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Open 521: Jungle Republic (Alright. We'll call it a draw)

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:43 pm
by Lord Mhork
Open 521: Jungle Republic

Enter the Loony Bin

Moderator: Lord Mhork

Inmates Clinging Tenuously to Insanity:

Gnomeo *
TrumpetKing ***

In "Solitary":

Vanilla Townie
Lynched Day One

Vanilla Townie
Killed Night One

Mafia Goon
Lynched Day Two
Klick **
Vanilla Townie
Killed Night Two

Mafia Goon
Lynched Day Three

theaceofspades *
Town Seer
Killed Night Three

Om of the Nom***
Shattered Viewpoint
Werewolf Lynched Day Four

Yggdra Union
Vanilla Townie
Killed Night Four

Inmates who have left on their own volition and through no outside modly influence:

No one. Let's keep it that way.

Mhorkham Asylum, perched on the the hills far on the outskirts of Mhorkville, opposite from Mhork Manor, has always been the leading institution for the criminally (and generally) insane. At least it was until Baron von Mhork and Mayor Mhork were both brutally murdered by the Mhorkville Mafia. Who especially could forget the gruesome massacre that occurred only a few years early when suburban warfare broke out? It was after that tragedy that Mhorkham Asylum was closed to the general public. It was supposedly shut down forever, but the Mafia began using it for its more...eccentric ex leaders.

Each of you controlled the Mob before you were removed for various reasons, yet you are all past that and enjoying a proper relaxation with plenty of morphine, burly orderlies, and a panic room for each of you. It was a lovely Tuesday evening and you were all winding down from your intense game of Bingo when the loudspeaker burst into life.
The Loudspeaker wrote: Attention. Attention! May I have your attention please? Thank you. This is your Chief Warden Mhork. I regret to inform you all that I am currently being held against my will by two very large, very hairy thugs ordering me to hand over the keys to all the cells. As per their instructions all orderlies have vacated the premises and I am about to do the same. They have decided to play a game with you all, and you all
so enjoy your games, don't you? Ah...


Oh right! The game. The there are twelve of you left, including the thugs. If you can kill them during the day, they will not be able to kill you during the night. Best of luck to you all and best wishes from Hawaii.

The loudspeaker goes quiet. Each of you walks from your rooms into the mess hall. The power has been cut and it's dark. Only a few small windows have not been boarded, letting in the beams of daybreak. If you wish to survive and finally escape the asylum, all you need to do is vote correctly. Will you be able to find these brutal thugs?

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:28 pm
by Lord Mhork
Jungle Republic
is a 12-player setup featuring a werewolf faction that possesses a night kill and a mafia faction that does not.

The roles are as follows:
Mafia Goons


Town Seer

Vanilla Townies

The special mechanics rules are as follows:
-The mafia
possess a night kill
-Seer receives results in Werewolf or Not Werewolf
Note the special endgame rules:

--The mafia or the werewolves win if they make up a full majority of the living players OR if they make up half and at least one protown role remains.
--If mafia and werewolves ever make up equal numbers with no protown players left, the mafia wins.
--The mafia wins if a day begins with 1 mafia goon, 1 werewolf, and 1 protown role.

The PMs are as follows:
, and welcome to the loony bin! You are a
Mafia Goon
. You and your partners,
, quickly bonded together when you each realized neither of the others was crazy either. You were either locked up because you were a threat to those in control or threateningly incompetent, but in any event you are not insane. In fact you hate all of these drooling idiots and would love to see them all dead. Not that you would want to soil your hands actually killing anyone, but how hard can it be to manipulate this voting game and outlast the thugs?


-Factional Communication: During the Night Phase you may communicate with your partners
-During the Day you can talk, think, and vote.

Win Condition:

-You win when at least half the living players are mafia, or nothing can prevent this from happening.
, and welcome to the loony bin! You are a
. You and your partner
were born extremely hairy and with a passion for all things lunar. Now when the mood strikes you (along with a few helpful moonbeams) you let a primal inner rage take over to kill whichever victim you have trapped beforehand. You took control of the asylum to imitate the Hunt as best you could in the form of a voting game. Can you prove your prowess to best the voting game and strategically use your bloodthirst to vanquish the rest of the inmates?


