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Post Post #173 (isolation #0) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:31 am

Post by fish-riding-a-bike-2000 »

Hello everyone,
This is my first game, and gonna read all of you're history posts first before saying anything further.
So it may take a while. For the rest, I'm happy to be a part of this "investigation" heheha :P yea, allways wanted to say that xD

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Post Post #174 (isolation #1) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:17 am

Post by fish-riding-a-bike-2000 »

So far, reading half the posts, Buldermar, what's with you & you're unnecessary long words in every sentence? you're very anoying to me to be honest just reading only half the posts. doesin't make you look any smarter, just so you know. You're acting soo suspicious to everyone here, acting all as if you have something to hide. That's what it looks like to me. No offence though.
I must agree more with Natual_river here, indeed, Ovyo seems more likey to be mafia. but I'm not gonna vote for now. I stil have to read the other half of all you guys posts.
And then I'll explain my thoughts throughout this "Investigation" XD haha
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Post Post #175 (isolation #2) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:24 am

Post by fish-riding-a-bike-2000 »

Hmmm, just so you know Buldemar, It's nothing personal, I like you (No homo XD) You're at least posting more then half the people here, Just saying what most people here are probally thinking right now :P The fact that you are anoying XD
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Post Post #185 (isolation #3) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:54 pm

Post by fish-riding-a-bike-2000 »

buldermar wrote:
fish-riding-a-bike-2000 wrote:So far, reading half the posts, Buldermar, what's with you & you're unnecessary long words in every sentence? you're very anoying to me to be honest just reading only half the posts. doesin't make you look any smarter, just so you know. You're acting soo suspicious to everyone here, acting all as if you have something to hide. That's what it looks like to me. No offence though.
I must agree more with Natual_river here, indeed, Ovyo seems more likey to be mafia. but I'm not gonna vote for now. I stil have to read the other half of all you guys posts.
And then I'll explain my thoughts throughout this "Investigation" XD haha

Could you examplify my supposed use of unnecessary long words? I'm sure we can agree that it's not the case for every sentence, so I'll leave out that part.

It is fortunate that it doesn't make me look any smarter; I wouldn't want that to happen.

To start with, pardon my future horrible spelling & such, I'm horribley deslexic. so don't bother trying to correct me. You'll only waste you're time doing so.
damn, so far I'v red all of you're posts to try to keep up with you guys. it's nothing but just pinpointing.

@Buldemar, yea, there's nothing wrong useing long words & I know it was not you're intention of trying to sound smarter or anything. Just sometimes i really couldin't follow you where you where gettin at. Like what Tierce said a while back, you're just making Loud noise or dance was it? you know what I mean, but like no results. But whatever.

@Tierce, I must say I like you more & more every time you post. just had to say that. I don't find you suspiscious so far, but you are indeed a very exspierianced player, who knows, you are very good in this game. so i'm keeping my eye's on you

@RedRabbit, you seem like a pretty cool dude, you know what you're talking about every post you make, yet latey there's been too less of yours, eventhough you did warned us of that due to you're work. just saying would be handy if you also wer more involved here. could use you're help

Okay, enough sucking up here!

Yea, there's alot of pinpointing here & there. but between buldemar & vendetta21 earlier, you both must remember that this is just a game, not to get too personal here with each other, don't pull that shit torwards me man. I'm not up for that, just saying, I'm not in to get all personal & such with each other, let's keep this fun & interesting for everyone

I first thought Ovyo might be mafia, but the looks of it, it seem so that she is just new to this game but also very insecure with voting. Mabe the whole playing innocent & such could be a trick to us. but still not as suspisous as Deltabacon.
Why I think he might be mafia, cuz in the beginning he did introduced himself suspisous in a way how he said he is going to kick all of our asses on mafia, seemed too excited, not like a townie who would think of working together sayin "let's do this!" or something eles simulair instead. but i don't know & the rest is just gutt feeling, but ugh, too much to explain. so far i'm just gonna vote for Deltabacon. just so he will post more.

VOTE: Deltabacon

ps. i'm i voting right?
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Post Post #213 (isolation #4) » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:50 am

Post by fish-riding-a-bike-2000 »

Naturel_river has a point actually, why is it that you're so certain of paperspirit's innocents? it is my slot i know, but i'm just wondering how you could be so certain of you're conclusion without having to cheat the game.
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Post Post #214 (isolation #5) » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:51 am

Post by fish-riding-a-bike-2000 »

Last post was towards Tierce of course