Amrun *
In post 1, Nexus wrote:Game Rules:
- If you are being a dick, you run the risk of force-replacement or modkill. You may or may not be warned.Rule 0: Don't be a dick.
- Please adhere to the site rules.
- Do not discuss this game of mafia outside of this thread unless your role PM allows you to do so.
- Day phases will last 2 weeks maximum.
- Night Phases will last 48 hours maximum.
- During night phase, no talking may be done in the thread.
- Do not quote PM's from the mod at all (real or fabricated). Paraphrasing is acceptable.
- If you have any questions about your role, or the game, feel free to PM the mod.
- "Bah" posts are not allowed.
- If you break any of these rules, you will probably be modkilled.
Voting/Player Actions:
- All votes must be in bold format: vote: Nexus for example.
- Try to unvote before voting. Unvotes must also be in bold.
- Any and all votes will be counted, if you wish to waste a day phase voting for someone not in the game,that's fine by me.
- You may vote No Lynch.
- Voting tricks are not acceptable. If you misspell someone's name intentionally, but I get the gist of it, the vote will count.
- A lynch will occur once a majority decision is reached. If no majority is reached by deadline, then no lynch shall occur.
- Following a lynch, it is twilight. You may continue to post until I lock the thread and declare it night.
- If you have a Night Action, you may submit it from Night 1 and each subsequent Night. No other time.
- You are expected to post at least once every 48 hours. If you haven't posted for 48 hours, I shall prod you. If you do not respond to the prod within 48 hours (either in thread if it's Day, or via PM during the Night) then I will replace you.
- Similarly, if you require more than three prods, I will force-replace you.
- Blue is my colour. Please don't use it.
- Confirm by how your Role PM tells you to once you are ready to play. Once there are 17 confirms, the game begins.
- Do not edit your posts.
- No impossible/hard to read text, or cryptography.
- The Mod may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently. Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed. These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
- If there is a hydra in the game, you must not post in your normal account. Doing so and then not quoting it as a hydra will invite a warning. Excessive failure to post as a hydra and not quoting it will result in force-replacement.
- If you need to get the mod's attention, either PM me, or bold the text you wish to draw to my attention.
- I reserve the right to alter/remove/add any rules as I see fit. You will, of course, be notified if that happens, however.
In post 125, Nexus wrote:penguin_alien and Squilly have been prodded.
In post 689, RachMarie wrote:What that means though is:
1. Falcon is for sure town because iffen he is giving out fruit he is probably not killing our dear doc...
2. Falcon could still be scum, but was not doing the kill... I am going on the basis that we have a three person scum team and no SK. (singular night kills kinda give credence to not having a SK).
So it is more likely he is town, but not totally confirmed yet. In Author Mafia we DID have a mafia fruit vendor. We found him out because he was not able to give fruit AND do the night kill as well.
@ mod if a mafia PR ends up being the only one left, can he do both his or her PR as well as doing the killing?
Nexus wrote:fferyllt, you are aBasilisk,and you are aligned with theMafia.Your partner is StubbsKVM(Riddle's Diary),and you may communicate in this Quicktopic. You know that there is alsoLucius Malfoyin this game, and he is aligned with you, however for now you are unable to communicate.
You are the monster within the Chamber of Secrets, and you are controlled by whoever is in contact with Riddle's Diary.
Petrify -Whilst you are alive, you must perform the Mafia kill. Each Night, you should PM me the name of the person you wish to kill, and, as long as nothing stops it, that person will successfully be removed from the game. Your kill flavour is 'Petrified.'
Vote -During the Day, you must pretend to be aligned with the town. As such, you get a vote to try and lynch someone. Use it well.
You win when your faction outnumbers the Town, and nothing can prevent this from happening.
You know that Mrs. Norris is not in the game, and at any point you may PM me with a role that you wish to get a fakeclaim for.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:StubbsKVM, you are Riddle's Diary, and you are aligned with theMafia.Your partner is fferyllt(the Basilisk),and you may communicate at anytime in this Quicktopic. You know that there is alsoLucius Malfoyin this game, and he is aligned with you, however for now you are unable to communicate.
You are the horcrux for Lord Voldemort (not that anyone knows you're a horcrux!), and as such you are determined to screw Hogwarts over as much as possible.
JOAT -Once per Night, you may choose to use one of the following abilities, once:
-Roleblock - you PM me the name of a person to roleblock. If you are successful they will be unable to perform any actions that Night.
-Rolecop - you PM me the name of a person to rolecop. If you are successful, you will be PMed their role.