-Factional Communication: During the Night Phase you may communicate with your partner
-Factional Kill: At Night you or your partner may kill another player. Please PM with the name of your target and the player performing the kill.
-During the Day you can talk, think, and vote.

Win Condition:

-You win when at least half the living players are werewolves and one pro-town role remains, or when werewolves make up a full majority of the town, or nothing can prevent this from happening.
, and welcome to the loony bin! You are a
Town Seer
. You lead the mob during the assault on Mhork Manor and seeing the ghost of Baron von Mhork touched you profoundly. Afterward you swore never to kill again and were placed in Mhorkham because you insisted that the Ghost would speak to you, help you divine the future, and read a person's true nature. The hairy thugs gave you an idea: perhaps you could use your new gift to pay back for your earlier sins and convince the Ghost to give you peace. Can you harness the Ghost's whispers, win the hairy thugs' game, and escape the asylum?


-Each night you may investigate another player by PMing me your target's name. You will get results in either Werewolf or Not Werewolf.
-During the Day you can talk, think, and vote.

Win Condition:

-You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one pro town player remains.
, and welcome to the loony bin! You are a
Vanilla Townie
. You once lead the mob at some point in your life before you suffered a psychotic break. Or depression got the best of you. Or the voices went a step too far with the bunny. In any event, Mhorkham became your home. You loved Mhorkham and all its idiosyncratic charm, but now that time has passed. The outside world is calling to you and the hairy thugs and their game is the perfect escape. All you have to do is find them and them and kill them. EASY! Can you win the game and make your way out of the asylum and back into civilization?


-During the Day you can talk, think, and vote.

Win Condition:

-You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one pro town player remains.
All flavor is original and for my amusement only. It has no bearing on the game.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:31 pm
by Lord Mhork
The Rules

Inspired and adapted from many, many different rule lists.[/align]

Article I- General Rules

Subsection A: Ethics of the Game

All site rules apply.
Read them. Follow them. Live them.
-ii. This is first and foremost a game. As such, the primary goal is to have fun.
-iii. This is first and foremost a game. As such, the secondary goal is to play to win. Always play to your win condition as outlined in your role PM.
-iv. You may not quote your Role PM. At all. You also may not quote any Mod to Player communication or any other outside communication be in PM, QuickTopic, or other.
--That being said, paraphrasing is, of course, just fine.
-v. The use of encryption, invisible text, hidden messages in tags, very small text, or anything along those lines is strictly prohibited.
--This falls under cheating and will be dealt with by a strict and harsh judgement.
-vi. If you somehow find a way to edit or delete posts in thread, you may NOT do so unless given EXPLICIT permission by me.
-vii. Do not pretend like I have edited your post. Don't do it.
--This falls under impersonating the moderator and will be dealt with by a strict and harsh judgement.
-viii. That being said, do NOT try to impersonate me.
This is my color. Do not touch it.

-ix. Be polite and treat one another with respect. In other words, don't be a dick. This will be henceforth referred to as the 'Don't be a Dick Clause.'
--I reserve the right to determine whether this rule is infringed upon by a post, however if you feel that someone is violating this rule, contact me with your concerns.

Subsection B: Activity

-i. This game is a commitment. You are expected to maintain a reasonable level of activity throughout the game for as long as you are a part of it.
-ii. If you go for 48 hours or more without posting in thread, you will be prodded. All prods will contain the following:
--"It's been awhile since you've posted. Please remedy that."
-iii. If you fail to respond to my prod within 24 hours, you will be automatically force replaced.
-iv. You may receive up to three prods during the course of the game. If you require a fourth, you will automatically be force replaced.
-v. If you won't be able to post, you may request a Vacation/Limited Access as long as you obey the following restrictions
--You must post your V/LA in thread. If you PM it to me, it will be posted in thread with the next vote count. However it is still requested that you post it in thread.
--I will likely approve any V/LA of a week or shorter, but if it is longer, I will likely replace you.
--That being said, if you require repeated V/LAs--more than can be considered reasonable--I may replace you.

