The Fall of Gondolin Mafia: Game Over (The Tale of Gondolin)

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The Fall of Gondolin Mafia: Game Over (The Tale of Gondolin)

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:14 am

Post by Plum »



Thus it was that the son of Huor rode across Tumladen, and came to the gate of Gondolin; and passing up the wide stairways of the city he was brought at last to the Tower of the King, and looked upon the images of the Trees of Valinor. Then Tuor stood before Turgon son of Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor, and upon the King's right hand there stood Maeglin his sister-son, but upon his left hand sat Idril Celebrindal his daughter; and all that heard the voice of Tuor marvelled, doubting that this were in truth a Man of mortal race, for his words were the words of the Lord of Waters that came to him in that hour. And he gave warning to Turgon that the Curse of Mandos now hastened to its fulfilment, when all the works of the Noldor should perish; and he bade him depart, and abandon the fair and mighty city that he had built, and go down Sirion to the sea.

Then Turgon pondered long the counsel of Ulmo, and there came into his mind the words that were spoken to him in Vinyamar: 'Love not too well the work of thy hands and the devices of thy heart; and remember that the true hope of the Noldor lieth in the West, and cometh from the Sea.' But Turgon was become proud, and Gondolin as beautiful as a memory of Elven Tirion, and he trusted still in its secret and impregnable strength, though even a Vala should gainsay it; and after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad the people of that city desired never again to mingle in the woes of Elves and Men without, nor to return through dread and danger into the West. Shut behind their pathless and enchanted hills they suffered none to enter, though he fled from Morgoth hate-pursued; and tidings of the lands beyond came to them faint and far, and they heeded them little. The spies of Angband sought for them in vain; and their dwelling was as a rumour, and a secret that none could find. Maeglin spoke ever against Tuor in the councils of the King, and his words seemed the more weighty in that they went with Turgon's heart; and at the last he rejected the bidding of Ulmo and refused his counsel. But in the warning of the Vala he heard again the words that were spoken before the departing Noldor on the coast of Araman long ago; and the fear of treason was wakened in Turgon's heart. Therefore in that time the very entrance to the hidden door in the Encircling Mountains was caused to be blocked up; and thereafter none went ever forth from Gondolin on any errand of peace or war, while that city stood. Tidings were brought by Thorondor Lord of Eagles of the fall of Nargothrond, and after of the slaying of Thingol and of Dior his heir, and of the ruin of Doriath; but Turgon shut his ear to word of the woes without, and vowed to march never at the side of any son of Fëanor; and his people he forbade ever to pass the leaguer of the hills.

And Tuor remained in Gondolin, for its bliss and its beauty and the wisdom of its people held mm enthralled; and he became mighty in stature and in mind, and learned deeply of the lore of the exiled Elves. Then the heart of Idril was turned to him, and his to her; and Maeglin's secret hatred grew ever greater, for he desired above all things to possess her, the only heir of the King of Gondolin. But so high did Tuor stand in the favour of the King that when he had dwelt there for seven years Turgon did not refuse him even the hand of his daughter; for though he would not heed the bidding of Ulmo, he perceived that the fate of the Noldor was wound with the one whom Ulmo had sent; and he did not forget the words that Huor spoke to him before the host of Gondolin departed from the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Then there was made a great and joyful feast, for Tuor had won the hearts of all that people, save only of Maeglin and his secret following; and thus there came to pass the second union of Elves and Men.

In the spring of the year after was born in Gondolin Eärendil Halfelven, the son of Tuor and Idril Celebrindal; and that was five hundred years and three since the coming of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Of surpassing beauty was Eärendil, for a light was in his face as the light of heaven, and he had the beauty and the wisdom of the Eldar and the strength and hardihood of the Men of old; and the Sea spoke ever in his ear and heart, even as with Tuor his father.

Spoiler: Lived to Tell the Tale (?)
3. shos
Hendor, Gondolin Voyeur
Survived and Won

8. ActionDan
Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

10. SpyreX
House of the Swallow
Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

12. Cogito Ergo Sum
Eärendil, Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

15. Elscouta
House of the Hammer of Wrath
Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

16. PeregrineV
House of the Harp
Gondolin Tracker
Survived and Won

Spoiler: The Fallen
4. Aegor
House of the Mole
, Gondolin Godfather
- Lynched Day 1

6. chamber
Egalmoth, [/color]
, Gondolin Vanilla
- Removed from Gondolin Night 1
17. TheIrishPope
(replacing xRECKONERx)
Voronwë, Gondolin Vanilla[/color] - Removed From Gondolin Night 2
5. Majiffy
(replacing Natirasha)
Pengolodh, Gondolin Weak Doctor[/color] - Died Night 2

18. Shadoweh
House of the Tree
, Secret Way Conspiracy Shieldrender
- Lynched Day 3

7. MafiaSSK
House of the Tree
, Gondolin Tracker
- Removed from Gondolin Night 3

2. JacobSavage
Idril, Secret Way Conspiracy Rolecop
Lynched Day 4

11. Albert B. Rampage
House of the King
, Gondolin Vanilla
Removed from Gondolin Night 4

9. Espeonage
House of the Wing
Gondolin Vanilla
Lynched Day 5

14. sirdanilot
House of the Fountain
Gondolin Vanilla
Removed From Gondolin Night 5

1. Tierce
Elemmakil, Secret Way Conspiracy Goon
Lynched Day 6

13. Desperado
House of the Pillar
House of the Tower of Snow
Secret Way Conspiracy Jailkeeper
Lynched Day 7
Last edited by Plum on Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:17 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:21 am

Post by Plum »

  • 0. Don't break any site rules. Seriously. Not in my game, not ever.

  • 1. Votes should be posted in
    or with the VOTE: Vote tags. If I don’t see it, I won't count it. If I think it's a vote, it will count as a vote, and vice versa. Unvoting is nice, but not necessary, and yes,
    or UNVOTE: Unvote tags are both available and look quite pretty.

  • 2. A player is lynched when the number of votes for that player is greater than half of the number of living players. If there is no majority at deadline, there will be no lynch for that Day.

  • 3. Day 1 will have a deadline set based on when the game starts – it will be no less than 10 days. All following Days will have a deadline of 10 days.

  • 4. Nights will have 48 hour deadlines.

  • 5. Night actions are determined using Natural Action Resolution. There may or may not be exceptions to this rule. Unless otherwise noted, players may only perform one Active Action per Night, and may not target themselves.

  • 6. Do not talk about this game outside the thread unless your role allows you to, and then only in the manner expressly permitted by your role.

  • 7. When you die, you are dead. Therefore you do not post in the game thread.

  • 8. Do not edit posts, if you somehow have the powers to do so. Do not use invisible text. Do not use small text. Do not use or abuse cryptography. Do not do anything I haven't mentioned that breaks the spirit of this rule.

  • 9. Do not quote any communication from the mod (that includes PMs) in the game thread. Close paraphrases may or may not be prohibited by the spirit of this rule. If you're unsure, ask the Moderator.
    • 9.5. Do not quote any communication from game-relevant outside-game talk in the game thread. Close paraphrases may or may not be prohibited by the spirit of this rule. If you're unsure, ask the Moderator.
  • 10. If you do not post for the equivalent of a full game Day (on a Day that lasts at least 7 days) you will be Modkilled. Further, you will be blacklisted from any future games using the Bad at Mafia ruleset. Keep in mind that there are no replacements for
    in a BaM ruleset game. Other circumstances requiring replacement are up to the Moderator's discretion; if necessary, please contact the Moderator to discuss any issues.

  • 11. If you notice mistakes aside from the vote count, PM me. I will respond to notifications about vote count issues posted in the thread. I may not respond to any other questions posted publicly.

  • 12. Play to win.

  • 13. Play with the spirit of the game in mind. This means
    before you do something you think I might question. Questions are good. Modkills are bad.

  • 14. Have fun. Remember that everyone playing is actually a real person.
    Treat every user with a basic level of respect.

  • 15.
    is my color for most game-management purposes. Please don’t use it.

  • 16. Do not fake breaking a rule in such a way that it looks like you intend to seriously do so. If I think it's an attempt to legitimately fake rule-breaking, I reserve the right to treat it as such.

For those wishing to acquaint themselves with the source flavor: Fall of Gondolin.

Sample Role PM


Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Húrin, Gondolin Vanilla

"For Húrin stood in despair before the silent cliffs of the Echoriath, and the westering sun, piercing the clouds, stained his white hair with red. Then he cried aloud in the wilderness, heedless of any ears, and he cursed the pitiless land; and standing at last upon a high rock he looked towards Gondolin and called in a great voice: 'Turgon, Turgon, remember the Fen of Serech! O Turgon, will you not hear in your hidden halls?' But there was no sound save the wind in the dry grasses. 'Even so they hissed in Serech at the sunset,' he said; and as he spoke the sun went behind the Mountains of Shadow, and a darkness fell about him, and the wind ceased, and there was silence in the waste.

Yet there were ears that heard the words that Húrin spoke, and report of all came soon to the Dark Throne in the north; and Morgoth smiled, for he knew now clearly in what region Turgon dwelt, though because of the eagles no spy of his could yet come within sight of the land behind the Encircling Mountains."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
Last edited by Plum on Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (isolation #2) » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:24 am

Post by Plum »


Then the days of Gondolin were yet full of joy and peace; and none knew that the region wherein the Hidden Kingdom lay had been at last revealed to Morgoth by the cries of Húrin, when standing in the wilderness beyond the Encircling Mountains and finding no entrance he called on Turgon in despair. Thereafter the thought of Morgoth was bent unceasing on the mountainous land between Anach and the upper waters of Sirion, whither his servants had never passed; yet still no spy or creature out of Angband could come there because of the vigilance of the eagles, and Morgoth was thwarted in the fulfilment of his designs. But Idril Celebrindal was wise and far-seeing, and her heart misgave her, and foreboding crept upon her spirit as a cloud. Therefore in that time she let prepare a secret way, that should lead down from the city and passing out beneath the surface of the plain issue far beyond the walls, northward of Amon Gwareth; and she contrived it that the work was known but to few, and no whisper of it came to Maeglin's ears.

Not voting (18)
: Tierce, JacobSavage, shos, Aegor, Natirasha, chamber, MafiaSSK, ActionDan, Espeonage, SpyreX, Albert B. Rampage, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, sirdanilot, Elscouta, PeregrineV, xRECKONERx, Shadoweh

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

  • Espeonage
    is LA until Sunday evening Australian EDT.
  • JacobSavage
    is LA until Tuesday.
  • Deadline will be set within the next couple of days - it will be no less than 10 days total from the start of the game.
Last edited by Plum on Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post Post #34 (isolation #3) » Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:23 pm

Post by Plum »


Then Ulmo returned to the sea, and Turgon sent forth all his people, even to a third part of the Noldor of Fingolfin's following, and a yet greater host of the Sindar; and they passed away, company by company, secretly, under the shadows of Ered Wethrin, and they came unseen to Gondolin, and none knew whither they had gone.

- 1 - Shadoweh
- 1 - chamber
- 3 - Natirasha, ActionDan, MafiaSSK
- 1 - Desperado
- 4 - Tierce, Aegor, xRECKONERx, Espeonage

- 1 - shos

Not voting (7)
: JacobSavage, SpyreX, Albert B. Rampage, Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Last edited by Plum on Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post Post #89 (isolation #4) » Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:10 am

Post by Plum »


And last of all Turgon arose, and went with his household silently through the hills, and passed the gates in the mountains, and they were shut behind him.

