Image Policy Change

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Post Post #10 (isolation #0) » Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:48 am

Post by IceGuy »

Looks like there's more from where "all signatures longer than four lines are automatically spoilered" came from.
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Post Post #12 (isolation #1) » Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:10 am

Post by IceGuy »

chamber wrote:
Stopping our site from being flagged in association with malware is completely separate from forced aesthetic/readability changes. I may have disagreed with a large number of you about sigs, but respected you had grounds to argue from. You have no such ground here.

Look, I understand why you want to punish somebody who links an image from or who linked an image from, got informed that it's a malware site, and keeps linking there.

But considering it's pretty much impossible to know for sure whether site X is distributing malware, and legit sites can get compromised and function as distributor of malware (or be falsely flagged as such), you're essentially punishing people for things they aren't responsible for.

I see the problem, and I would understand if you would introduce a policy such as "you may only hotlink to imgur, tinypic, and imageshack, everything else won't go through", and if one of those sites get compromised or eat a false positive, well, there's nothing you can do.

But the current situation of "keep linking but you'll be held accountable if something happens you aren't responsible for and couldn't prevent against" is, like the signature fiasco, one of the worst possible solutions to a real problem.
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Post Post #44 (isolation #2) » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:43 am

Post by IceGuy »

Who needs formatting, ISOs and a search function anyway?
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