Article II- The Day Phase

Subsection A: The Lynch

-i. If you have the ability to vote, you must do so using one of the following formats:
Vote: Lord Mhork

--VOTE: Lord Mhork
-ii. Votes should be done on a new line. If they are not, I won't count them.
--That being said, if you are trying to use this rule to fakehammer/fakevote and game the system, I will interpret the vote in the way that is most detrimental to your faction. Don't test me.
-iii. You may use a nickname or abbreviation in a vote as long as it is clear to whom you are referring. For instance:
-iv. While not specifically required, unvotes are very much appreciated. Especially in the following fomats:
Unvote: Lord Mhork

--UNVOTE: Lord Mhork
-v. If a player receives votes equal to half of the playerbase, rounded down, plus one, he will be lynched.
-vi. When a player is lynched, the thread will be locked as soon as I make it to the thread and see the lynch. That player will then be declared dead and his role will be revealed unless another role prevents that.
-vii. If half of the playerbase, rounded down, plus one vote to
No Lynch
, the day will end and there will be no death.
-viii. I will post a vote count as often as I can, but no more than once per page.
--If you feel I am shirking my responsibility to post vote counting, feel free to request one in thread.
-ix. If you see that I made a mistake in a vote count, please say so in thread and I will fix it.
-x. When a majority is reached, that player is lynched. No votes or unvotes will be counted after the 'Hammer' vote
--Hammer referring to the final vote on a player, lynching him.

Subsection B: The Deadline

-i. During the day, all living players may may discuss and vote.
-ii. A day phase will have an initial deadline of 18 days.
-iii. Extensions may be allowed for the deadline, assuming there are extenuating circumstances.
-iv. Deadlines are, of course, not bankable.
-v. You have the day to lynch a player. If the deadline is reached and there is not a majority voting a player, the day will end in a No Lynch.

Subsection C: Twilight

-i. While not strictly speaking a phase, Twilight refers to the time between the 'Hammer' vote and my posting a death scene.
-ii. During Twilight all living players, including whomever is being lynched, may continue to speak as though it were the day.
-iii. During Twilight no votes or unvotes will be counted. The lynch is final.
-iv. Note that Twilight will not be consistent, nor should it be expected to be so. It is not a right, but simply the byproduct of me not being on the website 24/7.

Article III- The Night Phase

Subsection A: Night Actions

-i. If you have an Activated Night Action, you may PM me during the Night to let me know that you are using it.
-ii. If you fail to send me a PM telling me you are using an action, it will be assumed you are not using that action.
-iii. If the action is Compulsive and you fail to send me a PM telling me you are using an action, your target will be randomly chosen from all legal targets.
-iv. If you have a QuickTopic for the Night Phase, it will be unlocked for the duration of the Night and you may post there freely as long as you obey the Game Rules.
v. If you have a factional kill, you must not only submit your target, but also whomever is performing the kill.

Subsection B: Deadline

-i. During the Night the main thread will be closed and you may not communicate with any players unless specifically allowed to.
-ii. A Night will last for 48 hours.
-iii. Extensions may be allowed for the deadline, but only in very rare circumstances where it is necessary.
-iv. Once the deadline is reached, no further Night Actions will be accepted.

Subsection C: Night Action Resolution

-i. Night Actions will resolve according to the following list:
  • Copy
-ii. If I paint myself into a corner and reach a situation where I don't know what to do, I will ask someone qualified to help me make the judgement.
-iii. If you are confused or have a question on how actions will resolve, feel free to PM me.

Article IV- Miscellaneous

-i. I am the Lord thy Mod. Feel free to contact me by in-thread post or PM if you have questions, comments, complaints, or feedback.
-ii. I reserve the right to change these rules at any time for any reason with or without warning. I will, however, tell you about it in thread.
-iii. In Non-Theme games, flavor is purely original and for my own amusement only. In Theme games, I reserve the right to interpret the source material however I wish.
--This means that anything can happen. Darth Vader can be a Vanilla Townie, Red Shirt can be a Deathproof Day Vigilante, Harry and Draco can be Day Mason Lovers--anything can happen.
-iv. In cased you missed it above, it's worth repeating.
This is me. Don't imitate me.

