Random.org commands, and I follow, so I will boldly:
Raise: danakillsu
@MOD: I thought this was a 27 player game, the list says 26. Am I mistaken? Thanks!
I think the link is COMPLETELY relevant to this game. In one game Richard says you shouldn't ever policy lynch, and in this game he wants a policy lynch on Drippereth. At the very least he needs to explain why his opinion has changed on policy lynches.Super Smash Bros. Fan wrote:PLEASE use evidence from this game. This isn't contributing.
I agree with this sentiment. I haven't settled on who I think is best though.danakillsu wrote:Also, I kind of like the idea of just raising someone who knows what they are doing, sounraise raise: Axelrod(Not that I think Lynch doesn't know what he's doing, but Axelrod, I think, is a little bit better)
I agree completely with Percy's 213. I also think his case on Hayker is pretty good. I'd like to hear a response.Axelrod wrote:It's too early to scumhunt? What does that mean? When is it not too early? That seems really strange.hasdgfas wrote:In the words of John Paul Jones: I have not yet begun to scum-hunt!
Seriously, it's early.
Uhm, did you read 213? Here it is...Mina wrote:Hmm.
So you agree with Percy's defence of Richard, attack of Hayker, and suspicions of CMAR in 213? Are there any points of his you disagree with?
Where does he defend Richard here or mention suspicions of CMAR?Percy wrote:@Cow: Hayker's catchup post reads as conjuring up reasons (while parroting others) to jump on a wagon. The case itself is weak and overreaching, and nothing else about the game was discussed.
Catchup posts like yours give me townvibes, but I'd like you to put your vote somewhere. Catchup posts like Hayker's give me scumvibes.
Also, I use "site time" when I run my games; it's the time as displayed on the page, top left corner.
He didn't just name claim though. He also gave a credible ability that fits the name claim flavor wise.Benmage wrote:People People...the scum last game had safeclaims, unless provable claims, nameclaims really shouldn't dissuade scummness.
When Renly dies Loras gets so pissed he kills two or his rainbow guards who were supposed to protect him. It makes perfect sense fluff wise.Benmage wrote:One thing that struck me as odd about the claim is that Ser Loras does the veng killing....I would've imagined Brienne doing that, but perhaps Brienne isn't in the game and this is how things had to work...ahh headache
I'd support either of your proposed raises. I'm not sure I agree with you saying Dripp wouldn't improve their ability to play given their playstyle. They use their vote to scum hunt, and pretty effectively from what I've seen so far, so how is giving them twice the vote bad? They may not be twice the effective scumhunter, but I think it would definitely improve their play. At the least they could use one vote to push their top suspect and the other to probe at people like they regularly do.MagnaofIllusion wrote:I’d be against it simply because I don’t think having a double vote really improves your ability to play given your presented playstyle. I believe a double-voter power would better complement someone with a more declaratory style such as Cow or Percy.
I guess not. I didn't play in the small game, but I understand that the scum had fake claims. I guess the "absent a CC" was unnecessary. I just meant that his claim is believable to me, but I was open to it being refuted.MagnaofIllusion wrote:Do you believe given the previous Mini game where fake claims were provided that there is any chance of a CC based on a specific name?
This point is well taken. So well taken in fact:MagnaofIllusion wrote:My point is that DripHydra can still continue to probe at players with a single vote while highlighting their top suspect as above. If the style is effective with one vote (which the concensus is that it tends to be so) then adding a second vote doesn’t necessarily increase the effectiveness in my mind. A declarative player who builds cases can thus build two strong cases and utilize their vote to back them, or to build a single strong case and support it twice.
Note please that DripHydra currently has an inactive vote but is still managing to place pressure on players.
Because Finkle is Einhorn, and Einhorn is Finkle. We've covered this already. The thread isn't that long.Kleedrac wrote:What the hell does this mean and why are two of you saying it word-for-word?
Orly?Kleedrac wrote:Ahhh, first of all where the heck do I say anything about a town read on anyone?!?! As far as I'm concerned you're all scum atm.