- 2 - chamber, Desperado
- 2 - ActionDan, shos
- 6 - Tierce, Aegor, xRECKONERx, Espeonage, MafiaSSK, Cogito Ergo Sum

- 1 - SpyreX
- 3 - Natirasha, Shadoweh, sirdanilot

Not voting (4)
: JacobSavage, Albert B. Rampage, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

  • The Ruleset has been updated with minor additions.
  • Deadline will be midnight January 23 Eastern Standard Time.
Last edited by Plum on Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #136 (isolation #5) » Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:35 pm

Post by Plum »


Through many long years none passed inward thereafter, save Húrin and Huor only; and the host of Turgon came never forth again until the Year of Lamentation after three hundred and fifty years and more. But behind the circle of the mountains the people of Turgon grew and throve, and they put forth their skill in labour unceasing, so that Gondolin upon Amon Gwareth became fair indeed and fit to compare even with Elven Tirion beyond the sea. High and white were its walls, and smooth its stairs, and tall and strong was the Tower of the King. There shining fountains played, and in the courts of Turgon stood images of the Trees of old, which Turgon himself wrought with elven-craft; and the Tree which he made of gold was named Glingal, and the Tree whose flowers he made of silver was named Belthil.

- 1 - Desperado
- 3 - ActionDan, shos, sirdanilot
- 6 - Tierce, Aegor, Espeonage, Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber, Albert B. Rampage

- 1 - SpyreX
- 2 - Natirasha, Shadoweh
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 1 - xRECKONERx

Not voting (3)
: JacobSavage, Elscouta, MafiaSSK

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline will be midnight January 23 Eastern Standard Time.
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Post Post #206 (isolation #6) » Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:13 am

Post by Plum »


But fairer than all the wonders of Gondolin was Idril, Turgon's daughter, she that was called Celebrindal, the Silver-foot, whose hair was as the gold of Laurelin before the coming of Melkor. Thus Turgon lived long in bliss; but Nevrast was desolate, and remained empty of living folk until the ruin of Beleriand.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 3 - ActionDan, shos, sirdanilot
- 4 - Tierce, Aegor, Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber

- 1 - SpyreX
- 2 - Natirasha, Shadoweh
- 2 - Elscouta, Albert B. Rampage
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - xRECKONERx

Not voting (3)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK, Espeonage,

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline will be midnight January 23 Eastern Standard Time.
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Post Post #237 (isolation #7) » Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:54 pm

Post by Plum »


Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, the White Lady of the Noldor, daughter of Fingolfin, dwelt in Nevrast with Turgon her brother, and she went with him to the Hidden Kingdom. But she wearied of the guarded city of Gondolin, desiring ever the longer the more to ride again in the wide lands and to walk in the forests, as had been her wont in Valinor: and when two hundred years had passed since Gondolin was full-wrought, she spoke to Turgon and asked leave to depart. Turgon was loath to grant this, and long denied her; but at the last he yielded, saying: 'Go then, if you will though it is against my wisdom, and I forebode that ill will come of it both to you and to me. But you shall go only to seek Fingon, our brother; and those that I send with you shall return hither to Gondolin as swiftly as they may.'

But Aredhel said: 'I am your sister and not your servant, and beyond your bounds I will go as seems good to me. And if you begrudge me an escort, then I will go alone.'

Then Turgon answered: 'I grudge you nothing that I have. Yet I desire that none shall dwell beyond my walls who know the way hither: and if I trust you, my sister, others I trust less to keep guard on their tongues.'

And Turgon appointed three lords of his household to ride with Aredhel, and he bade them lead her to Fingon in Hithlum, if they might prevail upon her. 'And be wary,' he said; 'for though Morgoth be yet hemmed in the North there are many perils in Middle-earth of which the Lady knows nothing.' Then Aredhel departed from Gondolin, and Turgon's heart was heavy at her going.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 2 - ActionDan, shos
- 4 - Tierce, Aegor, Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber

- 1 - SpyreX
- 2 - Natirasha, Shadoweh
- 3 - Elscouta, Albert B. Rampage, Espeonage
Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - xRECKONERx, sirdanilot

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-01-23 01:00:00)
. Just now remembered the board now has innate countdown :]
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Post Post #279 (isolation #8) » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:48 pm

Post by Plum »


But when she came to the Ford of Brithiach in the River Sirion she said to her companions: 'Turn now south and not north, for I will not ride to Hithlum; my heart desires rather to find the sons of Fëanor, my friends of old.' And since she could not be dissuaded they turned south as she commanded, and sought admittance into Doriath. But the march-wardens denied them; for Thingol would suffer none of the Noldor to pass the Girdle, save his kinsfolk of the house of Finarfin, and least of all those that were friends of the sons of Fëanor. Therefore the march-wardens said to Aredhel: 'To the land of Celegorm for which you seek, Lady, you may by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol; you must ride beyond the Girdle of Melian, to the south or to the north. The speediest way is by the paths that lead east from the Brithiach through Dimbar and along the north-march of this kingdom, until you pass the Bridge of Esgalduin and the Fords of Aros, and come to the lands that lie behind the Hill of Himring. There dwell, as we believe, Celegorm and Curufin, and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous.'

Then Aredhel turned back and sought the dangerous road between the haunted valleys of Ered Gorgoroth and the north fences of Doriath; and as they drew near to the evil region of Nan Dungortheb the riders became enmeshed in shadows, and Aredhel strayed from her companions and was lost. They sought long for her in vain, fearing that she had been ensnared, or had drunk from the poisoned streams of that land; but the fell creatures of Ungoliant that dwelt in the ravines were aroused and pursued them, and they hardly escaped with their lives. When at last they returned and their tale was told there was great sorrow in Gondolin; and Turgon sat long alone, enduring grief and anger in silence.

But Aredhel, having sought in vain for her companions, rode on, for she was fearless and hardy of heart, as were all the children of Finwë; and she held on her way, and crossing Esgalduin and Aros came to the land of Himlad between Aros and Celon where Celegorm and Curufin dwelt in those days, before the breaking of the Siege of Angband. At that time they were from home, riding with Caranthir east in Thargelion; but the people of Celegorm welcomed her and bade her stay among them with honour until their lord's return. There for a while she was content, and had great joy in wandering free in the woodlands; but as the year lengthened and Celegorm did not return, she became restless again, and took to riding alone ever further abroad, seeking for new paths and untrodden glades. Thus it chanced in the waning of the year that Aredhel came to the south of Himlad, and passed over Celon; and before she was aware she was enmeshed in Nan Elmoth.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 2 - ActionDan, shos
- 4 - Tierce, Aegor, Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber

- 1 - SpyreX
- 2 - Natirasha, Shadoweh
- 3 - Elscouta, Albert B. Rampage, Espeonage
Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - xRECKONERx, sirdanilot

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-01-23 01:00:00)

Replacing xRECKONERx.
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Post Post #280 (isolation #9) » Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:57 pm

Post by Plum »

. Thanks very much!
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Post Post #336 (isolation #10) » Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:58 am

Post by Plum »


In that wood in ages past Melian walked in the twilight of Middle-earth when the trees were young, and enchantment lay upon it still. But now the trees of Nan Elmoth were the tallest and darkest in all Beleriand, and there the sun never came; and there Eöl dwelt, who was named the Dark Elf. Of old he was of the kin of Thingol, but he was restless and ill at ease in Doriath, and when the Girdle of Melian was set about the Forest of Region where he dwelt he fled thence to Nan Elmoth. There he lived in deep shadow, loving the night and the twilight under the stars. He shunned the Noldor, holding them to blame for the return of Morgoth, to trouble the quiet of Beleriand; but for the Dwarves he had more liking than any other of the Elvenfolk of old. From him the Dwarves learned much of what passed in the lands of the Eldar.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 2 - ActionDan, shos
- 5 - Tierce, Aegor, Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber, Natirasha

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Shadoweh
- 3 - Elscouta, Albert B. Rampage, Espeonage
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - TheIrishPope
- 1 - sirdanilot

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-01-23 01:00:00)
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Post Post #357 (isolation #11) » Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:00 pm

Post by Plum »


Now the traffic of the Dwarves down from the Blue Mountains followed two roads across East Beleriand, and the northern way, going towards the Fords of Aros, passed nigh to Nan Elmoth; and there Eöl would meet the Naugrim and hold converse with them. And as their friendship grew he would at times go and dwell as guest in the deep mansions of Nogrod or Belegost There he learned much of metalwork, and came to great skill therein; and he devised a metal as hard as the steel of the Dwarves, but so malleable that he could make it thin and supple; and yet it remained resistant to all blades and darts. He named it galvorn, for it was black and shining like jet, and he was clad in it whenever he went abroad. But Eöl, though stooped by his smithwork, was no Dwarf, but a tall Elf of a high kin of the Teleri, noble though grim of face; and his eyes could see deep into shadows and dark places. And it came to pass that he saw Aredhel Ar-Feiniel as she strayed among the tall trees near the borders of Nan Elmoth, a gleam of white in the dim land. Very fair she seemed to him, and he desired her; and he set his enchantments about her so that she could not find the ways out, but drew ever nearer to his dwelling in the depths of the wood. There were his smithy, and his dim halls, and such servants as he had, silent and secret as their master. And when Aredhel, weary with wandering, came at last to his doors, he revealed himself; and he welcomed her, and led her into his house. And there she remained; for Eöl took her to wife, and it was long ere any of her kin heard of her again.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 2 - ActionDan, shos
- 4 - Aegor, Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber, Natirasha

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Shadoweh
- 3 - Elscouta, Albert B. Rampage, Espeonage
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - TheIrishPope
- 2 - sirdanilot, Tierce

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-01-23 01:00:00)

have been prodded.
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Post Post #405 (isolation #12) » Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:10 am

Post by Plum »


It is not said that Aredhel was wholly unwilling, nor that her life in Nan Elmoth was hateful to her for many years. For though at Eöl's command she must shun the sunlight, they wandered far together under the stars or by the light of the sickle moon; or she might fare alone as she would, save that Eöl forbade her to seek the sons of Fëanor, or any others of the Noldor.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 3 - ActionDan, shos, TheIrishPope

- 3 - Aegor, chamber, Natirasha

- 3 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, sirdanilot

- 2 - Albert B. Rampage, Espeonage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

With 18 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-01-23 01:00:00)

is V/LA until Sunday.
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Post Post #431 (isolation #13) » Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:27 pm

Post by Plum »


And Aredhel bore to Eöl a son in the shadows of Nan Elmoth, and in her heart she gave him a name in the forbidden tongue of the Noldor, Lómion, that signifies Child of the Twilight; but his father gave him no name until he was twelve years old. Then he called him Maeglin, which is Sharp Glance, for he perceived that the eyes of his son were more piercing than his own, and his thought could read the secrets of hearts beyond the mist of words.