-v. I use a
Super Special Website
in order to determine who receives which role. It's entirely and completely random.
-vi. Obey the SPIRIT of the rules. If it seems you are exploiting technicalities or purposely utilizing vague or unclear rules, you will be treated as though you are cheating.
-vii. It is better to ask than be Mod-Killed. If a rule seems unclear to you, please ask. I am more than happy to clarify.
-viii. Mod-Kills are treated in the following manner: you will be immediately be removed from the game and converted to a
Neutral Survivor
. This is a very bad thing and I don't want to do it. Don't make me do it.

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:34 pm
by Lord Mhork
Roles are being randomized and sent out. The game will begin when 6 of the 12 players have confirmed via PM.

Bolded have confirmed:







Yggdra Union

Om of the Nom

Om of the Nom replaces Shadi1337 effective immediately.

With 6 confirmed, the game can begin. Go get 'em guys!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:37 am
by Lord Mhork
Vote Count 1.01

Gnomeo (0)
Klick (0)
Smoker (0)
theaceofspades (0)
ferretlover (0)
1baldeagle1 (0)
TrumpetKing (0)
KrazyEyeKilla7 (0)
Yggdra Union (0)
Om of the Nom (0)
TheFuzzyLogic99 (0)

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

V/LA- None

Night falls in (expired on 2013-09-08 12:30:00)

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:39 am
by Klick

It's been awhile!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:41 am
by Gnomeo
VOTE: TrumpetKing

Stop the noise already!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:19 am
by 1baldeagle1
VOTE: Klick

For getting the first post.....again.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:22 am
by Klick

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:23 am
by theaceofspades
VOTE: Vote: crazyeyekilla

"kewl" spelling.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:53 am
by Yggdra Union
VOTE: ferretlover

Hi. We'll be signing our posts.


Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:58 am
by TrumpetKing
VOTE: Yggdra Union

For having a strange first name.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:07 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
well since I am new to this site and do not know peoples playing style my vote will be random for the time being. Round 1 usually a guess anyways unless the mafia or werewolf player does something obvious to draw atention to themselves. Saying that

Vote Gnomeo

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:09 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
Hi everyone.......

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:16 pm
by Yggdra Union
And I would be the other head.


Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:17 pm
by Yggdra Union

@Fuzzylogic: Can you get an avatar? It would be easier to determine who's posting via avatars

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:59 pm
by KrazyEyeKilla7
Hello people. Same as Yggdra, Fuzzy should get an avatar.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:32 pm
by ferretlover
VOTE: 1baldeagle1

I don't like the name.


Luciana <3

[size=x-small]Who are you people?[/size]

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:33 pm
by ferretlover
Dammit how do you do sizes on this freaking forum.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:39 pm
by Yggdra Union

Code: Select all

[size=70]Like this.[/size]

Like this.


Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:05 pm
by ferretlover
Oh that's stupid.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:00 pm
by KrazyEyeKilla7
Seems legit to me. What's hard about url coding?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:25 pm
by Om of the Nom
*never received role PM or notification that I was actually replaced into the game*

Hi Klick :)

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:00 am
by KrazyEyeKilla7
Here's my read so far:

The ONLY person who has given any town/scum leaning is fuzzy. Stating that a scum will give themselves away with an obvious action, then voting for Gnomeo "with that said...". I could say this is obvious scum but then again it is also just stating facts that everyone is aware of, followed by a random vote. So yeah, nothing major yet, though I am personally keeping an eye on Fuzzy...for now.

Anyone else wanna throw in their 2 cents?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:05 am
My say? I have no idea what the hell youre talking about.

Why dont you have an RVS vote? For that matter, your whole quasi read on fuzzylogic is pretty bad. Why is it obv scum instead of stating facts, this makes no sense. Youre trying to paint him as sscummy for something that even you said could be just stating facts.

VOTE: Krazy

My vote is serious,