Here were our roles (we weren't lying before)
4 Days -
Naive Day Cop
(unless Llamarble was godfather at the time of scanning) - Scanned Fate within an hour of the game start just for the lulz, and Llamarble on Day 3 after his CPR Doc comment.4 Days -
- Stopped the Magua lynch, mainly because I just wanted to use the Governor ability, but also for doubts of KitoMo's alignment.5 Days -
- Jailkept TMH Night 1 (which probably stopped the kill looking at the actions), Fate Night 3, and Rena Night 44 Days -
Day Vigie
- Shot TMH Day 2, Shot Llamarble Day 5.2 Days -
- Swapped us and Mafuyu on Night 2.Interestingly, every night of the game fell on a Night Action ability for us. It was pretty sweet. I think after Day 1 of the game, I just took control of CupcakePanda and Kat just kind of rode with all my decisions. I'm not a very good Hydra lol, I just started making decisions for both of us without even consulting him after a while.