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I Hate Stupid People! Alot!

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 12:56 am
by SaberKitty
Ok, I just dont' get it. Why are people so incredibly thick? It just drives me mad! of the 3 maf games in'm in right now, 2 of them have thus far said something to the extent of "oohhh, look at that SK are the same initials of both serial killer and saberkitty....let's lynch her, dur*"
OMG, what crap! you can take your stupid logic and shove it! i just want to hop on a flight out of DUI to what ever stupid town they live in and samck them up-side the head. gah!
i knew that if i included this little rant in one of my mafia games, Ant would say, "she's acting violent, i get this
that she's evil." which i personally think hust means, i don't like that girl and her verbal violence and especially her blue text. let's lynch her.
or in any other game, where people say..." ooh i was just kidding about the SK thing, she took it seriously, she's got something to hide"
YOu have no idea how much i hate stupidity! it's just so...nnnnrrrrggg**!
Seriously, if someone registered the name GoldFish, would you always accuse them of being the godfather, just because thier initials are the same?
ok, i know most of the time this is just one of those "look at me, i'm being so cute- look, i made a funny"- type thing, but i hate it so so so so so much.
new rule: next person who says the stupid sk=sk thing gets voted, on principle, because the town can always use less stupid people

-SK [/rant]

(ok, i realise that this has nothing much to do with mafia, but i needed to vent without geting lynched- ove the thread to off topic if you want, i jsut wanted to get the word out on my hatred of stupid people and thier horrible senses of humor)

* "dur" is the sound I make when making fun of stupid people because it's demeaning and mean. yes, i know i'm a horrible person.
** "nnnrrrggg", a sound of frustration at people who say "dur"

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 2:16 am
by Antrax
If you think you have it bad, ask IS about "vote: IS. teeheehee" days.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 3:36 am
by Internet Stranger
Why should we believe you? Your initials are SK, as in "Serial Killer".

Vote: SK

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 3:41 am
by MeMe
Amen, sister. I really think there should be some mandatory logic/IQ test before you're allowed to participate on the board...or maybe there could be a perpetual newbie game from which you have to be judged as "passing" before being allowed to play with those who have sense. On the bright side, you can be thanking your lucky stars you're not in mini 19.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 6:49 am
by mith
You know, this is exactly like a rant I would post. Go ahead and post it in a game, SK, I want to see what result it gets you. I've had mixed results, even though I don't think I've ever used it as Mafia. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 6:52 am
by cuban smoker
Whenever I rant I get lynched. Silly munchkins.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 8:52 am
by jeep
Well, if there is nothing else to go on, then people have to pick something...

"Antrax survived the night, he must be mafia..."
"Vote: IS because it's fun..."
IS: "Vote: Jalyn because I love her"

All are pretty stupid reasons, but it sometimes gets things started and it keeps up the appearance that the game is progressing (and sometimes it even provokes a useful reaction).

*shrug* if you are only getting one or maybe two votes for it, shrug it off. A couple votes isn't anything to be worried about early.

Now, if this is happening in the middle to late game, then you have some very stupid people.


Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 8:48 am
by Werebear
Vote: Jeep
for something he did to me way back when. i've forgotten what it is now, but does that matter? ;) ;) ;)

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 9:24 am
by jeep
OMGUS Vote: Werebear

And SK, you WERE the SK!


Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 5:49 pm
by SaberKitty
yeah, but it's happened before(some mini-game). but they said it in discworld too- after i saw that i just got angry and posted this.
and when there are so many better arguments... like my perpetual lack of logic, for example. gah.


Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 1:32 am
by Internet Stranger
So this whole silly tirade of yours has no logic as well?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 9:55 am
by cuban smoker
And if your perpetual lack of logic is really a problem, how do we know that you came to the conclusion of having a perpetual lack of logic logically? And how do you know there are better arguments if you have a perpetual lack of logic? How would you be able to indetify them? And...

( :lol: I am so kidding... but it was fun writing that :P )

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:09 pm
by ambic
I must be tired. I read

"i don't like that girl and her verbal violence and especially her blue text. let's lynch her"


"i don't like that girl and her herbal violence and especially her blue text. let's lynch her"

and was trying to work out what she was going to do. Paprika us to death.

(ps I think we should all vote Saber everytime on principal ;))

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 5:03 pm
by Porro
dur who's thick.
Them wot fink sk = sk?
Or dem wot call vemselves sk :P

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 5:04 pm
by Porro
p.s. It could be worse.
Someone once asked if my name was a derivative of "porno".
I nearly fell off me chair 8O

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 6:46 pm
by jeep
vote: Porno

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 2:58 am
by Porro
See what I mean :cry:

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 10:43 am
by jesternl
GME mafia on Gl...

Day 1
SaberKitty - Serial Killer

I rest my case :)

hahaha, subjects are back. yay!

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 11:42 am
by SaberKitty
we already established that i was the serial killer. i was also the serial killer in some random minigame. but just because i've been SK twice does ot mean that it's a legitimate vote. and i didn't post this thread in response to the vote in GME- it was because of the discworld. i thought it was stupid in conjunction with the gme vote. blah


Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2002 12:21 pm
by mith
SK, I admit I haven't read all of the Discworld thread, but if you seriously think that anyone's reason for voting for you in that game was your name, you need to reread it.

It's just become one of those jokes, like Vote: IS teehee, and OMGUS, and other such things. Don't freak about it. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 3:00 am
by Porro
mith wrote:It's just become one of those jokes, like Vote: IS teehee, and OMGUS, and other such things. Don't freak about it. :)

So really it's an honour :wink:

Which reminds me
OMGUS vote: Jeep

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 4:33 pm
by RubberDuck
Like what porro said, It could be worse.

When i first signed up on the GL some piece of crap accused me of accidently pushing U instead of I in the word duck, therefore making my name Rubber Dick.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:25 am
by Mackay
*sits back and observes, very amused*

FOS: Porno, RubberDick and Ambic
(for the herbal comment) :)

And, well...

...wait - Mackay starts with the same letter as Mafia! And she was Mafia once! I must be mafia! Die scum die!
vote: Mackay

...hang on a second...


(Oh, and "durrrrrr", just because I really wanted to write that :))

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:43 am
by cuban smoker
Does anyone want to join my organization? It's devoted to raising awareness about stupid people, and to give hope to those who find themselves wondering whether they will die today from the result of a stupid person's action. It's motto is "There are a lot of stupid people in the world. Let's screw them and take their money."

We're a very pragmatic people.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:34 am
by Porro
Ah that cs post takes me back

~screen goes hazy and wobbly as Porro reminisces about bygone days~

A quote I'll always remember from my Poly days. One of my best mates said "You know, being at Poly, you don't realise how many thick people there are in the world"


Poly = Polytechnic = Now called a University. i.e We were surrounded by, and associated with relatively clever people.