-Redirector - you PM me two names of people to redirect. If you are successful, any actions which target the first person will instead target the second person.
Vote -During the Day, you must pretend to be aligned with the town. As such, you get a vote to try and lynch someone. Use it well.
You win when your faction outnumbers the Town, and nothing can prevent this from happening.
You know that Colin Creevey is not in the game, and at any point you may PM me with a role that you wish to get a fakeclaim for.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:Syryana, you areLucius Malfoy,and you are aligned with theMafia.You know that your partners are StubbsKVM(Riddle's Diary)and fferyllt(the Basilisk),however you are unable to communicate with them unless you complete your additional condition.
You hate the Weasley family, and as a result you want to make them look as bad as ever.
Weasley Cop:Once per Night, you can PM me the name of someone to investigate. You will find out whether or not they are a 'Weasley.'
Lyncher:In order to join the Mafia, you must ensure that a Weasley is lynched. The Night after a Weasley is lynched, you will be given the Mafia Quicktopic. Even if you cannot communicate with the Mafia, you will win with them in Endgame. If you do not get a Weasley lynched, and you are the last person alive, you will not get a mafia kill - your kill is only accessed when you have access to the Quicktopic.
Vote -During the Day, you must pretend to be aligned with the town. As such, you get a vote to try and lynch someone. Use it well.
You win when your faction outnumbers the Town, and nothing can prevent this from happening.
You know that Dobby is not in the game, and at any point you may PM me with a role that you wish to get a fakeclaim for.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:LnGrrrR, you areNearly Headless Nick,and you are aHogwarts-aligned one-use Doctor.
You are loyal to the Gryffindor House and Hogwarts, and you want to make sure that any threats are removed.
1-use Protect:The Basilisk is loose, and if someone catches its gaze, then they immediately die. If you manage to successfully protect someone from a Basilisk kill, then you lose your protect, and they become treestumped. You will be informed when this is successful, and you can continue to protect until you are successful. If the Basilisk dies before you successfully protects from its kill, then you function as a regular 1-use Doctor.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:RachMarie, you areAragog,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Tracker.
You are loyal to Hagrid, and as such have a hatred of the Basilisk and want to protect Hogwarts.
Track:During the Night, you can send your spiderlings to track someone. You PM me their name, and you'll be told who, if anybody, that person targetted that Night.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:JasonWazza, you areArgus Filch,and you are aHogwarts-aligned JOAT.
You are loyal to Hogwarts, despite the fact that the pupils hate you.
JOAT:Once per Night, you may use one of these abilities. You can only use each one once:
-Follower - That Night you can PM me the name of a player, and you will be informed as to what kind of ability they took that Night, as long as nothing prevents you from finding out. You don't find out who they targetted.
-Reporter - That Night you can PM me the name of a player, and you will find out whether or not they were at home that Night, as long as nothing prevents you from finding out.
-Voyeur - That Night you can PM me the name of a player, and you will be informed as to what kind of ability is done to them, but you won't find out who targetted them, as long as nothing prevents you from finding out.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:T S O, you areProfessor Lockhart,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Fruit Vendor.
You are a Hogwarts teacher, and despite the fact you're pretty useless, you have the school's best interests in mind.
Vend:Once per Night you must send me the name of a person you wish to give a piece of fruit to. This doesn't do anything, but you must do it.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:Amrun, you areDraco Malfoy,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Townie.
You may be a member of the Slytherin House, but you still want Hogwarts to be safe.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:Toomai, you areJustin Finch-Fletchley,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Townie.
You are Muggle-born and a member of the Hufflepuff House, and want to help eliminate any threats to Hogwarts.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:Squilly, you areGinny Weasley,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Townie.
You are a member of the Gryffindor House, and want to help eliminate any threats to Hogwarts.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:oriole, you arePenelope Clearwater,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Townie.
You are a member of the Ravenclaw House, and want to help eliminate any threats to Hogwarts.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:penguin_alien, you areMr Weasley's Ford Anglia,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Townie.
You are a sentient car living in the Hogwarts Grounds, and want to help eliminate any threats to Hogwarts.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.
Nexus wrote:ChannelDelibird, you areFred Weasley,and you are aHogwarts-aligned Townie.
You are a member of the Gryffindor House, and want to help eliminate any threats to Hogwarts.
Vote:During the Day, you are trying to root out those who are threatening Hogwarts. You can use your vote to try and lynch someone.
You win when all threats to Hogwarts are eliminated.
The game thread is here. Please confirm via PM with your character name to show me you're ready to play.