save the first, will begin with a negotiable deadline of 2 weeks in place.
<9a> The first game day will begin with a negotiable deadline of 3 weeks.
<9b>At the end of each week, if I find the activity level in the game acceptable and the week does not end with the deadline, then I will extend the deadline by one week, to a maximum of twice the original deadline (a maximum of 4 weeks for normal days, 6 weeks for the first day); the maximum deadlines are not retractable.
<10> There will be no lynch reductions for deadline. If there are not enough votes to lynch at deadline the day will end with NO LYNCH.
<11> You may elect to No Lynch any number of times during the course of the game. In order to No Lynch, one of the two following conditions must be met: either a majority of living players must vote no lynch, or no player receives a majority of votes before deadline. (To vote No Lynch, please use the format Vote: No Lynch.)
<12> Don't drink and post, lest ye receive Public Humilitation. (This rule is an injoke and doesn't actually do anything.)
<13> This will be a Day/Night Phase game. Nights will last 72 hours. Daybreak abilities are due 2 hours before night ends.
<14> When you die, stop posting. You may make a single "Bah!"/"Frak you!"/etc. post in the thread. You may not include game content in this post. In addition, once you are dead, please do not discuss the game with anyone other than the Mod until the game is over, as this makes the mod's life easier.
<15> All players need to post at least once every 72 hours, or inform me if this is not possible. If you do not post for 72 hours, you will be prodded. If you are prodded, then you will need to post something (a simple "/prodded" will suffice if you're short on time) within 72 hours or you will be replaced. You will receive an Official Warning the second time you fail to post for more than 72 hours. The third time you fail to post for 72 hours, you will be replaced.
<15a> If you have limited access, you need to post to this effect, either in V/LA or in the thread. If I prod you despite you declaring V/LA status, call me on it and I will be duly embarrassed.
<15b> If you post before I get around to handing out the prod, you avoid the prod.
<16> Players may only use one active ability per day (but see Rule 2). Passive abilities are not counted as active abilities for purposes of this rule.
<17> This game will start on Day 1 after all players have confirmed (by the method specified in their role PM).
<18> Any player who is modkilled automatically loses the game. I will modkill in the fashion that I deem most damaging to the modkilled player's faction. (Mafia mod kills will have the day continue, town mod kills will replace the lynch, survivor/third party mod kills will generally not end the day, but I may make exceptions if the mod kill was pressed by town for some reason or another)
New Rule: <19> Foul Language, cursing, and general dirty talk is not only allowed, but encouraged, in this game. Please understand this at the beginning of the game as taking offense will be laughed at and ridiculed. You have been warned.
<19a> As a caveat, this does not mean abusive, harassing, or derogatory behavior will be tolerated, just that there will not be any restrictions on your vocabulary. If you are unfamiliar with the difference remember, racist remarks and the like are still racist, when you attack someone directly, or continually bully someone (directly, not because you think they are scum, etc), it doesn't matter your language, it is still abusive and harassment.
<20> I reserve the right to add rules if necessary (or if I really, really want to).
<21> Okay, that's enough formal-sounding stuff. Good luck, have fun!
New Rule:
<22> Limbo has been created. Players in Limbo are still considered "Alive", count for faction win conditions, and may be voted for and lynched; however, they cannot be the target of abilities (see rule 2), vote, use abilities, including passive ones (see rule 2) or post in thread while they remain in Limbo.
Ability Rules:
<1> There are five types of Primary abilities, Active, Reactive, Passive, Worship, and Faction. Sometimes they may combine into really fucked up combinations.
<2> Passive abilities are considered always on. Passive abilities cannot be roleblocked.
<3> Reactive abilities automatically activate and resolve when a specific action (known as the trigger) occurs. Reactive abilities cannot be roleblocked.
<4> Active abilities are further divided into three categories, Rapid Action, Twilight Action, and Daybreak Action.
<5> Rapid Action abilities can be used at anytime during the day. These abilities cannot be roleblocked.
<6> Twilight Actions MUST be sent before the Twilight begins. If a Twilight Action is not received before the twilight begins it is considered not used. There will be no exception. These abilities can be roleblocked.
NOTE: READ THIS --- Last game there were complaints because I was a little lenient on this rule. Not this game. If your action is NOT in the mod account's inbox prior to the lynching vote it WILL NOT be activated. This INCLUDES if something else ends the day
<7> Daybreak Actions must be sent before Night ends. The final deadline for these abilities will be approximately 70 hours after the lynch vote is tallied and the thread is locked (2 hours prior to Night ending). These abilities can be roleblocked.
Any active ability that does not specify that it is a Twilight or Rapid Action is a Daybreak action.
<8> Worship abilities are special actions only certain roles can perform and are much like "Ultimate" abilities. You may perform a single worship ability in addition to your normal abilities if your role is able to.
<9> Faction abilities are faction specific. They are not constrained to normal ability rules and work based on their own special rules. You may use normal abilities in addition to any faction abilities you are allowed to use.
<1> There will be a hidden voting system. Once per day you may send a "
Worship Vote
". This vote is secretly tabulated and the results will be posted in the thread the following day, but how the players voted will not be revealed. You may Worship Vote at any time during the day (or night until 2 hours before deadline), however you can only Worship once per day, and your Worship vote is due before Daybreak or it will not be counted.
<2> The following day the group with the highest vote tally will be revealed, as well as the percentages of votes for each group.
<3> Generally more worship is a good thing for the group receiving it.
<4> The following groups can be the target of worship Day 1:
Norse Gods
Egyptian Gods
The Old Ones
Judea-Christian Angels
<5> Rule 4 will be updated if any new groups can be worshiped or groups are removed.
<1> Reveals will be handled differently due to complicated ability resolutions.
<2> Lynch Reveals: When a player is lynched, immediately after the Lynch Count is reached the lynched player will be targeted by a mod-confirmed SANE role cop investigation and a mod-confirmed SANE alignment cop investigation with the results being revealed before the night phase. After the Night Phase the lynched player will be killed and their mod-confirmed true alignment and role name will be revealed during the Daybreak.
<3> Kill Reveals: When a player is killed by an ability, action, or aspect of the game that does not include lynch the player will be subject to a mod-confirmed SANE role cop investigation and the results will be revealed following his death. At the end of the next phase (night if the player was killed during the day, day if the player was killed during the night) the player will be targeted with a mod-confirmed SANE alignment cop investigation with the results revealed in thread. At the end of the next Night Phase following the alignment cop results the player's true role and alignment will be revealed to the thread.
<1> All Win Conditions are stated as just their name (such as Town or Mafia). Here are some possible explanations.
Town - You win when there are no threats to the town remaining in the game. (Note: If a player is removed only temporarily and will be returned at a set time they still count as a "living" faction. However if a player is removed for an indeterminate period of time they will not count as a "living" faction.)
Mafia - You win when you control the game and nothing can prevent this.
Survivor - You win if a faction achieves their win condition and you are still alive. (If you are removed from the game you still count as alive for your win condition).
<2> Any other win conditions will be explained in their respective role PMs.