There are so many problems with this I don't even know where to begin. All told there where a good 3 or 4 unique scummy things that stood out from Richard's play, you didn't understand/agree with a single one? I also don't give a hoot why you are lurking, but it aint cool. Lastly, the idea that the game is an overabundance of wall-o-text posts is absurd. There are tons of small posts. Within the last 10 posts before yours there are 8 posts that are small. The idea that this game is full of wall-o-text posts is completely false. Do you want me to count the number of one line posts in this game? Cause I will.What I said was that I read Richard and didn't find anything lynch-worthy and didn't understand the bandwagon that formed to take his head off. I also read through CryMeARiver and pointed out several things that were lynch-worthy without being answered. I'm lurking because this is my first game with this many people and quite frankly I feel a bit overwhelmed when every time I check in the thread has grown by a page full of Wall'o'text posts.
This is a completely inaccurate account of Dripp's play. Dripp's votes and accusations have been pointed towards a handful of players, and certainly not everyone in the thread. Hell, Dripp even posts frequent lists where they identify their town reads, and its a good half dozen or so. This defense of yours also reads as AtE with a small amount of OMGUS towards Dripp. This post is really scummy.I shall try to do better in the lurking department and I do take responsibility that this probably looks scummy (though I'm not the only one as pointed out by The New York Lurker Report (TM) .) As for your 'case' first you claim my alignment is linked to Richard (with no justification or reasoning whatsoever) and then claim I'm scummier (again with no reasoning or justification beyond my lurking which we've already discussed.) All this leads me to wonder about your own alignment sir? You seem to have adopted not only hydra heads but also a spaghetti case syndrome where you're throwing accusations at everything in site save the damned mod! If you're going to lead a bandwagon, at least have the decency to build a good case for it
I think there are much better lynch candidates. I don't want to lynch someone just because they can enable a vig. We don't know who the vig is, and whether or not they'll even use it well.Raivann wrote:We lynch Richard and in the off chance he's town and not lying, a player gets a 1 shot vig.
Care to participate in anything other than your own defense? You aren't helping yourself look more town, even if I do buy your claim.RichardGHP wrote:Raivann, you have absolutely no right to call my claim BS with no reasoning. If you're going to attempt to tear my claim to shreds, at least say why. Jesus.
He sounds like he just want rid of a townie, and I'd wager that he knows who Ser Loras is.
Then why aren't you voting him?danakillsu wrote:QFTQFTQFT!danakillsu wrote: Kleedrac needs to be lynched folks. We aren't getting any younger, and for some of us that's a real problem.
Is this just your anti-prod post? Care to join in or replace out?animorpherv1 wrote:Woah. I'm still in this game? Shows how impessionable this game is on me.
Drippereth wrote:If we can't have a majority of votes for raising someone, does that not mean we raise no one?
If someone hits 14 raises, they will be raised. If no one hits 14, then the highest raise recipient at the end of the day will be hand. Per mod's response to my iso 13, if there is a tie no one will be raised.Mod wrote:A Hand of the King will be raised when there is a simple majority (i.e. 14 votes). Alternatively, whoever has the most ‘raise’ votes at the time of the Day 1 lynch, will be raised.
Whichever method is used, the Hand of the King will become a double voter from the beginning of Day 2. The Hand may split the two votes. Both votes will be public.
The Hand may not be stripped of his title in any way. A new Hand will not be chosen on the Hand’s death.
I agree with MacavityLock here.MacavityLock wrote:SSBF: Scummy, due to apologizing for what is unnecessary to apologize for.MagnaofIllusion wrote:Admitting that you were parroting doesn’t make the suspicious nature of it fade away. You’ve simply done the job of anyone who would make the point for them.SSBF wrote:I did not want people to accuse me of parroting later on, as I knew I was guilty of parroting some of Drippereth's last post.
Magna: Scummier, due to latching on to "parroting" without looking at context, attempting an easy dig.
In relation to any parroting comments, DethHydra and SSBF cross-posted, as would be obvious if you looked. Don't like either SSBF or Magna in this exchange.
Did we ever get an answer to this question? After CMAR's aggressive play and key role in starting the (well deserved) Richard wagon, he insta-unvotes. Seems a bit odd given his earlier aggressiveness. I buy the claim, but it seems strange coming from CMAR. He was the first one on that wagon, seemed really proud of it, and then is the first one off, in 2 minutes no less. How can you even ponder if you believe the claim in 2 minutes? And he does nothing but lurk since then.MacavityLock wrote:I have a problem with the immediate unvote. Why do you assume he's telling the truth?CryMeARiver wrote:Shat,Unvote
Quickly analyzing bandwagoning reasons
@Percy: I'm not quite sure what to make of this. What does his case against CMAR have to do with his other very scummy behavior? When you say you want to see where the case on CMAR goes, do you mean you want more from Kleedrac on the matter, or you just want to see more discussion about CMAR?Percy wrote:Kleederac's OMGUS on Drip and his severe AtE in this post are not points in his favour. I find Drip's main point against him (that his townread of Richard was strategic in nature) somewhat persuasive after re-reading the Richard wagon. Still, I want to see where his case against CMAR goes, and am witholding judgement for now.