As Maeglin grew to full stature he resembled in face and form rather his kindred of the Noldor, but in mood and mind he was the son of his father. His words were few save in matters that touched him near, and then his voice had a power to move those that heard him and to overthrow those that withstood him. He was tall and black-haired; his eyes were dark, yet bright and keen as the eyes of the Noldor, and his skin was white. Often he went with Eöl to the cities of the Dwarves in the east of Ered Lindon, and there he learned eagerly what they would teach, and above all the craft of finding the ores of metals in the mountains.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 4 - ActionDan, shos, TheIrishPope, Espeonage

- 2 - Aegor, Natirasha
- 3 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, sirdanilot
- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 2 - Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber

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Post Post #457 (isolation #14) » Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:30 am

Post by Plum »


Yet it is said that Maeglin loved his mother better, and if Eöl were abroad he would sit long beside her and listen to all that she could tell him of her kin and their deeds in Eldamar, and of the might and valour of the princes of the House of Fingolfin. All these things he laid to heart, but most of all that which he heard of Turgon, and that he had no heir; for Elenwë his wife perished in the crossing of the Helcaraxë, and his daughter Idril Celebrindal was his only child.

In the telling of these tales there was awakened in Aredhel a desire to see her own kin again, and she marvelled that she had grown weary of the light of Gondolin, and the fountains in the sun, and the green sward of Tumladen under the windy skies of spring; moreover she was often alone in the shadows when both her son and her husband were away. Of these tales also grew the first quarrels of Maeglin and Eöl. For by no means would his mother reveal to Maeglin where Turgon dwelt, nor by what means one might come thither, and he bided his time, trusting yet to wheedle the secret from her, or perhaps to read her unguarded mind; but ere that could be done he desired to look on the Noldor and speak with the sons of Fëanor, his kin, that dwelt not far away.

- 2 - Desperado, PeregrineV
- 4 - ActionDan, shos, Espeonage, Aegor

- 1 - Natirasha
- 4 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, sirdanilot, TheIrishPope

- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 2 - Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber

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: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

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Post Post #504 (isolation #15) » Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:51 pm

Post by Plum »


But when he declared his purpose to Eöl, his father was wrathful. 'You are of the house of Eöl, Maeglin, my son,' he said, 'and not of the Golodhrim. All this land is the land of the Teleri, and I will not deal nor have my son deal with the slayers of our kin, the invaders and usurpers of our homes. In this you shall obey me, or I will set you in bonds.' And Maeglin did not answer, but was cold and silent, and went abroad no more with Eöl; and Eöl mistrusted him.

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 5 - ActionDan, shos, Espeonage, Aegor, Desperado

- 1 - Natirasha
- 4 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, sirdanilot, TheIrishPope
- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 2 - Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber

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Post Post #543 (isolation #16) » Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:15 am

Post by Plum »


It came to pass that at the midsummer the Dwarves, as was their custom, bade Eöl to a feast in Nogrod; and he rode away. Now Maeglin and his mother were free for a while to go where they wished, and they rode often to the eaves of the wood, seeking the sunlight; and desire grew hot in Maeglin's heart to leave Nan Elmoth for ever. Therefore he said to Aredhel: 'Lady, let us depart while there is time? What hope is there in this wood for you or for me? Here we are held in bondage, and no profit shall I find here; for I have learned all that my father has to teach, or that the Naugrim will reveal to me. Shall we not seek for Gondolin? You shall be my guide, and I will be your guard!'

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 4 - shos, Espeonage, Aegor, Desperado
- 5 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, sirdanilot, TheIrishPope, Natirasha

- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 3 - Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber, ActionDan

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: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

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Post Post #560 (isolation #17) » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:55 pm

Post by Plum »


Then Aredhel was glad, and looked with pride upon her son; and telling the servants of Eöl that they went to seek the sons of Fëanor they departed and rode away to the north eaves of Nan Elmoth. There they crossed the slender stream of Celon into the land of Himlad and rode on to the Fords of Aros, and so westward along the fences of Doriath.

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 1 - Desperado
- 4 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, TheIrishPope, Natirasha
- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 6 - Cogito Ergo Sum, chamber, ActionDan, Aegor, sirdanilot, Espeonage

- 1 - shos

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: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

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Post Post #644 (isolation #18) » Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:18 am

Post by Plum »


Now Eöl returned out of the east sooner than Maeglin had foreseen, and found his wife and his son but two days gone; and so great was his anger that he followed after them even by the light of day. As he entered the Himlad he mastered his wrath and went warily, remembering his danger, for Celegorm and Curufin were mighty lords who loved Eöl not at all, and Curufin moreover was of perilous mood; but the scouts of Aglon had marked the riding of Maeglin and Aredhel to the Fords of Aros, and Curufin perceiving that strange deeds were afoot came south from the Pass and encamped near the Fords. And before Eöl had ridden far across the Himlad he was waylaid by the riders of Curufin, and taken to their lord.

Then Curufin said to Eöl: 'What errand have you, Dark Elf, in my lands? An urgent matter, perhaps, that keeps one so sun-shy abroad by day.'

And Eöl knowing his peril restrained the bitter words that arose in his mind. 'I have learned. Lord Curufin,' he said. 'that my son and my wife, the White Lady of Gondolin, have ridden to visit you while I was from home; and it seemed to me fitting that I should join them on this errand.'

Then Curufin laughed at Eöl, and he said: 'They might have found their welcome here less warm than they hoped, had you accompanied them; but it is no matter, for that was not their errand. It is not two days since they passed over the Arossiach, and thence rode swiftly westward. It seems that you would deceive me; unless indeed you yourself have been deceived.'

And Eöl answered: 'Then, lord, perhaps you will give me leave to go, and discover the truth of this matter.'

'You have my leave, but not my love,' said Curufin. 'The sooner you depart from my land the better will it please me.'

Then Eöl mounted his horse, saying: 'It is good, Lord Curufin, to find a kinsman thus kindly at need. I will remember it when I return.' Then Curufin looked darkly upon Eöl. 'Do not flaunt the title of your wife before me,' he said. 'For those who steal the daughters of the Noldor and wed them without gift or leave do not gain kinship with their kin. I have given you leave to go. Take it, and be gone. By the laws of the Eldar I may not slay you at this time. And this counsel I add: return now to your dwelling in the darkness of Nan El-moth; for my heart warns me that if you now pursue those who love you no more, never will you return thither.'

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 1 - Desperado
- 7 - SpyreX, Shadoweh, Natirasha, Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, MafiaSSK, ActionDan

- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 2 - chamber, TheIrishPope
- 1 - shos
- 1 - Aegor

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: JacobSavage, Espeonage

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Post Post #684 (isolation #19) » Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:48 pm

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Then Eöl rode off in haste, and he was filled with hatred of all the Noldor; for he perceived now that Maeglin and Aredhel were fleeing to Gondolin. And driven by anger and the shame of his humiliation he crossed the Fords of Aros and rode hard upon the way that they had gone before; but though they knew not that he followed them, and he had the swiftest steed, he came never in sight of them until they reached the Brithiach, and abandoned their horses. Then by ill fate they were betrayed; for the horses neighed loudly, and Eöl's steed heard them, and sped towards them; and Eöl saw from afar the white raiment of Aredhel, and marked which way she went, seeking the secret path into the mountains.

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 1 - Desperado
- 6 - SpyreX, Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, MafiaSSK, ActionDan, shos

- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, Elscouta
- 2 - chamber, TheIrishPope
- 1 - Aegor
- 3 - Natirasha, Shadoweh, Espeonage

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: JacobSavage

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Post Post #729 (isolation #20) » Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:49 am

Post by Plum »


Now Aredhel and Maeglin came to the Outer Gate of Gondolin and the Dark Guard under the mountains; and there she was received with joy, and passing through the Seven Gates she came with Maeglin to Turgon upon Amon Gwareth. Then the King listened with wonder to all that Aredhel had to tell; and he looked with liking upon Maeglin his sister-son, seeing in him one worthy to be accounted among the princes of the Noldor.

'I rejoice indeed that Ar-Feiniel has returned to Gondolin,' he said, 'and now more fair again shall my city seem than in the days when I deemed her lost. And Maeglin shall have the highest honour in my realm.'

Then Maeglin bowed low and took Turgon for lord and king, to do all his will; but thereafter he stood silent and watchful, for the bliss and splendour of Gondolin surpassed all that he had imagined from the tales of his mother, and he was amazed by the strength of the city and the hosts of its people, and the many things strange and beautiful that he beheld. Yet to none were his eyes more often drawn than to Idril the King's daughter, who sat beside him; for she was golden as the Vanyar, her mother's kindred, and she seemed to him as the sun from which all the King's hall drew its light.

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 3 - SpyreX, MafiaSSK, ActionDan
- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 5 - Tierce, Elscouta, Desperado, sirdanilot, shos

- 2 - chamber, TheIrishPope
- 1 - Aegor
- 4 - Natirasha, Shadoweh, Espeonage, Cogito Ergo Sum

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: JacobSavage

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Post Post #772 (isolation #21) » Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:31 pm

Post by Plum »


But Eöl, following after Aredhel, found the Dry River and the secret path, and so creeping in by stealth he came to the Guard, and was taken and questioned. And when the Guard heard that he claimed Aredhel as wife they were amazed, and sent a swift messenger to the City; and he came to the King's hall.

'Lord,' he cried, 'the Guard have taken captive one that came by stealth to the Dark Gate. Eöl he names himself, and he is a tall Elf, dark and grim, of the kindred of the Sindar; yet he claims the Lady Aredhel as his wife, and demands to be brought before you. His wrath is great and he is hard to restrain; but we have not slain him as your law commands.'

Then Aredhel said: 'Alas! Eöl has followed us, even as I feared. But with great stealth was it done; for we saw and heard no pursuit as we entered upon the Hidden Way.' Then she said to the messenger: 'He speaks but the truth. He is Eöl, and I am his wife, and he is the father of my son. Slay him not, but lead him hither to the King's judgement, if the King so wills.'

And so it was done; and Eöl was brought to Turgon's hall and stood before his high seat, proud and sullen. Though he was amazed no less than his son at all that he saw, his heart was filled the more with anger and with hate of the Noldor. But Turgon treated him with honour, and rose up and would take his hand; and he said: "Welcome, kinsman, for so I hold you. Here you shall dwell at your pleasure, save only that you must here abide and depart not from my kingdom; for it is my law that none who finds the way hither shall depart.'

But Eöl withdrew his hand. 'I acknowledge not your law,' he said. 'No right have you or any of your kin in this land to seize realms or to set bounds, either here or there. This is the land of the Teleri, to which you bring war and all unquiet, dealing ever proudly and unjustly. I care nothing for your secrets and I came not to spy upon you, but to claim my own: my wife and my son. Yet if in Aredhel your sister you have some claim, then let her remain; let the bird go back to the cage, where soon she will sicken again, as she sickened before. But not so Maeglin. My son you shall not withhold from me. Come, Maeglin son of Eöl! Your father commands you. Leave the house of his enemies and the slayers of his kin, or be accursed!' But Maeglin answered nothing.

Then Turgon sat in his high seat holding his staff of doom, and in a stem voice spoke: 'I will not debate with you, Dark Elf. By the swords of the Noldor alone are your sunless woods defended. Your freedom to wander there wild you owe to my kin; and but for them long since you would have laboured in thraldom in the pits of Angband. And here I am King; and whether you will it or will it not, my doom is law. This choice only is given to you: to abide here, or to die here; and so also for your son.'

