Mystery Box Mafia - Game Over
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I am actually going tofull claim:
I am a Vigilante but my kill only works on town. I killed Toon Fighter night one /cry.
Night two Neruz was our target but he didn't die.
Please don't hammer until I talk it over with Rhinox about who we are going to target in the night.
If you hammer, you will be our target
If our target doesn't die then you know what to do with them.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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MOI wrote:@Junox - Let me get this straight ... you are a Vig that only kills Town? Are you unlimited? And should I not find it odd that I have a regular vig claim besides your 'special' Vig claim?
That's what I got from my box. You can see that my Post 10 pretty much explains what I got in retrospect. (Mind you, double-edge sword wasn't the name of my box). It's kinda like a vigilante cop. At least that's how we have been playing it.
Since I appear to have been blocked we really need to hit up DK today for claiming masons with a scum. I don't really get that. I have mainly been avoiding DK because he is a major troll in every game I have seen him play in.
MOI wrote:Junox - unless he is lynched you are officially on "Vig DK" duty.
We should lynch him and use my power on someone else.
@DK explain the mason thing.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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MoI wrote:Issue 1 I have – why in Day 1 or Day 2 didn’t you target DK if he’s been a major troll in every game you have played with him? I can’t see shooting Toonfighter over DK or YamiChan as a player with your claimed role Day 1. And Neruz was a rather bad shot also, IMO.
We chose ToonFighter because Yamichan had replaced out by the time we chose. We were going to choose her. Rhinox mentioned DK but I told him we had to be careful because he is a troll and I wanted to use this to catch scum. We chose ToonFighter because he kinda played the "I can't catch up card" all of Day 1. We chose Neruz because he was pinging both our scumdars. He was almost the night 1 choice but I backed out because I thought he very well may have joined this game just to troll Yamichan.
MoI wrote:Issue 2 I have – why are you ignoring this little gem from Rikana?
Because that was blatant silliness from Rikana. DK trolls as town so I pretty much think he is an idiot. I even begged the mod to not let him join.
MoI wrote:Kill another Townie with a bad shot like Toonfighter and I think you have to die. Just so you know where things stand.
This is just dumb. I obviously didn't kill ToonFighter because I thought he was town. It's like a Vigilante missed shot. This power is like a weak cop/vig so I plan on continuing to use it on people I think are scummy thank you very much.
Questions for you:
1) How has my play been antitown in ANY WAY? During the day. Show me.
2) Why would I, as scum, claim what I claimed?
I think you are town so I don't want to get in a town-on-town war or anything but you need to stop.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Well you guys aren't any fun. We did in fact target DK and were trying a gambit today to get the reaction out of Neruz we didn't get yesterday due to the RB claim coming before Nerus said anything. I (rhinox) got the idea after inhim started drawing attention to neruz's posts that came after the RB was announced.
We do still think Neruz is scummy and is alive when he shouldn't be (hehe clever choice of wording kekeke>.> ), but we do not have the "investigation" result to back it up.
I was hoping players who realized it was a gambit would stay mum on it until neruz reacted. No offense intended to neruz but I didn't think he was paying close enough attention to think gambit and thus we would get an honest reaction.
~RhinoxJuls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Hey guys Juls is V/LA and I have been activity challenged lately, just FYI.
That said, I did take a look at deathnote's ISO just now due to all the recent attention he's getting and I could definitely see him as scum. The first half of his iso is all basically active lurking / fluff / IIoA stuff. No real scumhunting whatsoever. I don't know what I think about the mass roleblock and justification for using it when he did. I would like some clarification on this:
Deathnote, how do you expect a mass roleblock would catch someone in a lie?deathnote wrote:Plus... there is always the chance of catching someone in a lie when you global block.
