Yeah, on the old forum, I made it so that it could only be set by someone with database access. It was briefly settable by admins, but that mod broke at some point.Mr. Flay wrote: [*]Gender and other custom profile fields- The data's reimported, but icons aren't implemented yet. Would like to have a way to 'forbid' the use of the tg icon if it becomes problematic.Estimated completion: 9/10.
Hmm.... did I actually accomplish anything when I was looking into this for the transfer? I wonder if I can find it on my hard drive to see...
This should be easy enough to port as a user setting (the way it used to be). Having it set by topic owner should be doable.[*]View First Post on every page- had this on the old server, will need to look into JEEP's code for it and see how well it translates. Would like to add a way to enable it by thread owner, not user.Priority: low.
Getting a count of how many times each person posted in a topic should be relatively straightforward. I think there used to be a mod on that did this for 3.x.Hoopla wrote:I remember seeing a forum that displayed thread views (or maybe thread replies, idk), but when you clicked the number it showed you a list of who had posted in that thread and how many times. I think that would be handy to quickly get a game post count without having to look at each player in iso.
I was thinking about overloading the subject field with the post number and not allowing it to be edited. It could lead to skips if posts are deleted, though.Ythill wrote:Also, would it be possible to indicate original post numbers somewhere in iso? So that I can look at iso24 and know it is #342 without navigating?
Oh, and hi all! I'm not sure how much time I'll have available, but I've missed scum and hope to check in at least occasionally.