This will be a nightless game consisting of 8 townies trying to retrieve the treasure from the Hidden Temple and the 4 Temple Guards trying to stop them.
Every player in the game, regardless of alignment, is assigned a teammate. You can talk to your teammate privately at any time!
In a normal game, anybody can be lynched at any given time. Not in this game! If you want to lynch somebody, you're going to have to issue a challenge to their team! Once that happens, the pool of players that can be lynched is reduced to the team that was challenged AND the team that issued the challenge. Only one challenge may be issued each day, and they are non-retractable!
I want teammates to utilize the daytalking as much as possible, so I'm going to let you choose who you are partnered with! Any ins must include the name of another player you want to be your partner, and you won't be added to the playerlist until BOTH of you sign up. Remember, though, even though you will be teammates, you are NOT guaranteed to share alignment!
To /in, both you AND your partner need to post in this thread listing both your partner and preferred team name. Team names will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Here are the six possible teamnames, along with the six pre-/ins that I already have:
Red Jaguars
??? and ???
Blue Barracudas
Majiffy and Pirate Mollie
Green Monkeys
??? and ???
Orange Iguanas
??? and ???
Silver Snakes
??? and ???
Purple Parrots
buldermar and Nachomamma8
Whatever team is left over:
AngryPidgeon and Venmar