Statements like this set off my scumdar. If Richard gets lynched or NK'd, and flips town, you get to say "see, I wasn't sure about him". If he flips scum you get to say "see, I knew I shouldn't trust him". It seems like fence sitting hidden in "I can't get a read" language.Mikujin wrote:I've been hesitant to trust Richard at all; something about his play just irks me. Can't put my finger on it.
I think Percy will make a good hand. I'm thinking of raising him, but I asked him a question, and I'd like the answer to it first. I was raising you, but I didn't like one of your posts, so I unraised. The post wasn't that far back, you can look back or ISO me to see it. I also thought a Dripp hand would be useful, I was persuaded otherwise, and it looks like many of the players are uncomfortable with a Dripp hand.MagnaofIllusion wrote:I note you are not currently voting to Raise. How do you feel regarding Percy as the Hand? If you are not in favor of him who would you support and why are you not voting for them?
This.Drippereth wrote:Are people voting Raivann because Kleedrac is lurking himself away from being a vote magnet?
Just askin'
Inquiring minds want to know.
And this.danakillsu wrote:Yes, the surge of votes away from Kleedrac leaves me wondering as well. What makes Raivann a better lynch than Kleedrac?
And and this.hasdgfas wrote:oh, hello richard. Why's this? I don't really see a reason for it from you.RichardGHP wrote:Raise Percy
My trust was well deserved.CryMeARiver wrote:Prod is noted. Tomorrow is my mafia scum day. Trust me.
CMAR makes a case on Richard and tries to drag us out of RVS, buying him some distancing and some town-cred. He doesn't actually have any reason to suspect the Richard wagon will actually go all the way, its still RVS.CryMeARiver wrote:Vote: Richard
Hey look, I just left the RVS, no random votes will be accepted from here on out without perfect reasoning. You know why? Because I said so and because I am Great and Badass alligned.
Raise: CryMeABadassRiver
Then Axelrod raises CMAR, but makes no comment on the CMAR case on Richard. Due to Dripp's continued probbing of Richard plus the policy lynch link he brought up, Richard's wagon takes off. CMAR gets really quiet. Pretty much Dripp and others do all the rest of the work from here.Axelrod wrote:But, that's a good thing, right?MagnaofIllusion wrote:Vote: Super Smash Bros Fan.
You've never played a game with me so the fact that you know I like long posts indicates you've been heavily Wiki studying other players.
Vote: MagnaofIllusion
Raise: CryMeABadassRiver
Axelrod doesn't vote the whole time the Richard wagon is growing, his "RVS" vote is still in place. When Dr. Modem is replaced, he then immediately votes Cow calling Dr. Modem scummy. But he hadn't actually made any posts about Dr. Modem to that point. In the same post he also defends Richard.Axelrod wrote:Welcome Hasdgfas!
Vote: Hasdgfas
Sorry, but Dr. Modem was scummy and then quit, so you are starting out in the hole.
My problem with the Drippereth account is that they can post contradictory things like:
andDrippereth wrote:Assuming a doctor is in the settup, I will be amaza-suprised if the double-voter isn't protected. So raising up whoever you think is the most pro-town is still the way imo.and you can't really call them out for a contradiction, because it could just be that the two heads have a different opinion on the issue.Drippereth wrote:I can't see why a double vote would be so precious...
I'm trying to look at Richard. I don't especially care for his style, but I'm not convinced it's scummy yet.
I actually like this comeback here:RichardGHP wrote:I'm going to lol when Drippereth is wrong - AGAINDrippereth wrote:Townies don't taunt in this way. Scumz do.Which strikes the right tone of annoyance and indignation for a Town.RichardGHP wrote:WELL I GUESS THERE'S A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING BECAUSE I, A TOWNIE, JUST TAUNTED IN THAT WAY.
Richard now defends Axelrod, although he gives himself an "out" by saying "If not..."RichardGHP wrote:It was most likely a pressure vote, "Cow".
If not, then what Cow said. Voting for a playerslot just as it changes hands is bad.
