--No discussing of game outside of thread during the day at all, and you may only discuss at night if specified in your role description.
--You may only vote if ALIVE
--It takes a majority to lynch a player
--After a majority of votes have been reached, a lynch has occurred. In the “twilight” before the Mod posts a death scene, any voting or unvoting will be considered null and void
--When you are dead, feel free to post at will. When destroyed, not even a BAH out of you. You are gone, caput, finished.
--Roles will NOT be revealed at death. Upon being destroyed, everything will be made clear.
--If you will be gone for more than 48 hours, please post so in the thread.
--DEADlines for night choices to be sent in will not be changed. If you don’t send in a night choice, no choice will be made. Sorry kids, that’s the breaks.
--You may only practice your role if you are living. That’s the breaks of being ethereal…
--Information roles do their research at 11:30 PM. All night kills take place at midnight. Destroying takes place at 1:00 AM. Protection lasts through this window.
--Any questions should be sent to mod via PM.
--No sassing back.