Then Eöl looked into the eyes of King Turgon, and he was not daunted, but stood long without word or movement while a still silence fell upon the hall; and Aredhel was afraid, knowing that he was perilous. Suddenly, swift as serpent, he seized a javelin that he held hid beneath his cloak and cast it at Maeglin, crying:

'The second choice I take and for my son also! You shall not hold what is mine!'

But Aredhel sprang before the dart, and it smote her in the shoulder; and Eöl was overborne by many and set in bonds, and led away, while others tended Aredhel. But Maeglin looking upon his father was silent.

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 2 - SpyreX, ActionDan
- 7 - Tierce, Desperado, sirdanilot, shos, Albert B. Rampage, MafiaSSK, Aegor

- 5 - Natirasha, Shadoweh, Espeonage, Cogito Ergo Sum, Elscouta
- 2 - chamber, TheIrishPope
- 1 - JacobSavage

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Post Post #895 (isolation #22) » Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:02 am

Post by Plum »


It was appointed that Eöl should be brought on the next day to the King's judgement; and Aredhel and Idril moved Turgon to mercy. But in the evening Aredhel sickened, though the wound had seemed little, and she fell into the darkness, and in the night she died; for the point of the javelin was poisoned, though none knew it until too late.

Therefore when Eöl was brought before Turgon he found no mercy; and they led him forth to the Caragdûr, a precipice of black rock upon the north side of the hill of Gondolin, there to cast him down from the sheer walls of the city. And Maeglin stood by and said nothing; but at the last Eöl cried out: 'So you forsake your father and his kin, ill-gotten son! Here shall you fail of all your hopes, and here may you yet die the same death as I.'

Then they cast Eöl over the Caragdûr, and so he ended, and to all in Gondolin it seemed just; but Idril was troubled, and from that day she mistrusted her kinsman.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 3 - Albert B. Rampage, Aegor, Shadoweh
- 2 - Espeonage, Cogito Ergo Sum
- 3 - chamber, PeregrineV, MafiaSSK
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Desperado
- 6 - ActionDan, Elscouta, Natirasha, sirdanilot, JacobSavage, shos

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: TheIrishPope, Tierce

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Post Post #928 (isolation #23) » Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:32 am

Post by Plum »


But Maeglin prospered and grew great among the Gondolindrim, praised by all, and high in the favour of Turgon; for if he would learn eagerly and swiftly all that he might, he had much also to teach. And he gathered about him all such as had the most bent to smithcraft and mining; and he sought in the Echoriath (which are the Encircling Mountains), and found rich lodes of ore of divers metals. Most he prized the hard iron of the mine of Anghabar in the north of the Echoriath, and thence he got a wealth of forged metal and of steel, so that the arms of the Gondolindrim were made ever stronger and more keen; and that stood them in good stead in the days to come. Wise in counsel was Maeglin and wary, and yet hardy and valiant at need. And that was seen in after days: for when in the dread year of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad Turgon opened his leaguer and marched forth to the help of Fingon in the north, Maeglin would not remain in Gondolin as regent of the King, but went to the war and fought beside Turgon, and proved fell and fearless in battle.

Thus all seemed well with the fortunes of Maeglin, who had risen to be mighty among the princes of the Noldor, and greatest save one in the most renowned of their realms. Yet he did not reveal his heart: and though not all things went as he would he endured it in silence, hiding his mind so that few could read it, unless it were Idril Celebrindal. For from his first days in Gondolin he had borne a grief, ever worsening, that robbed him of all joy: he loved the beauty of Idril and desired her, without hope. The Eldar wedded not with km so near, nor ever before had any desired to do so. And however that might be, Idril loved Maeglin not at all; and knowing his thought of her she loved him the less. For it seemed to her a thing strange and crooked in him, as indeed the Eldar ever since have deemed it: an evil fruit of the Kinslaying, whereby the shadow of the curse of Mandos fell upon the last hope of the Noldor. But as the years passed still Maeglin watched Idril, and waited, and his love turned to darkness in his heart. And he sought the more to have his will in other matters, shirking no toil or burden, if he might thereby have power.

Thus it was in Gondolin; and amid all the bliss of that realm, while its glory lasted, a dark seed of evil was sown.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Espeonage, Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Desperado
- 9 - ActionDan, Elscouta, Natirasha, sirdanilot, JacobSavage, shos, chamber, Shadoweh, MafiaSSK

- 1 - Aegor

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: TheIrishPope, Tierce

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Post Post #938 (isolation #24) » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:03 pm

Post by Plum »


Now on a time, when Eärendil was yet young, Maeglin was lost. For he, as has been told, loved mining and quarrying after metals above all other craft; and he was master and leader of the Elves who worked in the mountains distant from the city, seeking after metals for their smithying of things both of peace and war. But often Maeglin went with few of his folk beyond the leaguer of the hills, and the King knew not that his bidding was defied; and thus it came to pass, as fate willed, that Maeglin was taken prisoner by Orcs, and brought to Angband. Maeglin was no weakling or craven, but the torment wherewith he was threatened cowed his spirit, and he purchased his life and freedom by revealing to Morgoth the very place of Gondolin and the ways whereby it might be found and assailed. Great indeed was the Joy of Morgoth, and to Maeglin he promised the lordship of Gondolin as his vassal, and the possession of Idril Celebrindal, when the city should be taken; and indeed desire for Idril and hatred for Tuor led Maeglin the easier to his treachery, most infamous in all the histories of the Elder Days. But Morgoth sent him back to Gondolin, lest any should suspect the betrayal, and so that Maeglin should aid the assault from within, when the hour came; and he abode in the halls of the King with smiling face and evil in his heart, while the darkness gathered ever deeper upon Idril.

At last, in the year when Eärendil was seven years old, Morgoth was ready, and he loosed upon Gondolin his Balrogs, and his Orcs, and his wolves; and with them came dragons of the brood of Glaurung, and they were become now many and terrible. The host of Morgoth came over the northern hills where the height was greatest and the watch least vigilant, and it came at night upon a time of festival, when all the people of Gondolin were upon the walls to await the rising sun, and sing their songs at its uplifting; for the morrow was the great feast that they named the Gates of Summer. But the red light mounted the hills in the north and not in the east; and there was no stay in the advance of the foe until they were beneath the very walls of Gondolin, and the city was beleaguered without hope.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Espeonage, Cogito Ergo Sum
- ActionDan, Elscouta, Natirasha, sirdanilot, JacobSavage, shos, chamber, Shadoweh, MafiaSSK, PeregrineV

- 1 - Aegor
- 1 - Desperado

Not voting (2)
: TheIrishPope, Tierce

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votes have been placed to lynch. Please stand by.
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Post Post #939 (isolation #25) » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:22 pm

Post by Plum »

Then did King Turgon call a council, and thither fared Tuor and Maeglin as royal princes; and Duilin came with Egalmoth and Penlod the tall, and Rog strode thither with Galdor of the Tree and golden Glorfindel and Ecthelion of the voice of music. Thither too fared Salgant atremble at the tidings, and other nobles beside of less blood but better heart. Then spake Tuor and this was his rede, that a mighty sally be made forthwith, ere the light and heat grew too great in the plain; and many backed him, being but of different minds as to whether the sally should be made by the entire host with the maids and wives and children amidmost, or by diverse bands seeking out in many directions; and to this last Tuor leaned.


Then the Lord of the
House of the Mole
played upon the one weakness of Turgon, saying: "Lo! O King, the city of Gondolin contains a wealth of jewels and metals and stuffs and of things wrought by the hands of the Gnomes to surpassing beauty, and all these thy lords - more brave meseems than wise - would abandon to the Foe. Even should victory be thine upon the plain thy city will be sacked and the Balrogs get hence with a measureless booty" and Turgon groaned, for Maeglin had known his great love for the wealth and loveliness of that burg upon Amon Gwareth. Again said Maeglin, putting fire in his voice: "Lo! Hast thou for nought laboured through years uncounted at the building of walls of impregnable thickness and in the making of gates whose valour may not be overthrown; is the power of the hill Amon Gwareth become as lowly as the deep vale, or the hoard of weapons that lie upon it and its unnumbered arrows of so little worth that in the hour of peril thou wouldst cast all aside and go naked into the open against enemies of steel and fire, whose trampling shakes the earth and the Encircling Mountains ring with the clamour of their footsteps?" And Salgant quaked to think of it and spake noisily, saying: "Maeglin speaks well, O King, hear thou him."


The Lords of Gondolin in Council before the King"But I barely finished recounting my tragic backstory!"

"You betrayed us to Morgoth!"

". . . no comment. We apparently don't have time for the rest of my tragic story that is maybe more immediately relevant anyway. Let's cut to the chase, I don't want Gondolin to fall; we have to fight for it!"

"We have to fight
our enemies
for it! And your heart is as black as they come. Your symbol is the Mole! You even have a plain black shield, just like Morgoth himself!"

"Plus, you're a serious creep."

"Just because the love of my life married
that guy
, I hate his guts so much . . ."

That guy
facepalms into the flat of his war-axe.

"Your black sword is the twin of the one that was that super-powerful Serial Killer in the last game. You know, the one that talked and got stronger the more it killed people?"

"I can't believe it took us so long to figure this guy out!"

"Will you not listen to me, for the sake of the memory of my mother Ar-Feiniel, the White Lady of Gondolin, sister to the King? Will you not hear me say that I will give my strength, even my life for Gondolin in her hour of need, whether it came about through the machinations of the Black Foe alone or through mine own weakness? Let me fight today, and die if that is my fate."

"The battle can wait a minute. We have a threat to deal with right here!"

The Lords of Gondolin grab the once-proud Lord of the
House of the Mole
- with a few tugging in the other direction. Some look towards the plains approaching the city, which is rapidly becoming a battlefield, and, if they do not act soon, a slaughterhouse.

"Great is the Fall of Gondolin," intones the King sadly. Everyone groans. No one needs to quote Amnon the prophet at a time like this.

"No!" Maeglin shouts. "If one prophecy be fulfilled today, let it be my father's!"

There's silence from the council of the heads of the Great Houses of Gondolin and the other notables. Some is pensive. Some merely confused.

"Oh, come on,
of you were paying attention. Seriously. He got thrown off the walls after he killed my mother when he tried to kill me. We don't have any time to spare. The Enemy's forces are already upon Gondolin. There's no time left to spare fighting about me or whether I'm a traitor if the Fall of Gondolin is to be prevented. If you're not going to trust me, fling me off the Caragdûr. I'll see myself out."

Fate, foreshadowing, and convenient thematic sense being good motivators of such as the Lords of Gondolin, City of Seven names, fit to compare with Tirion upon Túna &c. &c., you grab him and throw him off the walls.

He smites the slopes of Amon Gwareth three times on his way down. Well. That's a little macabre.

So is his strange innocence.
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Post Post #940 (isolation #26) » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:23 pm

Post by Plum »

Tuor fought with Maeglin on the walls, and cast him far out, and his body as it fell smote the rocky slopes of Amon Gwareth thrice ere it pitched into the flames below.


House of the Mole
, Gondolin Godfather
- lynched Day 1

Night 1
will end in
(expired on 2014-01-24 20:30:00)
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Post Post #941 (isolation #27) » Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:45 am

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I won't be available to open the thread until tomorrow evening. Night still ends according to the deadline in the previous post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Post Post #942 (isolation #28) » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:12 pm

Post by Plum »

Now those lords Tuor and Glorfindel clear the square and withdraw all the men they may from the entrances and bar them with barriers, save as yet on the south. Even from that region comes now Egalmoth.

