Run sb_email.exe
Dear Strong Bad,
What would happen if you and the whole homestar crew played Mafia? I think it would really rawk!!!!1 You could give Pom Pom posting restriction, and the Poopsmith could be a snoop role that could tell what everybody ate last night. well that's about all I can think of right now.
Crapfully yors,
Kid of Coolness, Wellington NZ
"Kid of coolness? Does anybody else call you that? And NZ? Where the heck is NZ? Is that like, the fifty-first state? Anyway, I think playing mafia would be pretty cool. I always wanted to have an excuse to kick the crap out of some of the idiots around here. Let's send out the roles and make some magic."
Strong Badia(Pop: 1)
Wacky, Strong Bad, won the game!
Those "offed"(9/12)
blackhawk, Homsar, severe loss of crap in endgame
d8P, Strong Sad, lynched(really!) day 4 - achieved win condition
gslamm, Homestar Runner, out-of-crap-kicked night 4
Dirge, Strong Mad, lynched(Sort of) day 3
rite, Marzipan, Pummeled night 3
Saigon, Bubs, Bottomless-pitted! day 2
bloojay, Coach Z, faded night 2
Breakdown (replacing Quagmire), The Cheat, starved day 1
Foolster41, Trogdor, pummeled night 1
carmine(replacing Lady Of The Wood), Eh, Steve! has been chased out of Strong Badia by Dasquian(replacing bunsofsteel), The Talkin' Wheelchair. Dasquian wins!