Neruz's recent posts haven't changed my opinion of him. His interaction with empking was bad. It was painfully obvious to anyone even remotely paying attention that empking was acting on and talking aboutclaimedinvestigation results, and yes neruz there were 2 of them. That whole interaction was just bad. Emp voted you after the gambit guilty, and then immediately unvoted after it was revealed to be a gambit. When he revoted you, it had absolutely nothing to do with investigation results.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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The way I see it, it has nothing to do with scumhunting poorly, its that you don't appear to be scumhunting at all. Gamma straight up asked you to point to posts where you felt you've been scumhunting in your own way or at least give your reads now on who is town or scum, and you completely side-stepped it.
I'm also having a hard time with 1 of your stated reasons for using your box - to prevent "stupid vig kills" - if you're having a hard time identifying scummy people, how do you know what vig kills are stupid, and wouldn't extra kills help you scumhunt better via POE even if vig kills hit town? What if they would have hit scum?
Catching people lying seems good in theory but I'm having a hard time coming up with a realistic situation in this game where that actually would have happened.
There is also the issue that you only seem to post when you're being directly suspected.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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MagnaofIllusion wrote:Junox wrote:@MOI: Wasn't Kondi supposed to have traded the box away? So how would that make kondi/emp a target for having the investigation box if it was supposed to have been traded away?
You are saying that scum absolutely took him at Kondi's word that he was trading it (when Empking has revealed he clearly didn't after the fact) and would pass him over Day after Day because he couldn'tPOSSIBLYbe gambitting with the Trade talk?
I just want to be absolutely clear on your thinking.
Don't be an idiot. The point is that scum wouldn't have known where the box was once the wifom was introduced that Kondi may or may not have traded the box.
Also, I'm still alive, I have the potential to catch a scum very night or at the very least eliminate scummy mislynch bait. How does that factor into your conclusion that scum would definitely kill someone whoPOSSIBLYhas an investigation box, when someone who is confirmed to have investigation abilities is left alive day after day?Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Juls wrote:Sathoris wrote:Wht d y mn?
He is saying, type your message as normal, hit preview, put
Code: Select all
javascript:(function () {elem = document.getElementById('message');elem.value = elem.value.replace(/[aeiou]/g, '');})()"
in your address bar, hit enter and boom all your vowels go away.
Now vote Spyrex, k thanx!
~JulsJuls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Code: Select all
javascript:(function () {elem = document.getElementById('message');elem.value = elem.value.replace(/[aeiou]/g, '-');})()"
If I am not mistaken, this should work too where it replaces with dashes, let me check...
Yep, that works!Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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So what motivation does town have to role block us? We are essentially a cop with a punishment for being wrong.
What motivation does scum have to role block us? We only kill town.
Just because you were MoI's secret friend doesn't mean you aren't scum. Town have clearly got scum abilities and vice versa. You could be telling the truth and still be scum. Notice the two people that you attempted to kill were both town. Why wouldn't you go along with what MoI said with you-scum knowing that those people were town.
~JulsJuls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Because you could be tracked and you wanted to build town-cred.
Spyrex wrote:Ithat MoI's neighboring madenever saidme town
One of the reasons we chose you was because we thought SpyreX-scum would keep us alive because a) we only kill town (which helps scum) and b) you probably thought we would never target you.
~JulsJuls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Look guys, with our action we either kill a townie or find scum. If scum RBed us last night to set up a mislynch today, they're not getting much out of it because whats the difference if spyrex hypo-town is killed last night or lynched today, its still the same hypo-townie dead either way. Only thing scum gains is tempo - they get to nk again before we get to lynch again which admittedly isn't a horrible thing for scum but is it worth RBing us over? IMO, only if scum felt there was a good chance one of them would be lynched today, otherwise a kill on a townie last night + a mislynch today is even better for scum. Consider - RBing us doesn't stop us from targetting scum, and we wouldn't know the difference. Meaning even if we were RBed, that doesn't mean spyrex isn't scum, but I'll let Juls go more into why we felt spy was scummy and decided to target him.