Cow and others call foul on this and Axelrod unvotes. This is also the first time he even tries to explain why he finds Dr. Modem scummy. He then makes the mother of all strange comments with his "I have not yet begun to scum-hunt". Ya, we noticed.Axelrod wrote:Well, I didn't say he "disappeared" did I? I said he quit. Which is true. Not much of a reason to vote, but I wasn't especially feeling ithasdgfas wrote: boy that makes me feel welcome. I'm going to point out that newbies often replace out when they're under pressure because they don't know what else to do. I mean, he's Townsperson. Plus, he said he was too busy to play, so I'm calling party foul on this vote, because he didn't disappear, he replaced out.moreon anyone else so, there you go.
Dr. Modem did nothing this game. He "random" voted for me (never a good thing) and made no other votes. He made a few attempts at what appeared to be jokes without commenting about anything or anyone else. He got overly hostile and defensive when critized, and then he quit. So, really, what's not to like there?hasdgfas wrote:@Axelrod: I don't see any scumhunting from you. What are your thoughts on scumminess of certain players? For instance, Dr Modem. You say he's scummy, but don't give reasons. You didn't comment on them in any of your previous posts. What are they? Why did it take you so long to change your vote?
In the words of John Paul Jones: I have not yet begun to scum-hunt!
Seriously, it's early.
Well, in the first quote she says she assumes the Double-Voter will be Doc protected this game. Presumably one would think this because one thinks this is a role worth protecting?hasdgfas wrote:also @Axelrod: COuld you please explain the contradiction in the two posts of Drippereth that you claimed were contradictory?
In the second quote she says she doesn't see what's so precious about a Double Vote - like it's no big deal (and, presumably, not worthy of auto-Doc protection). Like, that seems fairly obvious to me. Not you?
UnvoteI do appreciate that you have at least put in some work already, which is more than several people.
Richard wagon continues to grow, and Richard finally is forced to claim. WITHIN 2 MINUTES OF CLAIMING CMAR UNVOTES. He built this wagon, seemed pretty hot about it at first, vanishes when it picks up steam, and then immediately bails when Richard claims with practically 0 time to actually decided if he buys the claim or not.CryMeARiver wrote:Shat,RichardGHP wrote:Claim: Renly Baratheon
I am Robert's youngest brother. I have decided to be King, but their are currently bigger problems to attend to.
If I die, Ser Loras is able to perform one kill to attemp to avenge me. Therefore, I know Ser Loras is in the game. However, I do not know who (s)he is and what alignment they are. If Ser Loras dies before I do, nothing happens upon my death.
Rereading this morning.Unvote
Quickly analyzing bandwagoning reasons
As soon as people start hesitating on Richard, he seizes an opportunity to paint dana as scum for his unvote, hoping to move people off him, but doesn't do the same thing to CMAR who is MUCH more hypocritical/scummy for his unvote.RichardGHP wrote:Dana sticks out to me as scum, btw.
"Oh look guys Richard's at L-1 so I'll unvote to show everyone how townie I am"
Classic scum tactic.
CMAR makes an incredibly scummy looking post that he later claims was a bread crumb. Why is he breadcrumbing at this point? Maybe his scum buddy just claimed without breadcrumbs, and he realizes he should set some up? Axelrod UNRAISES CMAR for the scummy "breadcrumb" post, probably realizing the he needs to distance himself from CMAR.Axelrod wrote:Uh, yuck?CryMeARiver wrote:Okay, I will get caught up soon, but to those voting to raise axelrod, I would just like to say that whoever gets the double vote will likely die quickly and axelrod already endorsed me getting the double vote. I'm willing to take that sacrifice for town. I'll admit axel seems to be a very good player and I'll likely take his advice into consideration when using a double vote. Just putting it out there.
By the way, glad to see the Richard wagon is taking off. Pillars of the evil king's castle are finally falling 2day.
Unraise: CryMeARiver
Like, I don't usually mind when people suck up to me, but this is kind of over the top. Also, it'shardlylike I'd firmly decided you were my guy here.
To Richard: do you know if this bonus kill is immediate, or takes place during the subsequent night? For instance, were you lynched, would Loras kill someone before the Night technically started, or would it happen as a regular action during the Night. And I assume he can't hold it for later, but has to use it right then? Could he elect NOT to use it?
Mod: I'm pretty sure I'm not voting for anyone.