He had had charge of the engines on the wall; but long since deeming matters to call rather for handstrokes about the streets than shooting upon the battlements he gathered some of the Arch and of the Swallow about him, and cast away his bow. Then did they fare about the city dealing good blows whenever they fell in with bands of the enemy. Thereby he rescued many bands of captives and gathered no few wandering and driven men, and so got to the King's Square with hard fighting; and men were fain to greet him for they had feared him dead. Now are all the women and children that had gathered there or been brought in by Egalmoth stowed in the king's halls, and the ranks of the houses made ready for the last.


AS THE BATTLE RAGESA rainbow appears in the sky, in the west.

Before anyone can break into an obnoxious meme, everyone's distracted by another Balrog. Thank Eru for small miracles.

"Hey, where's Egalmoth?" someone shouts. Everyone looks about them, thinking they might have lost track of him in a city seething with orcs, flames, and screaming Elves, but no. Dude wears a starry blue mantle. He wears a helm with an oversized opal, and carries a shield embossed with ruby, amber, chrysoprase, emerald, topaz, sapphire, and amethyst. He has a pretty boss curved sword, too. Someone that showy is pretty hard to miss.

And he's definitely gone from Gondolin.
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Post Post #943 (isolation #29) » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:21 pm

Post by Plum »

Tuor stood then in the way of that beast, but was sundered from Egalmoth, and they pressed him backward even to the centre of the square nigh the fountain.


- Egalmoth,
, Gondolin Vanilla
- Removed from Gondolin Night 1

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: Tierce, JacobSavage, shos, Natirasha, MafiaSSK, ActionDan, Espeonage, SpyreX, Albert B. Rampage, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, sirdanilot, Elscouta, PeregrineV, TheIrishPope, Shadoweh

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is V/LA until Monday January 27th.
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Post Post #982 (isolation #30) » Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:49 pm

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It has been told that Huor the brother of Húrin was slain in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears; and in the winter of that year Rían his wife bore a child in the wilds of Mithrim, and he was named Tuor, and was taken to foster by Annael of the Grey-elves, who yet lived in those hills. Now when Tuor was sixteen years old the Elves were minded to leave the caves of Androth where they dwelt, and to make their way secretly to the Havens of Sirion in the distant south; but they were assailed by Orcs and Easterlings before they made good their escape, and Tuor was taken captive and enslaved by Lorgan, chief of the Easterlings of Hithlum. For three years he endured that thraldom, but at the end of that time he escaped; and returning to the caves of Androth he dwelt there alone, and did such great hurt to the Easterlings that Lorgan set a price upon his head.

- 1 - shos
- 3 - sirdanilot, SpyreX, Cogito Ergo Sum

- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Tierce

Not voting (10)
: JacobSavage, Natirasha, MafiaSSK, Espeonage, Albert B. Rampage, Desperado, Elscouta, PeregrineV, TheIrishPope, Shadoweh

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Post Post #1011 (isolation #31) » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:19 pm

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But when Tuor had lived thus in solitude as an outlaw for four years, Ulmo set it in his heart to depart from the land of his fathers, for he had chosen Tuor as the instrument of his designs; and leaving once more the caves of Androth he went westwards across Dor-lómin, and found Annon-in-Gelydh, the Gate of the Noldor, which the people of Turgon built when they dwelt in Nevrast long years before. Thence a dark tunnel led beneath the mountains, and issued into Cirith Ninniach, the Rainbow Cleft, through which a turbulent water ran towards the western sea. Thus it was that Tuor's flight from Hithlum was marked by neither Man nor Orc, and no knowledge of it came to the ears of Morgoth.

- 1 - shos
- 2 - sirdanilot, SpyreX

- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - TheIrishPope
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum

Not voting (9)
: JacobSavage, Natirasha, MafiaSSK, Espeonage, Albert B. Rampage, Desperado, PeregrineV, Shadoweh, Elscouta

With 16 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in (expired on 2014-02-05 00:00:01)

In post 0, Plum wrote:Please note: Unlike
The Children of Húrin Mafia
the major intent of this game is not Bastardry. This game will not feature Cults, Survivors, mid-game alignment changes, direct lies to players, or Moderator meddling in role/alignment assignment. Other subversive elements may exist. There is no guarantee against other elements that may be considered Bastard.
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Post Post #1062 (isolation #32) » Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:18 pm

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And Tuor came into Nevrast, and looking upon Belegaer the Great Sea he was enamoured of it, and the sound of it and the longing for it were ever in his heart and ear, and an unquiet was on him that took him at last into the depths of the realms of Ulmo. Then he dwelt in Nevrast alone, and the summer of that year passed, and the doom of Nargothrond drew near; but when the autumn came he saw seven great swans flying south, and he knew them for a sign that he had tarried overlong, and he followed their flight along the shores of the sea.

- 2 - sirdanilot, SpyreX

- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 2 - Tierce, shos

- 1 - TheIrishPope
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - Elscouta

Not voting (8)
: JacobSavage, Natirasha, MafiaSSK, Espeonage, Albert B. Rampage, Desperado, PeregrineV, Shadoweh

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votes to lynch.
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have been prodded.
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Post Post #1103 (isolation #33) » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:32 am

Post by Plum »


Thus he came at length to the deserted halls of Vinyamar beneath Mount Taras, and he entered in, and found there the shield and hauberk, and the sword and helm, that Turgon had left there by the command of Ulmo long before; and he arrayed himself in those arms, and went down to the shore. But there came a great storm out of the west, and out of that storm Ulmo the Lord of Waters arose in majesty and spoke to Tuor as he stood beside the sea. And Ulmo bade him depart from that place and seek out the hidden kingdom of Gondolin; and he gave Tuor a great cloak, to mantle him in shadow from the eyes of his enemies.

Then there was a noise of thunder, and lightning flared over the sea; and Tuor beheld Ulmo standing among the waves as a tower of silver flickering with darting flames; and he cried against the wind:

"I go, Lord! Yet now my heart yearneth rather to the Sea."

And thereupon Ulmo lifted up a mighty horn, and blew upon it a single great note, to which the roaring of the storm was but a wind-flaw upon a lake. And as he heard that note, and was encompassed by it, and filled with it, it seemed to Tuor that the coasts of Middle-earth vanished, and he surveyed all the waters of the world in a great vision: from the veins of the lands to the mouths of the rivers, and from the strands and estuaries out into the deep. The Great Sea he saw through its unquiet regions teeming with strange forms, even to its lightless depths, in which amid the everlasting darkness there echoed voices terrible to mortal ears. Its measureless plains he surveyed with the swift sight of the Valar, lying windless under the eye of Anar, or glittering under the horned Moon, or lifted in hills of wrath that broke upon the Shadowy Isles, until remote upon the edge of sight, and beyond the count of leagues, he glimpsed a mountain, rising beyond his mind's reach into a shining cloud, and at its feet a long surf glimmering. And even as he strained to hear the sound of those far waves, and to see clearer that distant light, the note ended, and he stood beneath the thunder of the storm, and lightning many-branched rent asunder the heavens above him. And Ulmo was gone, and the sea was in tumult, as the wild waves of Ossë rode against the walls of Nevrast.

Then Tuor fled from the fury of the sea, and with labour he won his way back to the high terraces; for the wind drove him against the cliff, and when he came out upon the top it bent him to his knees. Therefore he entered again the dark and empty hall for shelter, and he sat nightlong in the stone seat of Turgon. The very pillars trembled for the violence of the storm, and it seemed to Tuor that the wind was full of wailing and wild cries. Yet being weary he slept at times, and his sleep was troubled with many dreams, of which naught remained in waking mem­ory save one: a vision of an isle, and in the midst of it was a steep mountain, and behind it the sun went down, and shadows sprang into the sky; but above it there shone a single dazzling star.

After this dream Tuor fell into a deep sleep, for before the night was over the tempest passed, driving the black clouds into the East of the world.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - Elscouta
- 3 - Desperado, Espeonage, shos

- 3 - Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, Shadoweh

Not voting (5)
: JacobSavage, Natirasha, MafiaSSK, Albert B. Rampage, PeregrineV

With 16 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
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Post Post #1115 (isolation #34) » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:10 am

Post by Plum »

has requested replacement.
Albert B. Rampage
's LA is noted.
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Post Post #1119 (isolation #35) » Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:18 am

Post by Plum »

replaces Natirasha! Many thanks.
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Post Post #1124 (isolation #36) » Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:31 am

Post by Plum »


He awoke at length in the grey light, and arose, and left the high seat, and as he went down the dim hall he saw that it was filled with sea-birds driven in by the storm; and he went out as the last stars were fading in the West before the coming day. Then he saw that the great waves in the night had ridden high upon the land, and had cast their crests above the cliff-tops, and weed and shingle-drift were flung even upon the terraces before the doors. And Tuor looked down from the lowest terrace and saw, leaning against its wall among the stones and the sea-wrack, an Elf, clad in a grey cloak sodden with the sea. Silent he sat, gazing beyond the ruin of the beaches out over the long ridges of the waves. All was still, and there was no sound save the roaring of the surf below.

As Tuor stood and looked at the silent grey figure he re­membered the words of Ulmo, and a name untaught came to his lips, and he called aloud: "Welcome, Voronwë! I await you."

Then the Elf turned and looked up, and Tuor met the pierc­ing glance of his sea-grey eyes, and knew that he was of the high folk of the Noldor. But fear and wonder grew in his gaze as he saw Tuor standing high upon the wall above him, clad in his great cloak like a shadow out of which the elven-mail gleamed upon his breast.

A moment thus they stayed, each searching the face of the other, and then the Elf stood up and bowed low before Tuor's feet. "Who are you, lord?" he said. "Long have I laboured in the unrelenting sea. Tell me: have great tidings befallen since I walked the land? Is the Shadow overthrown? Have the Hidden People come forth?"

"Nay," Tuor answered. "The Shadow lengthens, and the Hidden remain hid."

Then Voronwë looked at him long in silence. "But who are you?" he asked again. "For many years ago my people left this land, and none have dwelt here since. And now I perceive that despite your raiment you are not of them, as I thought, but are of the kindred of Men."

"I am," said Tuor. "And are you not the last mariner of the last ship that sought the West from the Havens of Círdan?"

"I am," said the Elf. "Voronwë son of Aranwë am I. But how you know my name and fate I understand not."

"I know, for the Lord of Waters spoke to me yestereve," answered Tuor, "and he said that he would save you from the wrath of Ossë, and send you hither to be my guide."

Learning of the command laid upon Tuor by the Lord of Waters Voronwë was filled with wonder, and did not refuse him his guidance to the hidden door of Gondolin. Therefore they set out together from that place, and as the Fell Winter of that year came down upon them out of the north they went warily eastward under the eaves of the Mountains of Shadow.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - Elscouta
- 3 - Desperado, Espeonage, shos
- 4 - Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, Shadoweh, Albert B. Rampage

Not voting (4)
: JacobSavage, Majiffy, MafiaSSK, PeregrineV

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votes to lynch.
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Post Post #1156 (isolation #37) » Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:32 pm

Post by Plum »


Slow was their going by twilight or by night in the pathless wilds, and the fell winter came down swiftly from the realm of Morgoth. Despite the shelter of the hills the winds were strong and bitter, and soon the snow lay deep upon the heights, or whirled through the passes, and fell upon the woods of Núath ere the full-shedding of their withered leaves. Thus though they set out before the middle of Narquelië, the Hísimë came in with biting frost even as they drew nigh to the Sources of Narog.

