[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/alfredoramos/seometadata/event/listener.php on line 114: Undefined array key 5052446 [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/alfredoramos/seometadata/event/listener.php on line 114: Trying to access array offset on value of type null Normal Game Queue (Players and Moderators) - OLD - Mafiascum.net
-Day will last 2 weeks and night will last for 72 hours.
-Players will be prodded if they go 48 hours without posting.
-Hydras are fine, as long you state the identity of the heads when signing up.
Spoiler: Full Rule Set
General Rules
1. Site Wide Rules apply. Read them and then do not break them. Some of them are so important they're listed here as well, because redundancy is your friend.
2. Play to win. Most players want to win legitimately, don't ruin their enjoyment by playing against your wincon.
3. If you have the ability to edit or delete your posts in this thread, don't do it.
4. Do not quote anywhere any PMs between you and me (including role PMs), or anything else that originated outside of the game thread. This includes PM timestamps and anything else which games the system. Paraphrasing is allowed. If in doubt, ask.
5. Do not use cryptography, invisible text, tiny text, or anything like that.
6. Do not impersonate or pretend to be the moderator.
This is my color
, don't use it or anything close to it.
7. Unless the moderator has specifically told you it is allowed, do not talk about this game outside of this game thread or QTs I provide you until I have announced that the game is over.
8. Do not bring outside factors into this game. This includes, among other things, making bets, promises of real life rewards, etc.
9. Do not use any form of provable randomness. Claiming you rolled dice and acting on that is fine. Using dice tags is not.
10. Pretending to break a rule will be treated the same as breaking the rule. It's up to my discretion whether I think you pretended to break or rule or not, so if you're not sure, ask first.
11. We're all here to have fun. Tempers may flare, but avoid personal attacks and keep it civil. I will have very little tolerance if someone complains about the way you're talking to them.
12. Breaking one of these rules may, at my discretion, result in a modkill. If you are modkilled, you will become a Neutral Survivor, and thus automatically lose. Modkilling may or may not end the game day.
13. I reserve the right to change the rules. Rule changes will be updated here as well as posted in thread.
14. If you are dead, that is it. Do not post. Not even a "Bah" post.
15. If I happen to not be online but you know the game is over (for example, if scum get a quicklynch in during LyLo), please let me post the final scene before revealing the ending or otherwise discussing the game.
Voting Rules
1. Votes must be bolded, and in the format of VOTE: Player, using either the bold or the vote tags. Abbreviations, missing punctuation, and misspellings will be accepted as long as it is obvious to me who is being voted for. IMPORTANT: If I perceive it as a vote, it counts as a vote, even if it doesn't follow these rules exactly!
2. Unvoting is nice, but is not necessary.
3. You may vote to No Lynch, that requires the same number of votes as a lynch vote.
4. Once a majority of votes is reached (# of players / 2 + 1, rounded down), that person is lynched.
5. All living players, including the lynchee, may continue to post until I lock the thread.
Activity Rules
1. If a player goes 48 real life hours without posting, I will prod them. Prods will be announced in thread.
2. If a player does not respond to their prod within 24 real life hours, or is prodded three times in total within the game, I will seek a replacement.
3. If the player comes back before a replacement is found I may allow them to continue. If this occurs when there is only one scum left in the game, or any other combination of roles which would clearly identify someone's alignment if something happens, I will extend the deadline until a replacement is found and can be given time to catch up (usually 24 hours). Other extensions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
4. If you will be V/LA, please alert me in the thread. Don't PM me, don't post in the V/LA thread, post in this thread. Otherwise I'll probably prod and possibly replace you.
1. Day will have a deadline of fourteen real life days.
2. Night will have a deadline of three real life days.
2. In the event deadline is reached before a lynch has occurred, a No Lynch occurs.
Game Setup
This game has been approved for normalcy and balance. Normal game rules can be found here.
It is guaranteed that at least 1 person will receive the following Vanilla Townie role PM: