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Mini 326- Buffy Mafia-Game Over

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:05 am
by armlx
Given the Buffyverse, anything could have happened. Demon time flux, battle for the fate of the world, etc. All you know is you are here, and there is evil here too. You job is to eliminate it (or eliminate the good). Either way, get it done.

There will be spoilers for those who mind. If you do, you may not want to be in this game

Alive (2)-
Davidangelsummers (replacing Lostprophet)- The First- Unkillable Mafia incapable of killing wins
Pug89- Glory- Investigation Immune Mafia wins

Definitely died, but will they stay dead?-
Spamwise- Andrew- Mason killed in end game
Adele- Warren- Mason killed in Endgame
PBuG- Spike- Town Bodyguard/ Mafia staked N3, but wins
Sotty (replacing Aelyn)- Buffy Summers- SK neck broken and slashed N3

BrizzyBoi (replacing notguilty)- Amanda- Vig when Buffy dies lynched D2
Jecht- Anya- Neck broken and snapped N2
Twito- Willow- Cop shot w/ crossbow N2
Stevie- Faith- Townie lynched day 1
Fritzler - Riley Finn- Doctor stabbed night 1
Cogito Ergo Sum- Clem- Townie neck broken and slashed N1

Rules (Janked from Cadmium @ mafiascum and prolly several others).

-Nights will last around 5 days or so. A deadline will be posted at the beginning of every night. If all choices are in early, I will not wait for the deadline to pass. If the Mafia want the night to last, they should hold their choice.

-If you have a night choice to make, it is due by the posted deadline. If you do not submit a choice, no choice will be made unless I have said otherwise.

-Days will last up to 3 weeks with a 1 week potential extension. If discussion lags, I will impose a deadline (in which case most votes results into a successful lynch, but only with more than 6 players alive). If discussion picks up, the deadline can be rescinded upon popular demand.

-Votes / unvotes must be in bold like so vote armlx or unvote armlx. It makes it that much easier for me. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted. Please be attentive and unvote, before casting a new vote. I’d appreciate it.

-Lynching will require a simple majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, his pleas are useless and any attempts to unvote will be unheeded.

-You may vote: no lynch – majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death.

-The game is not to be discussed outside of the thread unless your role description specifically states that you may do so.

-Once your death scene has been posted, you’re dead besides a bah post. Stop typing. Unless you are being resurrected, that is.

-Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts.

-Don’t quote any messages from me unless I said you could. You are liable to get mod-killed if you do.

-If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 72-hour period, please post a notice to that effect in the thread. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave the other players hanging.

-I should post a vote count, ever so often, maybe every page or every alternate one. Please feel free to request one should you deem it necessary.

-If you have any questions, you can pm me. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, and with the best explanation that I can.

-I'm always right, but not always accurate.

-Invisi-text = mod kill. Just something I remembered from prior games.

-Upon death, all role PMs will be revealed, but may be edited.

-Most importantly...this is a game and we're here to have fun. Do your part. DBAD applies (don't be a....).

Game Specific Note: This game is not chronologically set anywhere in the show, so a Character from season 4 could be in the game with a character from season 7, and a character from multiple seasons could be them from any of those seasons.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:14 pm
by armlx
Roles are going out now. Confirm by PM and send in N1 choices by next Saturday.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:31 pm
by armlx
Dawn of the first day breaks to a bloody scene.

Fritzler has been killed. The cause of his death is evident with the stab wound through his chest. He was Riley Finn, and unfortunately your doctor....

Role Name: Riley Finn (Season 5)

You are Buffy's boyfriend (for the time being). During your work for the military you were part of a secret ops program designed to study vampires. You also were experimented on in attempts to improve human performance to be able to fight demons. Still, the super strength isn't the only plus of your army training. You are skilled in battlefield medicine. Each night you may chose to protect a person other than yourself from attack. You will be able to fight off any attackers on that person and tend to their wounds before they die, preventing their demise.

Summary: Doc
Goal: Stop the evil guys
You also find CES dead. His neck is snapped and his throat slashed open. Despite the violent kill, the scene is rather clean. CES was Clem, a basic townie
Role Name: Clem (seasons 6 and 7)

You are.... well... I'm not really sure. Theres a lot of extra skin there, and some huge ears, and you are defnitely a demon. You are also a really nice guy, and wouldn't hurt any one. Unfortunately, you are sorta a wuss as far as things go, so you really just have your vote to help the town.

Summary: Townie
Goal: Eliminate the evil people (and then maybe have a snack taste test)..
It is Day 1. With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 9:23 pm
by Cogito Ergo Sum

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 10:00 pm
by Aelyn
Vote: Adele

(Sibling rivalry)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 11:49 pm
by SpamWise
- He's the kind of guy who would target Fritzler Night 1. Of course, in a way we all are, so this vote really amounts to little more than a random vote. Semi-random is probably the best way to describe it.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 1:05 am
by Twito
vote notguilty

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:50 am
by StevieT92
vote: Twito


Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:06 am
by Lostprophet
Vote: JechtMurray
. He knows why.... 8)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:26 am
by PBuG
Vote: Lostprophet[/] I don't :P

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:41 am
by Adele carefully reasoned
vote: Aelyn
. Yes. Great deal of thought went into that ;)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 12:22 pm
by PBuG
Vote: lostprophet
DAMN CODING. I'M NOT YOUR BITCH, BITCH. (I've always wanted to say that...)

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 1:32 pm
by Fritzler

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:56 pm
by SpamWise
Do not read this post.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:56 am
by Aelyn
SpamWise wrote:Do not read this post.
Sorry :(

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 5:09 am
by PBuG
Bump over locked stuff.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:30 am
by StevieT92
Unvote, vote: lostprophet
. I just don't like the guy.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 9:36 am
by PBuG
Unvote, vote Stevie

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 2:58 pm
by StevieT92
Unvote, vote: PBug

Let's fight!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:29 pm
by SpamWise
I don't know what to make of Stevie's last couple of moves.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 12:14 am
by Aelyn
Nor do I, really.

Unvote, Vote: StevieT92

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:52 am
by Twito
Me neither..
First voting me, hopping on guy with one vote already(attempting to start bandwagon?) and then hopping on guy who voted him..

Vote: StevieT92

It's not like we have better leads here..

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:10 am
by Lostprophet
Oh but Stevie, I wubs you! Can't you see!?

P.S. Anyone taking any votes and unvotes seriously at this stage in the game needs to take like, 3 chill pills.

For example:
Unvote, Vote: notguilty
. Get in here, ya lurking scum!

Or, as another example:
Unvote, Vote: Pug89
. Get in here, ya... scumming lurk!

Or, finally:
Unvote, Vote: JechtMurray
. Not gonna talk, eh, scum? We have... ways, of making you talk... dot dot dot...

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:28 am
by notguilty
Hey sorry. I'll be posting more tomorrow night after I get home from college.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:04 am
by armlx
Vote Count
Stevie- 3 (PBuG, Aelyn, Twito)
Jecht- 1 (LP)
PBuG- 2 (Spamwise, Stevie)
Aelyn- 1 (Adele)

Not Voting: Jecht, Pug, notguilty