So Neruz is also scummy for this jumping to spyrex's defense:
Scum RBing us doesn't cause a reliable mislynch because scum would know there's still a chance we target scum anyways.neruz wrote:Because areliable mislynchis better.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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I'm not downplaying that tempo is important, I'm just thinking that gaining that tempo this way would be at best a last resort longshot for scum who felt hopeless, and less than hopeless scum would be better off hoping we nk a townie and then the town mislynches today for ++tempo.
Whether we were actually RBed or not, we could still target scum, and scum are going to have to play the RB defense card, so I think we can agree that scum wouldn't RB us to prevent us from identifying scum.
The question is, then, is there anyone who felt threatened enough that the scum as a team however many remain decided to RB us in hopes (not guaranteed) we would target a townie who would then be mislynched today (also not guarenteed) rather than risk having a scum lynched today? Basically, the conservative play (blocking us) is still risky, and only worth it if scum really expected to be lynched today.
My first inclination would be to look at the early voters after we claimed today (gamma, dana) - neither of them have entered lynch discussion at all really, so I can't see them feeling threatened. You bring up Sath aka Robo - Robo had to be talked into voting you, and then unvoted as soon as you explained yourself. He also had to ask about us and our role. While he could be faking it, I'd expect that if there was a scum plan to RB us and get a mislynch today, he would have read about it in the QT and would be aware of such things as "why spyrex is scum" after we claimed and "whether or not we are confirmed" - those are legitimate "tells" that if there was RB in play who targetted us, Robo would have to go out of his way to intentionally play ignorant about it and do it quite well. As far as I'm concerned, if we really were RBed, robo's posts at the start of the day make him pretty town IMO.
EBWOP: lolz DOUBLE ATTACK MODE ACTIVATEJuls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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It was primarily me (Juls) that pulled the trigger but Rhinox had his suspicions too.
1) last game I played with spyrex he was so town it made your teeth hurt. This game he has been planted firmly in Nullville.
2) I could see spyrex leaving me alive because he would think I would never target him and he could just throw this scenario out of a role block if I ever did.
3) We had misgivings about the timing of the smoking jump. It looked like a bus.
I was v/la for most of the last day but rhinox tended to think Dana was town based on the appearance of general confusion over what empking would flip.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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neruz 1505 wrote:I'm just not seeing SpyreX scum, i've ISOed him twice now and both times i've come away with a mildly town feeling.
neruz 1510 wrote:I've read his ISO nearly twice now and i just keep coming away null,
uh... why? Up until right now, you haven't even mentioned Robo today other than to say he pointed out something scummy about spy. Actually, when I search through your iso, you haven't expressed any issues with Robo or Sath all game.neruz wrote:Actually, changed my mind, i'd rather lynch Robocopter today.
~RhinoxJuls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Neruz wrote:I ISOed him two more times and came away with a null read and a mildly town feeling. Yes, i've ISOed him four times now. (Well three and a bit.)
I've been ignoring Robocopter because of his post restriction; it occured to me as i voted SpyreX that going into LyLo with a player with a PR that makes me unable to get any solid read off him was a bad idea.
So policy lynch is what you're going to lynch on today? Thats your best argument for lynch? How do you know that if spyrex is lynched, tomorrow would be LyLo?
And I don't care how many times you've iso'd spyrex, switching from mildly town to null to voting him to unvoting him for a policy lynch is scummy as hell.Juls and Rhinox Hydra- Junox
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Well Spyrex, if we are wrong then we apologize and at least we know then that scum have a Role blocker. Hopefully you will still love us.
If we are right, hahahaha gotcha! <3
Also, Neruz, you are ridiculous if you think we are scum. That would mean scum have two kills. We aren't a Serial Killer either because a Serial Killer has already flipped. Further, you say you think scum have 4 members which would mean there is one scum left (don't forget RC was scum). I personally think scum have 5 and we are still dealing with 2.
~JulsJuls and Rhinox Hydra - Junox
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