~Thanks - fix'd I hope
Axelrod then seizes on Percy's Hayker case as a way to further derail the Richard wagon, and basically just parrots Percy.Axelrod wrote:I'm going to go ahead and /barn Percy at least as far as Hayker goes.
Hayker made This intoductory post in which he purported to do an analysis of Vez (perhaps one of the softest targets in the game). And also says:These further thoughts remain, as yet, unrevealed. Instead, all Hayker's subsequent posts have been extremely short, two questions to other players and a sarcastic comment. Look, here they are:Note:I have read the thread and have more thoughts then this. I think keep one post to one topic is simple though...and I'm working on being simple.(walks away with a chain rattling)
One - why was this post needed indeed?
Two - criticizing a bandwaggoner, in the least helpful way.
Three - odd question to 1/2 the Hydra head. Wants DGB's opinion on his play so far. Why? And why specifically DGB?
Vote: Hayker
Mainly I want these other thoughts Hayker supposedly had/has, but has yet to share with us.
Richard then makes this crazy post calling out Raivann and claims Raivann "knows who Loras is". The only way this would make sense is if Raivann is Loras, and if that is the case why would Richard want to point that out to everyone else? This makes absolutely 0 sense.RichardGHP wrote:Raivann, you have absolutely no right to call my claim BS with no reasoning. If you're going to attempt to tear my claim to shreds, at least say why. Jesus.
He sounds like he just want rid of a townie, and I'd wager that he knows who Ser Loras is.
I know why you bothered. It's called active lurking. You go on to make 0 useful posts from this point on.Axelrod wrote:There's just way too much "certainty" floating around in this thread. I absolutely hate it when people just start calling other people "scum" and act like they have it all figured out and it's case-closed when the truth is they knownothing. They have ahunch. Anopinion.
I recognize this is a "style" thing for a lot of people, and they'll flip from calling someone obv.scum to deciding they are clearly town at the drop of a hat, and then immediately press on with their next "obviously scum" target, conveniently ignoring how horribly wrong they were the last time they called someone "obv.scum" and it drives menuts. Please STFU or use some damn qualifiers. When you do this you are either being dishonest or you are just being a moron.
I don't know why I bothered to type this out. Maybe I'm having a bad day or something.
Still worried about his image, he hops on the clearly pro-town Percy raising.RichardGHP wrote:Raise Percy
You can iso. I've done it already, and I've already said how. I feel like I'm talking to myself.MacavityLock wrote:Lack of ability to iso makes it not feasible for me to do a deep Kleedrac read right now. I'm not particularly enamored of the Raiv wagon.
First off, you say you'll let them defend themselves, but then you still go on to post a lot in there defense anyways. That seems odd. That being said, I don't have tunnel vision, and I'm perfectly happy to be refuted if that is what the evidence points to. I did a reread, and I noticed odd behavior, so I followed it to where it lead, and it gave me this case. If people think I'm wrong, that's fine, I don't have a problem with that. To call my case scummy is laughable. Why would I go through that effort, particularly when I've been pushing a Kleedrac wagon for like a week? The answer is obvious, I did a reread and I saw something interesting.Mina wrote:LynchMePls, I've learned the hard way to avoid blatantly defending a player (becauseI look like an idiot when that player flips scumsomeone always accuses me of buddying or makes a trumped-up case linking me to the target of my defence). I won't pull a SSBF and do a quote-by-quote rebuttal of your case before Axelrod, CMAR, and Richard defend themselves.
But to be honest, I think that your Richard-Axelrod-CMAR case is very contrived. It gives me the impression that you picked and chose the evidence to fit your theory. This is the kind of case that makes me suspect the person who wrote it.
If I'm correct, CMAR was bussing his partner day 1. This might be an explanation for the heated reaction from Richard, he might have been genuinely pissed. Dripp unvoted as well, but that's not the point. The point isn't that CMAR unvoted, after all, I did as well. Its the timing of it! Look at the time stamps, it's literally two minutes apart. That is not an exaggeration, it is LITERALLY two minutes apart. How can you see someone's claim, click the quote button, and post the unvote in two minutes, let alone even consider if you believe the claim. It was WAY too rushed, particularly in light of his attack on Richard. I again point out that at the time CMAR made his case, there was little sign that it would turn into a full on lynch. Once it began to grow to large size, he pretty much vanished until his miraculously fast unvote.The Richard-CMAR connection in particular is extremely unlikely. Their early fight looked pretty heated, and you seem to have forgotten that Richard voted CMAR back. And you realize at the time Axelrod voted Hayker, not only had the Richard wagon been derailed, but the Kleedrac, SSBF, and CMAR wagons all had more votes on them than Hayker? So it's silly to use Axelrod voting Hayker as evidence he was diverting the wagon away from Richard. And why don't you have a problem withDripperethunvoting Richard the instant they saw his claim?
