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Wandering the North Commoners' District

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 4:10 pm
by Pie_is_good
The inhabitants of the North Commoner's District of Amstaad consist mainly of Briaf northerners. It was a newly conquered land, and many were curious as to what it could offer them and their families. They wanted to start building their new lives as soon as possible, so they didn't cross the river but after permission from the government settled north of the river. All the buildings are generally the same type. Square, flat roofs, mostly 2 storey, but many in the west sector are single storey. Each home has a small courtyard. 1 main road stretches all throughout the district with smaller roads breaking off. Soldiers from the nearby barracks patrol the edges of the main road, securing it, but the smaller roads remain unpatrolled.

Artistic talent is greatly valued amongst the people, especially in the South sector. The river is a great inspiration to budding young writers/poets. This is what drew people away from the Old City. There are regular shows at the two theatres in the East and West Sectors.
Both theatres were originally built, just after the Briaf invasion, by Emlery Kalock, a slightly wealthy playwright. He named the theatres after his son, Navis, and his wife, Ciyernal. He was doing quite well, until he started to suffer from writer's block. Less plays were written, and so there was less money. He borrowed some money for a play that was never performed, and had to sell Ciyernal (the theatre, not his wife), which was in the East Sector. It was bought by a wealthy merchant interested in producing plays, who settled in the District. He renamed the theatre Eridanis. Ominously, Ciyernal the wife disappeared around the time the theatre was sold.

Other places you will see in the North Commoner's District are a few schools and cemetaries around the sectors. The schools mainly lie in the North sector, although some specialty schools lie in the South sector. Cemetaries are in the North and South sectors.

The District is divided into four sectors.. The main features, in a nutshell-- South Sector has the theatres, the paint shop, and the ocean, East Sector is uncharted, North sector has fairly equal marketplaces, and the Northeast Sector has the Council of the Firsts.

Barracks area
: This area is inhabitted by soldiers, and is mainly used to train. Civilians are not allowed in, but soldiers are not confined to it. There are a few main passages, but the fields are frequently used as training ground. This area is pretty secure.

South Sector
: Main road continues through it, and it has a maze of smaller roads. The main road is lined with Inns. The Navis Theatre is in this sector. Plays, usually about the origins of the area, are put on weekly, and rehearsels fill the other days. After hours, unruly drunk actors can be found who will often pick fights. Not a good place to spend a night. The southern segment houses many artists, who make a living by selling their works to the Art Gallery and Shop. The Sea is a common place for groups to come and paint, write, etc.

West Sector
: Not inhabited at all. This area is the are afflicted by the old woman's bad luck, and only a few people have attempted to explore it. None came back. So, no maps have been devised of this area. The main road, cutting through this area, is the only part of it you can travel safely.

North Sector
: The people have a variety of occupations including smiths, tailors, innkeepers, apothecaries. Riddled with markets, this area is the most densely populated, and is covered in small roads and pathways (meaning that you will NEVER be off a road). Travelling here will put you in very little danger of being attacked. This is the industrial area of the district, and is meant as an area in which players can buy and sell easily. Also, people here are generally hospitable and will take a traveller in for the night.

Northeast Sector
: The uppermost tip of the district. It is put to little use, and as a result, it is largely uninhabited. You are fairly likely to be attacked here, usually by wild animals or by nomadic bandits. The main road does not extend into this section. An interesting feature here is the Council of the Firsts. The council cheifs have supposedly been living in the Northeast Sector in an independent community for as long as anyone can remember. They know lots about the sector, and (for pay) they will help you on your way.

This map is a general idea of locations, etc. It can be revised or overruled by other mods, its main purpose is to give an idea of what I have in mind. ... ?id=201951

Image tags aren't working for me right now, so just check it there until I can fix it.

Building Details--

Inns- You will recieve a grubby but functioning bed and room. Meals included. Anyone with a wealth of 1 or above can afford this. Note that sleeping outside is an option, but you will have a chance of being attacked or robbed.

Paint Shop- Enterance is affordable by anyone with a 0 wealth or more. A nice painting will cost you 1 wealth point. As posession of these is greatly valued, owning these will give you a better reputation while travelling in this district. The people living here will be more hospitable to you, you will be less likely to be robbed, you will get one of the better inn rooms, etc. Effictively a continuous cross between Karma and Reputation.

Navis Theatre- You can see plays here (they happen once a week) if you have a wealth of 2 or more. You may also see plays here if the average of your acuity and coordination is 4.5 or higher, as you could sneak in the low-security theater. If neither, you may pay 1 wealth to see the play. The plays themselves are just a way to pass the evening, but this is an
place to pick up rumors.
For sniffing out rumors...
-The higher your Charisma, the more information you'll get when asking around
-The higher your Acuity, the more likely it is for you to overhear an important conversation
-The higher your Reason, the better you'll be at deciphering what you hear.

With high Charisma, you would get everything that someone who isn't involved has heard, with no complications, but that probably won't have details like when and where.

With high Acuity, you would get quips of good information mixed in with quips of completely useless stuff.

With high reason, you would be tipped off as to finer details (e.g., when, where) AND you would be able to decipher your Acuity quips more easily.

Also, after plays, you can pick fights with drunken actors for XP and some basic items.

Council of the Firsts- provides healing abilities. When here, you may restore to full health and gain 1 hit point by paying 1 point of ANY characteristic or stat (besides hit points :))

You may also pay 1 point of any characteristic or stat for counceling. This will provide you with information that could be important (you may ask a specific question and get a yes-or-no answer, OR you may hear some general information about current events (much like you'd hear in Navis Theatre), OR you may recieve a temporary +3 modifier to reasoning.

Roads- save travelling, and you will meet with other adventurers.

This is pie's revised edition of Thorred's original. I fused some ideas I had with her layout, moved some stuff around, added some details, etc. Let me know what you think.