There at the end of a weary night in the grey of dawn they halted; and Voronwë was dismayed, looking about him in grief and fear. Where once the fair pool of Ivrin had lain in its great stone basin carved by falling waters, and all about it had been a tree-clad hollow under the hills, now he saw a land defiled and desolate. The trees were burned or uprooted; and the stone-marges of the pool were broken, so that the waters of Ivrin strayed and wrought a great barren marsh amid the ruin. All now was but a welter of frozen mire, and a reek of decay lay like a foul mist upon the ground.

"Alas! Has the evil come even here?" Voronwë cried, "Once far from the threat of Angband was this place; but ever the fingers of Morgoth grope further."

"It is even as Ulmo spoke to me," said Tuor: "The springs are poisoned, and my power withdraws from the waters of the land."

"Yet," said Voronwë, "a malice has been here with strength greater than that of Orcs. Fear lingers in this place." And he searched about the edges of the mire, until suddenly he stood still and cried again: "Yea, a great evil!" And he beckoned to Tuor, and Tuor coming saw a slot like a huge furrow that passed away southward, and at either side, now blurred, now sealed hard and clear by frost, the marks of great clawed feet. "See!" said Voronwë, and his face was pale with dread and loathing. "Here not long since was the Great Worm of Angband, most fell of all the creatures of the Enemy! Late already is our errand to Turgon. There is need of haste."

Even as he spoke thus, they heard a cry in the woods, and they stood still as grey stones, listening. But the voice was a fair voice, though filled with grief, and it seemed that it called ever upon a name, as one that searches for another who is lost. And as they waited one came through the trees, and they saw that he was a tall Man, aimed, clad in black, with a long sword drawn and they wondered, for the blade of the sword also was black, but the edges shone bright and cold. Woe was graven in his face, and when he beheld the ruin of Ivrin he cried aloud in grief, saying: "Ivrin, Faelivrin! Gwindor and Beleg! Here once I was healed. But now never shall I drink the draught of peace again."

Then he went swiftly away towards the North, as one in pursuit, or on an errand of great haste, and they heard him cry Faelivrin, Finduilas! until his voice died away in the woods. But they knew not who he was, nor anything of what had befallen in the south; and he passed them by, and they said no word.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - Elscouta
- 3 - Desperado, Espeonage, shos
- 4 - Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, Shadoweh, Albert B. Rampage

- 1 - Majiffy

Not voting (3)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK, PeregrineV

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votes to lynch.
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Post Post #1179 (isolation #38) » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:48 am

Post by Plum »


Now warily they made their way down the valley-side, until at last they came to the ancient road descending from the waymeet on the borders of Brethil, where it crossed the highway from Nargothrond. Then Tuor saw that they were come close to Sirion. The banks of its deep channel fell away in that place, and its waters, choked by a great waste of stones, were spread out into broad shallows, full of the murmur of fretting streams. Then after a little the river gathered together again, and delving a new bed flowed away towards the forest, and far off vanished into a deep mist that his eye could not pierce; for there lay though he knew it not, the north march of Doriath within the shadow of the Girdle of Melian.

At once Tuor would hasten to the ford, but Voronwë restrained him, saying: "Over the Brithiach we may not go in open day, nor while any doubt of pursuit remains."

"Then shall we sit here and rot?" said Tuor. "For such doubt will remain while the realm of Morgoth endures. Come! Under the shadow of the cloak of Ulmo we must go forward."

Still Voronwë hesitated, and looked back westward; but the track behind was deserted, and all about was quiet save for the rush of the waters. He looked up, and the sky was grey and empty, for not even a bird was moving. Then suddenly his face brightened with joy, and he cried aloud: "It is well! The Brithiach is guarded still by the enemies of the Enemy. The Orcs will not follow us here; and under the cloak we may pass now with out more doubt."

"What new thing have you seen?" said Tuor.

"Short is the sight of Mortal Men!" said Voronwë. "I see the Eagles of the Crissaegrim; and they are coming hither. Watch a while!"

Then Tuor stood at gaze; and soon high in the air he saw the shapes beating on strong wings down from the distant mountain-peaks now wreathed again in cloud. Slowly they descended in great circles, and then stooped suddenly upon the wayfarers; but before Voronwë could call to them they turned with a wide sweep and rush, and flew northward along the line of the river.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - ActionDan
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Elscouta, PeregrineV
- 3 - Desperado, Espeonage, shos
- 4 - Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot, Shadoweh, Albert B. Rampage

- 1 - Majiffy

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

With 16 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in (expired on 2014-02-05 00:00:01)

I've upgraded some of the flavour text from recent Votecounts to include more from "Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin" :].
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Post Post #1206 (isolation #39) » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:12 pm

Post by Plum »


But at last, as with great labour they came to the very foot of the cliff, they found an opening, as it were the mouth of a tun­nel worn in the hard rock by waters flowing from the heart of the mountains. They entered, and within there was no light, but Voronwë went steadily forward, while Tuor followed with his hand upon his shoulder, bending a little, for the roof was low. Thus for a time they went on blindly, step by step, until pres­ently they felt the ground beneath their feet had become level and free from loose stones. Then they halted and breathed deeply, as they stood listening. The air seemed fresh and whole­some, and they were aware of a great space around and above them; but all was silent, and not even the drip of water could be heard. It seemed to Tuor that Voronwë was troubled and in doubt, and he whispered: "Where then is the Guarded Gate? Or have we indeed now passed it?"

"Nay," said Voronwë. "Yet I wonder, for it is strange that any incomer should creep thus far unchallenged. I fear some stroke in the dark."

But their whispers aroused the sleeping echoes, and they were enlarged and multiplied, and ran in the roof and the un­seen walls, hissing and murmuring as the sound of many stealthy voices. And even as the echoes died in the stone, Tuor heard out of the heart of the darkness a voice speak in the Elven-tongues: first in the High Speech of the Noldor, which he knew not; and then in the tongue of Beleriand, though in a manner somewhat strange to his ears, as of a people long sundered from their kin.

"Stand!" it said. "Stir not! Or you will die, be you foes or friends."

"We are friends," said Voronwë.

"Then do as we bid," said the voice.

The echo of their voices rolled into silence. Voronwë and Tuor stood still, and it seemed to Tuor that many slow minute passed, and a fear was in his heart such as no other peril of his road had brought. Then there came the beat of feet, growing to a tramping loud as the march of trolls in that hollow place. Suddenly an elven-lantern was unhooded, and its bright ray was turned upon Voronwë before him, but nothing else could Tuor see save a dazzling star in the darkness; and he knew that while that beam was upon him he could not move, neither to flee nor to run forward.

For a moment they were held thus in the eye of the light, and then the voice spoke again, saying: "Show your faces!" And Voronwë cast back his hood, and his face shone in the ray, hard and clear, as if graven in stone; and Tuor marvelled to see to beauty. Then he spoke proudly, saying: "Know you not whom you see? I am Voronwë son of Aranwë of the House of Fingolfin. Or am I forgotten in my own land after a few years? Far beyond the thought of Middle-earth I have wandered, yet I remember your voice, Elemmakil."

"Then Voronwë will remember also the laws of his land," said the voice. "Since by command he went forth, he has the right to return. But not to lead hither any stranger. By that deed his right is void, and he must be led as a prisoner to the king's judgement. As for the stranger, he shall be slain or held captive at the judgement of the Guard. Lead him hither that I may judge."

Then Voronwë led Tuor towards the light, and as they drew near many Noldor, mail-clad and armed, stepped forward out of the darkness and surrounded them with drawn swords. And Elemmakil, captain of the Guard, who bore the bright lamp, looked long and closely at them.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 2 - ActionDan, Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 3 - Elscouta, PeregrineV, Tierce

- 2 - Desperado, Espeonage
- 2 - Cogito Ergo Sum, sirdanilot
- 3 - shos, Majiffy, Shadoweh

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

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Post Post #1227 (isolation #40) » Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:51 am

Post by Plum »


Then he spoke in command, and Tuor and Voronwë were set between tall guards, two before and three behind them; and their captain led them from the cavern of the Outer Guard, and they passed, as it seemed, into a straight passage, and there walked long upon a level floor, until a pale light gleamed ahead. Thus they came at length to a wide arch with tall pillars upon either hand, hewn in the rock, and between hung a great port­cullis of crossed wooden bars, marvellously carved and studded with nails of iron.

Elemmakil touched it, and it rose silently, and they passed through; and Tuor saw that they stood at the end of a ravine, the like of which he had never before beheld or imagined in his thought, long though he had walked in the wild mountains of the North; for beside the Orfalch Echor Cirith Ninniach was but a groove in the rock. Here the hands of the Valar themselves, in ancient wars of the world's beginning, had wrested the great mountains asunder, and the sides of the rift were sheer as if axe-cloven, and they lowered up to heights unguessable. There far aloft ran a ribbon of sky, and against its deep blue stood black peaks and jagged pinnacles, remote but hard, cruel as spears. Too high were those mighty walls for the winter sun to overlook, and though it was now full morning faint stars glimmered above the mountain-tops, and down below all was dim, but for the pale light of lamps set beside the climbing road. For the floor of the ravine sloped steeply up, eastward, and upon the left hand Tuor saw beside the stream-bed a wide way, laid and paved with stone, winding upward till it vanished into shadow.

"You have passed the First Gate, the Gate of Wood," said Elemmakil. "There lies the way. We must hasten."

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - ActionDan
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 3 - Elscouta, PeregrineV, Tierce
- 2 - Desperado, Espeonage
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 5 - shos, Majiffy, Shadoweh, sirdanilot, Albert B. Rampage

Not voting (2)
: JacobSavage, MafiaSSK

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Post Post #1264 (isolation #41) » Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:10 am

Post by Plum »


Now sunlight fell upon the further road, for the walls of the hills were low on either side, and green, but for the snows upon their tops; and Elemmakil hastened forward, for the way was short to the Seventh Gate, named the Great, the Gate of Steel that Maeglin wrought after the return from the Nirnaeth, across the wide entrance to the Orfalch Echor.

No wall stood there, but on either hand were two round towers of great height, many-windowed, tapering in seven storeys to a turret of bright steel, and between the towers there stood a mighty fence of steel that rusted not, but glittered cold and white. Seven great pillars of steel there were, tall with the height and girth of strong young trees, but ending in a bitter spike that rose to the sharpness of a needle; and between the pillars were seven cross-bars of steel, and in each space seven times seven rods of steel upright, with heads like the broad blades of spears. But in the centre, above the midmost pillar and the greatest, was raised a mighty image of the king-helm of Turgon, the Crown of the Hidden Kingdom, set about with dia­monds.

No gate or door could Tuor see in this mighty hedge of steel, but as he drew near through the spaces between its bars there came, as it seemed to him, a dazzling light, and he shaded his eyes, and stood still in dread and wonder. But Elemmakil went forward, and no gate opened to his touch; but he struck upon a bar, and the fence rang like a harp of many strings, giving forth clear notes in harmony that ran from tower to tower.