I didn't find "similar" evidence linking anyone else, I posted exactly what I found. If you think it's far-fetched, or you disbelieve it, that is certainly your choice. But don't distort my position by claiming I could "use similar evidence to link any player in the game to Richard". I haven't done that, and that is a strawman argument.Seriously, you're pushing a Richard lynch purely because you're so sure that you've found his scumbuddies based on such weak evidence? I think you could use similar evidence to link any player in the game to Richard.
How can you say Axelrod seems town? Seriously, ISO him, it's really easy just do a "Sort By: Author" and he is right there on page 1 (after Animorph). I'd love to hear what makes you think he is town. Cause as far as my ISO read of him went, he is VERY scummy looking. I'll point back to my case for specifics. He basically does no scum hunting the whole game, votes Cow for terrible reason, parrot's Percy for his only case that even looks remotely good, then goes into active lurker mode. What about that exactly gives you a town read?(I'll be honest and say that I have a gut town read on Axelrod from his most recent posts. And for the five zillionth time, Richard's claim will be easily provable or disprovable when we massclaim. At this point, I'd be okay with a CMAR lynch purely because of the softclaim and horrible kissing up to Axelrod, but I'd rather look in other directions.)
I asked what the case was, because he was just a lurker. He then made a scummy post in response to the pressure he was getting. I made a very good response to his scummy post, asked him questions, and voted him. If you think that makes me look scummy, then I don't even know what to say.Mina wrote:Actually, your response is coming off as pretty townish. And...that's kind of a good point about how you didn't need to unvote Kleedrac. (Mind you, now I'm concocting an elaborate Kleedrac-LynchMePls scumteam theory. At first, you didn't get the case on Kleedrac, right? But then you saw which way the winds were blowing, so you did a sudden turnaround and voted him, until you saw reluctance to lynch him and decided to make a last-ditch effort to save him with a huge case....someone please stop my overactive imagination.)
It's not solely on links. Can't we all admit that Richard has played scummy today? Hell he was at L-1 and forced to claim, that didn't come about from no scummy play. Furthermore, ever since his claim, he has done absolutely nothing to change my read on him. He does no scum hunting. The most generous play you could call scum hunting was his attack on dana, and that looked more like mud slinging to distract from his wagon than actually scum hunting. This is why when I say I suspect a Richard/CMAR/Axelrod scum team that I propose we lynch Richard. He is by far the scummiest of the three. I'm perfectly willing to admit that one of those three could just be me seeing a connection that isn't really there, but after my reread, IMO Richard needs to die, and I think Axelrod or CMAR should be right behind him when he flips scum.Maybe I just don't gel with your reasoning. I have the same problem with Unsight. Also, call me hypocritical, because I have another conspiracy theory brewing, but I don't like people voting solely on links before a single flip, particularly when the links are weak.
That is certainly a possibility, it just isn't the impression I got after my reread. I don't claim that my theory is full-proof the clear unquestionable truth. They could be scum on opposite teams. There play though is really scummy.You'd be better off arguing that CMAR and Richard are both scum, but on different teams. When there is genuine hostility between two players whose votes are on each other for most of the day while they're both in danger of a lynch, usually it's safe to assume the obvious. You are making WAY too many assumptions by saying that Richard is pissed off because of CMAR's bussing (which at that point hadn't got serious).
I'll let Dripp answer for themselves on this one, but to me that looked like the two heads of the hydra simul posting. Hence the "ninja'd" comment. I think one of them was dubious and the other bought the claim. Also to note that while their two posts were a minute apart, they weren't TWO MINUTES after the claim like CMARs was.
Thanks for dredging this gem of a post up, it only illustrates my point. He posts that he is glad the wagon is taking off and "Pillars of the evil king's castle are finaly falling". So, he is glad the wagon is building steam, he is convinced he is scum, but he unvotes instantly after the claim. And what was the claim? ONE OF THE FIVE KINGS!!!! Isn't one of the five kings (particularly one that might be viewed as "good" by some readers) certainly a possible fake claim for a scum leader? Wouldn't that in and of itself make you pause? I know it did for me when I read the claim.CMAR wrote:By the way, glad to see the Richard wagon is taking off. Pillars of the evil king's castle are finally falling 2day.
