Common sense here is actually "gut reactions to balance based on experience."In post 18, Katsuki wrote:The point was more so common sense. I typed the first 3 roles that came to me (probably also the 3 most common).
If you change that to a one-shot vig, pretty much you get what most mini normals consisted of when I played them (2 of godfather/rolecop/roleblocker vs a town like that). Balance 3 years might be different than what it is now.
p.s. Most people hate follow the cop. From a personal standpoint, cop is a terribly overpowered role unless there are a ton of roles to interfere with it (eg. lots of methods for false negatives/positives).
This advice is useless if you have limited design and play experience. Also, there's evidence that people are biased to overpower scum (as per Zoraster's data regarding recent balance).