Straightway there issued riders from the towers, but before those of the north tower came one upon a white horse; and he dismounted and strode towards them. And high and noble as was Elemmakil, greater and more lordly was Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountains, at that time Warden of the Great Gate. All in silver was he clad, and upon his shining helm there was set a spike of steel pointed with a diamond; and as his esquire took his shield it shimmered as if it were bedewed with drops of rain, that were indeed a thousand studs of crystal.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 3 - Elscouta, PeregrineV, Tierce
- 3 - Desperado, Espeonage, MafiaSSK
- 5 - shos, Majiffy, Shadoweh, Albert B. Rampage, Cogito Ergo Sum

- 2 - sirdanilot, ActionDan

Not voting (1)
: JacobSavage

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votes to lynch.
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Post Post #1308 (isolation #42) » Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:57 am

Post by Plum »


At the bidding of Ecthelion trumpets were blown on the towers of the great gate, and they echoed in the hills; and far off but clear there came a sound of answering trumpets blown upon the white walls of the city, flushed with the rose of dawn upon the plain.

Thus it was that the son of Huor rode across Tumladen, and came to the gate of Gondolin; and passing up the wide stairways of the city he was brought at last to the Tower of the King, and looked upon the images of the Trees of Valinor. Then Tuor stood before Turgon son of Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor, and upon the King's right hand there stood Maeglin his sister-son, but upon his left hand sat Idril Celebrindal his daughter; and all that heard the voice of Tuor marvelled, doubting that this were in truth a Man of mortal race, for his words were the words of the Lord of Waters that came to him in that hour. And he gave warning to Turgon that the Curse of Mandos now hastened to its fulfilment, when all the works of the Noldor should perish; and he bade him depart, and abandon the fair and mighty city that he had built, and go down Sirion to the sea.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - TheIrishPope
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - Tierce
- 5 - Desperado, Espeonage, MafiaSSK, Elscouta, shos

- 3 - Majiffy, Shadoweh, Cogito Ergo Sum
- 3 - sirdanilot, ActionDan, Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - PeregrineV

Not voting (1)
: JacobSavage

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Post Post #1367 (isolation #43) » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:06 am

Post by Plum »


Then Turgon pondered long the counsel of Ulmo, and there came into his mind the words that were spoken to him in Vinyamar: 'Love not too well the work of thy hands and the devices of thy heart; and remember that the true hope of the Noldor lieth in the West, and cometh from the Sea.' But Turgon was become proud, and Gondolin as beautiful as a memory of Elven Tirion, and he trusted still in its secret and impregnable strength, though even a Vala should gainsay it; and after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad the people of that city desired never again to mingle in the woes of Elves and Men without, nor to return through dread and danger into the West. Shut behind their pathless and enchanted hills they suffered none to enter, though he fled from Morgoth hate-pursued; and tidings of the lands beyond came to them faint and far, and they heeded them little. The spies of Angband sought for them in vain; and their dwelling was as a rumour, and a secret that none could find. Maeglin spoke ever against Tuor in the councils of the King, and his words seemed the more weighty in that they went with Turgon's heart; and at the last he rejected the bidding of Ulmo and refused his counsel.

- 1 - SpyreX
Albert B. Rampage
- 4 - Tierce, Shadoweh, sirdanilot, TheIrishPope
- 5 - Desperado, Espeonage, MafiaSSK, Elscouta, shos

- 2 - Majiffy, Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 2 - Albert B. Rampage, ActionDan

Not voting (1)
: JacobSavage

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Post Post #1404 (isolation #44) » Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:10 pm

Post by Plum »


But in the warning of the Vala he heard again the words that were spoken before the departing Noldor on the coast of Araman long ago; and the fear of treason was wakened in Turgon's heart. Therefore in that time the very entrance to the hidden door in the Encircling Mountains was caused to be blocked up; and thereafter none went ever forth from Gondolin on any errand of peace or war, while that city stood. Tidings were brought by Thorondor Lord of Eagles of the fall of Nargothrond, and after of the slaying of Thingol and of Dior his heir, and of the ruin of Doriath; but Turgon shut his ear to word of the woes without, and vowed to march never at the side of any son of Fëanor; and his people he forbade ever to pass the leaguer of the hills.

- 1 - SpyreX
Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, TheIrishPope
- 6 - Desperado, Espeonage, MafiaSSK, Elscouta, shos, Shadoweh

- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 4 - Albert B. Rampage, ActionDan, sirdanilot, JacobSavage
- 1 - Majiffy

Not voting (0)

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Post Post #1446 (isolation #45) » Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:55 pm

Post by Plum »

Just a reminder:

In post 1, Plum wrote:
  • 14. Have fun. Remember that everyone playing is actually a real person.
    Treat every user with a basic level of respect.
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Post Post #1454 (isolation #46) » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:38 pm

Post by Plum »


And Tuor remained in Gondolin, for its bliss and its beauty and the wisdom of its people held mm enthralled; and he became mighty in stature and in mind, and learned deeply of the lore of the exiled Elves. Then the heart of Idril was turned to him, and his to her; and Maeglin's secret hatred grew ever greater, for he desired above all things to possess her, the only heir of the King of Gondolin. But so high did Tuor stand in the favour of the King that when he had dwelt there for seven years Turgon did not refuse him even the hand of his daughter; for though he would not heed the bidding of Ulmo, he perceived that the fate of the Noldor was wound with the one whom Ulmo had sent; and he did not forget the words that Huor spoke to him before the host of Gondolin departed from the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Then there was made a great and joyful feast, for Tuor had won the hearts of all that people, save only of Maeglin and his secret following; and thus there came to pass the second union of Elves and Men.

In the spring of the year after was born in Gondolin Eärendil Halfelven, the son of Tuor and Idril Celebrindal; and that was five hundred years and three since the coming of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Of surpassing beauty was Eärendil, for a light was in his face as the light of heaven, and he had the beauty and the wisdom of the Eldar and the strength and hardihood of the Men of old; and the Sea spoke ever in his ear and heart, even as with Tuor his father.

- 1 - SpyreX
Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - TheIrishPope
- 8 - Desperado, Espeonage, MafiaSSK, Elscouta, shos, Shadoweh, Tierce, ActionDan

- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 3 - Albert B. Rampage, sirdanilot, JacobSavage
- 1 - Majiffy

Not voting (0)

With 16 players alive, the condition of
votes to lynch has not been achieved. Please stand by.
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Post Post #1455 (isolation #47) » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:39 pm

Post by Plum »

Now is the face of Tuor grim and he looks not to live long - and there in his house upon the walls Idril arrays herself in mail, and seeks Eärendil.

And that child was in tears for the strange lights of red that played about the walls of the chamber where he slept; and tales that his nurse Meleth had woven him concerning fiery Morgoth at times of his waywardness came to him and troubled him. But his mother coming set about him a tiny coat of mail that she had let fashion in secret, and at that time he was glad and exceeding proud, and he shouted for pleasure. Yet Idril wept, for much had she cherished in her heart the fair city and her goodly house, and the love of Tuor and herself that had dwelt therein; but now she saw its destroying nigh at hand, and feared that her contriving would fail against this overwhelming might of the terror of the serpents.


THE HOUSE UPON THE WALLS"Mother, I am splendid! I am probably the most splendid child in Gondolin at least!"

"You are to me, dear child."

"Don't weep, Mother. It is too bad about the festival, but next year there will be sweets again. And just think, we can look over the walls and laugh about how dreary old Cousin Maeglin bounced upon the rocks!"

Idril Celebrindal nods absently, looks out over the city. More will die this day, she knows, but no one doubts the valour of the People of Gondolin.

"Have at ye, ye scurvy, uh . . . fountain-pisser!"

"Go to the depths of Mandos' butthole!"

"Fall to my blade, big Balrog with scary flamey whips and

Well, having not fought since the Nirnaeth, it shouldn't be expected that parley is quite up to snuff.

"Mother, what's a -" queries bright, earnest Eärendil. Idril claps her hands over her son's innocent little ears and prays. And waits.
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Post Post #1456 (isolation #48) » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:40 pm

Post by Plum »

Night 2 will end in (expired on 2014-02-07 00:45:00)
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Post Post #1457 (isolation #49) » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:02 pm

Post by Plum »

Day will start soon. Mod is coughing her lungs up but she can do it!
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Post Post #1458 (isolation #50) » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:46 pm

Post by Plum »

Then Tuor and his men must get them to the battle of the Gate, for the noise of it has grown very great, and Tuor has it still in his heart that the city may stand; yet with Idril he left there Voronwë against his will and some other swordsmen to be a guard for her till he returned or might send tidings from the fray.


WHAT TUOR ALWAYS SAID ABOUT VORONWË"Man, Idril, I love that guy to pieces, a bro after my own heart, but you remember how your father sent him on that mission to go to the West by ship? He's the last mariner for real - not just the last one left alive, he literally almost missed the boat. Apparently he took a detour into some kind of meadow wonderland, and frames it as this super spiritual experience, you know, all this poetry, like he reached bliss and enlightenment. 'I'm telling you, man, day and night would flicker by uncounted, while still I stood knee-deep in grass and listened. There I was enchanted, and forgot the Sea in my heart. There I wandered, naming new flowers, or lay adream amid the singing of the birds, and the humming of bees and flies; and there I might still dwell in delight, forsaking all my kin, whether the ships of the Teleri or the swords of the Noldor, but my doom would not so, you get me?'

"Yeah, I get you man, there was a lot of great weed."

And Tuor remained in Gondolin, for its bliss and its beauty and the wisdom of its people held him enthralled; and he became mighty in stature and in mind, and learned deeply of the lore of the exiled Elves.


REGARDING THE WISDOM OF THE LOREMASTERS OF GONDOLINNow Turgon dwelt still for the most part in Nevrast, but it
came to pass that at last the City was full-wrought, after two
and fifty years of labour; and Turgon appointed its name, and it
was called Gondolin [in margin: the Hidden Rock]

Pengolodh! When will you get your nose out of these books? We're literally under attack by Morgoth's forces at this moment!"

"Yes! And the wisdom of the ages must be preserved in the Enemy's despite! Let me just fill in this marginal etymological bit . . ."

Or so its name was afterwards known and interpreted; but its
ancient form and meaning are in doubt. It is said that the name was
given first in Quenya (for that language was spoken in Turgon's
house), and was Ondolindë, the Rock of the Music of Water, for
there were fountains upon the hill. But the people (who spoke only
the Sindarin tongue) altered this name to Gondolin and interpreted
it to mean Hidden Rock: Gond dolen in their own speech.

"Whatever, it's your funeral."
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Post Post #1459 (isolation #51) » Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:53 pm

Post by Plum »

Voronwë, Gondolin Vanilla
Removed From Gondolin Night 2

Pengolodh, Gondolin Weak Doctor
Died Night 2

Not voting (14)
: Tierce, JacobSavage, shos, MafiaSSK, ActionDan, Espeonage, SpyreX, Albert B. Rampage, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, sirdanilot, Elscouta, PeregrineV, Shadoweh

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Post Post #1525 (isolation #52) » Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:29 am

Post by Plum »


And Turgon climbed to the topmost pinnacle of that white tower that stood nigh his palace. Then he shouted in a voice like a horn blown among the mountains, and all that were gathered beneath the Trees and the foemen in the mists of the square heard him: "Great is the victory of the Noldor!"