It's not just association Axelrod. Your play hasn't been very town like in my opinion. Your case on Cow/Dr.Modem was weak and came out of nowhere, you've spent most of your time commenting on proper raising without scum hunting, and you went into hyper lurk mode after your "rant". I'll grant that my case that you are on a scum team with Richard is merely from association, but you've been pretty scummy this game.Axelrod wrote:I have just skimmed the new stuff and see someone has made an actual case against me - even if it's almost 100% a case by way of association with people who's alignments are unknown. Still, I'll respond to it shortly. My first instinct is that the casemaker himself (LynchMePls) comes across as reasonably genuine, and it actually makes me lean more town on him.
You do realize that you are both voting and raising Richard right? Is this raise leftover from who you replaced or did the mod make a mistake?Raivann wrote:Unvote, Vote:Richard
I should have unvoted dana earlier.
I never should have unvoted Richard either
You're right Mina, maybe it's not too late especially after lynchmepls just made the best case in the game so far on him.
I don't know Kleedracks alignment I know alot of others found him scummy and were asking for moar Kleedrac votes. My main point for thinking he was town was proven wrong.So I was following or going along. Another way to look at it is with all these players there has to some kind of consensus and teamwork.
FoS:MinaI see a Richard/ Mina connection.
Ya, I think you should think it all the way through, cause I've only explained it like three times now. If I can't get my point across by then, either someone else will have to try or you just aren't going to get it. Note that others find it suspicious too, so it's not just me.Axelrod wrote:I haven't thought about this whole "2 minutes" thing you are harping on. Like, the quick unvote is scummy because...scum are quick to unvote? I'm not sure I get that reasoning, but maybe I haven't thought it all the way through.
Why couldn't it be a fake claim and the power be completely bogus? If he is the leader of a scum team, and his fake claim is Renly, couldn't his partner's fake claim be Loras? And couldn't he have just made up the power? It would explain him having to PM the mod multiple times to "clarify" how it worked. And "his play has been underwhelming"? That's an underwhelming statement from you. Here is the entireity of his participation SINCE his claim:Percy wrote:First up, let me reiterate my read on Richard. I think his claim is unlikely to be a fakeclaim, and whilst I don't think it rules him out as scum, it does make it less likely - giving scum a vengeful kill seems less probable than giving town a vengeful kill. Whilst his play has been underwhelming, I think his wagon stinks and I had a gut town read - his present lurking is not doing that any favours, though.
RichardGHP wrote:Dana sticks out to me as scum, btw.
"Oh look guys Richard's at L-1 so I'll unvote to show everyone how townie I am"
Classic scum tactic.
RichardGHP wrote:My PM didn't specify, but I would assume so, yes.
RichardGHP wrote:PM'd mod for clarification, awaiting reply.
RichardGHP wrote:This just in, any form of death counts, so yes, lynching is a viable option.
RichardGHP wrote:No, I don't know anything about that Axel. PMing the mod again. >_>
RichardGHP wrote:K, mod PM'd me saying that all I know is that I trigger the ability to kill; I don't know who does it, or when.
RichardGHP wrote:Raivann, you have absolutely no right to call my claim BS with no reasoning. If you're going to attempt to tear my claim to shreds, at least say why. Jesus.
He sounds like he just want rid of a townie, and I'd wager that he knows who Ser Loras is.
RichardGHP wrote:Vote: Kleedrac
If anyone really really really really REALLY wants an explanation I'll post it either tomorrow or on Friday, when I do my catching up post.
RichardGHP wrote:Raise Percy
RichardGHP wrote:Will post on Friday.
Show me one scum hunting post from that. Hell show me one post, other than the ones about PMing the mod that isn't scummy looking. So, he makes a claim, he gets a reprieve, and what does he do with it? Help us at all? No, he continues to play scummy and be absolutely 0 help to the town. The only post in that list that could even be charitably called a contribution is the one attacking dana, and that seemed more opportunistic mud slinging when he was still under pressure than an actual attempt at scum hunting.RichardGHP wrote:Well, at least we have a comparable ISO feature now.
Post coming tomorrow.
