Troll be slow. This should be clear to all that have ever interacted with Troll. Poor Meme had to do that more than most. In this case it means that Troll's thanks be coming later than them should.
Troll appreciates all that Meme did to make the games run smoothly while she was about and the way that she went about handing out completely fair decisions. It be a system that Troll feels that Meme did much to make work smoothly and that was entirely appropriate. It takes a special person to make bureaucracy seem as though it be the way that things should be going and Meme managed this.
Troll has nothing but thanks for all the work that be done. Troll apologizes (though not too strongly as Troll be a bit of jerk) for all the extra work that Troll put Meme through. Troll can honestly say that Meme will be most missed and that many here hope that she will not simply fade into the night as it were.
Thanks and see you around.
-Zorblag R`Lyeh
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