@Percy: If Richard's play from the beginning of D1 to now isn't lynch worthy, then what the hell is? I seriously don't know how a player could be scummier other than to carry around a sign saying "I'm scum".Percy wrote:Right now I'm still not willing to lynch Richard, but I haven't ruled him out completely as scum.
I'm willing to conceede that there may be some confirmation bias. I formed an opinion based on my reread and I posted the evidence I saw to support my case. I also think MacCavity made a good point about cases using links on D1 are underwhleming. If I could do it over again, I probably wouldn't call them a scum team, and just point to the individual pieces of their scumminess. That said, I don't think anyone can argue that Axelrod and CMAR are scummy. I agree that CMAR is the scummier by far, but Axelrod is really creeping me out. I don't think he has taken a firm stand on anything the whole game that someone else didn't suggest first. Even his vote on Cow came after others had said Dr. Modem was scummy looking. He didn't say anything about it while Dr. Modem was in the game, and then when Cow shows up he immediately votes him, only to look so foolish that he unvotes him the very next post. Axelrod's play this game stinks.Percy wrote:This brings me to LynchMePls' case for a CMAR/Richard/Axelrod scumteam. I find the analysis of CMAR and Axelrod being scummy to be largely independent of the scumminess of Richard, and having read both this post and Axelrod's response, I sympathise with Axelrod's charge of confirmation bias. Still, I don't like the degree to which Axelrod's read on Kleedrac matches up with my own, and his support of MacavityLock's vote on MagnaofIllusion without comment or expansion makes for a third example (my Hayker case being the first).
I still think CMAR is far more scummy than Axelrod, but there has been a lot more defence and reiterating/referencing points others have made than original scumhunting from Axelrod
This is an excellent point.Percy wrote:@LynchMePls: I'm not that interested in Richard right now for a few reasons.
1. His fakeclaim is a very excellent one if it's a scumclaim. If Renly is his fakeclaim and his scumbuddy's fakeclaim is Loras, then Richard's death will deprive his buddy of his fakeclaim. If Loras is not in the game, then he'll be caught in endgame. I can't see a situation where Richard's fakeclaim won't catch up with him, if it is indeed fake.
And I agree with all the rest of this. CMAR name claim seems appropriate given his play. To help put pressure on him toward that goal, as well as for his scummy behavior:2. The speed of the wagon, and the reasons some players used to contribute to it, stink of scum.
I agree with you that Richard's play has done absolutely nothing to help the town, and I further agree that the quick reversal of his wagon has produced zero pressure on Richard to contribute. If I'm wrong about the claim, then that would really suck, and I'm not interested in giving Richard a free pass through the rest of the game based solely on this claim. I stand by my gut read for the moment, and the wagon+claim shenanigans make him less of a person of interest for metoday.
I agree with you about both CMAR and Axelrod, though.
CMAR's "oops I lost this game" is a very, very weak excuse. Ever since the Richard wagon CMAR has been gone, so blaming the lack of activity on the server change isextremelydisingenuous.
@Mina: I agree with you about CMAR nameclaiming. Locking him into a claim now, given his behaviour and his breadcrumb, is the best play.
I think CMAR and Raivann are excellent lynch choices for today.
Still working on that every-player ISO (coming tomorrow). May or may not change my vote to CMAR then.
I was willing to lynch you today after my reread. See my case for reasons why. Percy made very good points about why your claimed role is likely true. Therefore I am not for lynching you... today.RichardGHP wrote:Question: How many people at this point would be willing to lynch me today?
You are clearly pro-town.RichardGHP wrote:@Percy: I promised a post, you got one. Quit complaining.
Its more a general appreciation of the quality of his catchup posts than specific points he makes. I love when a player replaces in and actually does a comprehensive reread with WALL-O-TEXT followup. I like it for two reasons: 1) It gives us a fresh perspective on the game, since we see things colored by how they occured over time, while the new player has a chance to see all the events rapidly. 2) They actually take a stand on the events, giving us immediate information on them. Even doubly so if they ask questions of players, as that forces interactions with the player who replaced in, allowing us to more easily get a read on them. People who do these kinds of posts when they replace in get a thumbs up from me. Those who say "I'm gonna catch up" and then just post a one line "Here is who I'm voting" post irk me. When a slot was so bad it needed replacement, the last thing I want it filled with is a lurker who refuses to interact with the game or at the very least provide a comprehensive "this is my take on the major issues of the game" post.Percy wrote:@LynchMePls: What did you like about julienvonwolfe's post?