- 1 - Shadoweh
- 7 - Tierce, sirdanilot, JacobSavage, MafiaSSK, Cogito Ergo Sum, Albert B. Rampage, shos

- 1 - SpyreX

Not voting (5)
: ActionDan, Espeonage, Desperado, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 14 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.
Deadline is in (expired on 2014-02-17 03:00:00)
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Post Post #1528 (isolation #53) » Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:00 am

Post by Plum »


And Tuor speaking wildly for ruth and love of the king cried: "Gondolin stands yet, and Ulmo will not suffer it to perish!"

- Tierce, sirdanilot, JacobSavage, MafiaSSK, Cogito Ergo Sum, Albert B. Rampage, shos, Shadoweh

- 1 - SpyreX

Not voting (5)
: ActionDan, Espeonage, Desperado, Elscouta, PeregrineV

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votes have been placed to lynch. Please stand by.
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Post Post #1529 (isolation #54) » Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:40 am

Post by Plum »

There were those of the Tree, and they were a great house, and their raiment was green. They fought with iron-studded clubs or with slings, and their lord Galdor was held the most valiant of all the Gondolindrim save Turgon alone.


IN THE STREETS OF GONDOLINThere is chaos, there is pain, and there is a disappointing sense of embarrassment.

"Come on guys, get it together, we can
hold the city."

"No way, I know we should have listened to Ulmo's word. We could be home free by now."

"Actually," says the bravest (though not quite tallest) lord, "we ought to get free
home by now, if we want some of us to, you know, survive."

Everyone whirls about, forgetting the orcs at the ends of their spears, swords, clubs, hammers, and assorted bludgeonery. It wouldn't be particularly valiant to just abandon Gondolin, the best place on Arda (notwithstanding a mild, completely temporary Balrog infestation). Besides, the path with the Seven Gates has been stopped up since shortly after Tuor got here, so it's not even possible.

Unless . . . there's some sort of secret escape route? That the Lords of Gondolin should turn their back on the White City like utter craven? After they've already murdered at least one innocent person, on suspicion of such treachery by - let's not harp on it, but seriously now - throwing him over a cliff?

The warriors eye the tall lord in green suspiciously. And, well, they have weapons to hand . . .
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Post Post #1530 (isolation #55) » Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:44 am

Post by Plum »


House of the Tree
, Secret Way Conspiracy Shieldrender
- Lynched Day 3

Night 3
will end in
(expired on 2014-02-09 15:00:00)
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Post Post #1531 (isolation #56) » Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:02 am

Post by Plum »

There was a yell in the night that echoed in that grim region. Behold, Galdor's men were beset in the dark suddenly by shapes leaping from behind rocks where they had lain hidden even from the glace of Legolas.


AS THE BATTLE RAGES"Well, chalk that one down as as a point against
House of the Tree
being the best House."

A roar of approval. The Lords of Gondolin love nothing so much as arguing that some other House is just
totally lame

"Hey, don't be like that!" shouts someone in foresty green (stained brownish with blood, sweat, and ichor). "I mean,
House of the Tree
still has Legolas, right?"

A murmur. A few blank stares.

"Uh, who?"

"Name doesn't ring a bell, does it?"

The guy in green rolls his eyes. "You know, Legolas. He's got great eyesight and stuff."

A bit of muttering. "Is that really much of a bragging point? So can we all. We're all Elves, after all."

"Except me!"

"Yes, Tuor, you great lump, except you, we all know that. Anyway, this, um, Legolas guy . . . has anyone seen him . . . recently?"

They survey, with their Elven eyes (well, all but two) what can be seen of the city through the smoke, flames, steam, and gore.

"Not . . . as such. No."

Then another Balrog breaks through, and hell breaks loose again.
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Post Post #1532 (isolation #57) » Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:03 am

Post by Plum »

"But the others, led by one Legolas Greenleaf of the House of the Tree, who knew all that plain by day or by dark, and was night-sighted, made much speed over the vale for all their weariness, and halted only after a great march."


House of the Tree
, Gondolin Tracker
- Removed from Gondolin Night 3

Not voting (12)
: Tierce, JacobSavage, shos, ActionDan, Espeonage, SpyreX, Albert B. Rampage, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, sirdanilot, Elscouta, PeregrineV

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votes to lynch.

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Post Post #1614 (isolation #58) » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:12 pm

Post by Plum »


Turgon said: "Evil have I brought upon the Flower of the Plain in despite of Ulmo, and now he leaveth it to wither in the fire. Lo! hope is no more in my heart for my city of loveliness, but the children of the Noldor shall not be worsted for ever."

- 1 - sirdanilot
Albert B. Rampage
- 4 - Cogito Ergo Sum, Tierce, shos, Desperado

Cogito Ergo Sum
- 2 - Espeonage, Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - SpyreX

Not voting (4)
: JacobSavage, ActionDan, Elscouta, PeregrineV

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votes to lynch.

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Post Post #1695 (isolation #59) » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:47 am

Post by Plum »

Just a reminder:

In post 1, Plum wrote:
  • 14. Have fun. Remember that everyone playing is actually a real person.
    Treat every user with a basic level of respect.
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Post Post #1762 (isolation #60) » Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:49 am

Post by Plum »


Turgon hearkened not. "I Turgon will not leave my city, and will burn with it."

Albert B. Rampage
- 3 - Cogito Ergo Sum, Tierce, JacobSavage
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 2 - Espeonage, Albert B. Rampage
- 4 - SpyreX, ActionDan, sirdanilot, PeregrineV

- 1 - Desperado
- 1 - shos

Not voting (1)
: Elscouta

With 12 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in (expired on 2014-02-19 16:05:00)

Sorry for the delay, will try to have votecount regularity fixed.
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Post Post #1792 (isolation #61) » Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:24 am

Post by Plum »


Now was Tuor torn sorely between his reverence for the king and his love for Idril and his child, wherewith his heart was sick; yet already serpents fare about the square trampling upon dead and dying, and the foe gathers in the mists for the last onslaught; and the choice must be made.

Albert B. Rampage
- 2 - Tierce, JacobSavage
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 2 - Espeonage, Albert B. Rampage
- 1 - SpyreX
- PeregrineV, shos, Cogito Ergo Sum, Elscouta, sirdanilot, ActionDan, Desperado

Not voting (0)

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votes have been placed to lynch as of Post #1783. Please stand by.
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Post Post #1793 (isolation #62) » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:23 am

Post by Plum »

But still in secret she had counselled that the delving be pressed on, and that henceforth should speed weigh more than secrecy, "because now is the time very near". And another rede she gave, that certain of the bravest and most true among the lords and warriors of the Gondolindrim be chosen with care and told of that secret way and its issue.

In secret too she whispered to folk that if the city came to its last stand or Turgon be slain that they rally about Tuor and her son, and to this they laughed a yea, saying however that Gondolin would stand as long as Taniquetil or the Mountains of Valinor.

Now comes Tuor at their head to the Place of Wedding, and lo! there stands Idril before him with her hair unbraided as on that day of their marriage before; and great is his amaze. Idril saw not even Tuor, for her gaze was set back upon the Place of the King that now lay somewhat below them.


THE BATTLEMENTSThe lords of Gondolin hear a thin, clear shout. Above the mists stands their princess.

Everyone stops moving. The people of Gondolin honor their king. They love Tuor. But they
their Princess.

"Settle down, settle down. Yes, all of you. We shouldn't still be dealing with this sort of nonsense."

A cheer of assent from those who aren't caught in the teeth of the invading dragons.

"Gondolin is our home!" Idril cries.

"Hear, hear!"


"But to those who haven't noticed, I'll give you a pass on this one - our home is freaking
on fire
." It's utterly silly that this statement doesn't seem so popular with the warriors of Gondolin. It is at least as true as all the rest. "Anyway," the golden-haired princess continues, "we - no, darling, you may not go pet that dragon, no, I don't care if he seems cute, Mother says he's
very dangerous
, my sweetling - we don't all want to burn. To that end, behold! Surmising that my cousin Maeglin was a creep and that Morgoth really has it out for our White City especially, I and a few people I won't name now but whom I happen to trust quite a lot, delved a secret delving. Now Morgoth is attacking us and, my appreciation to all involved in the decision, Maeglin is dead -"

"He bounced," Eärendil says serenely.

"And we should all run away to safety through the Secret Way instead of all dying here."


"You can thank me later."

Silence, except for some dragonfire being extinguished in a fountain. And the clash of blades. And then Idril sees the eyes of the Lords of Gondolin, bright as flame, their (mostly) Noldorin tempers whipped into a frenzy by the battle, and the sight of their doomed city, and the desire for vengeance, for defiance, for not saving their own skins when hope is lost. They look at their beloved Silver-foot and see yet another enemy who wishes to take Gondolin from them, or them from Gondolin. She has made a dreadful miscalculation. Suddenly the walls she stands upon look rather high to Idril.

"Here, child, why don't you go find your father and ask if you can hold his axe? Mother may be a little busy."

The princess watches her little son wander off through the carnage. She hopes he will live through the Fall of Gondolin.

She also hopes the warriors of the Flower of the Plain kill her
throwing her over the Caragdûr.
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Post Post #1794 (isolation #63) » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:24 am

Post by Plum »


Now then they had Idril by the hair and sought to drag her to the battlements; and she fought, alone as she was, like a tigress for all her beauty and slenderness.


Idril, Secret Way Conspiracy Rolecop
Lynched Day 4

Night 3
will end in
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Post Post #1795 (isolation #64) » Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:48 pm

Post by Plum »

Please note revised Night 4 deadline (just messed up the number of days to put in originally, nothing major).
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Post Post #1796 (isolation #65) » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:58 pm

Post by Plum »

Then all that host halted and looked back and their hearts stood still; for now they saw why the foe pressed them so little and the reason of their salvation. Lo! a drake was coiled even on the very steps of the palace and defiled their whiteness; but swarms of the Orcs ransacked within and dragged forth forgotten women and children or slew men that fought alone. Glingal was withered to the stock and Belthil was blackened utterly, and the king's tower was beset. High up could they descry the form of the king, but about the base a serpent of iron spouting flame lashed and rowed with his tail, and Balrogs were round him; and there was the king's house in great anguish, and dread cries carried up to the watchers. So was it that the sack of the halls of Turgon and that most valiant stand of the royal house held the mind of the foe, so that Tuor got thence with his company, and stood now in tears upon the Place of the Valar.

Then said Tuor: "Lo! I live; yet now will I get the king hence, be it from the Hells of Morgoth!" With that he would make down the hill alone, maddened by grief. Yet even as he spoke a great noise and a yelling rose from that place of anguish.


THE KING'S TOWER"I can totally take him."

"With all due respect, my king, it's a

"Hey, my brother once took a dragon. Sort of."

"With all due respect, my king, High King Fingon is

"Yes," Turgon muses heavily. "But," he says, eyes lighting up with inspiration, "not because he fought that dragon!"

The attendant at the king's side smiles wanly. "Well, there is that."

"So, as I said, I can
take him." He takes up his greatsword in both hands and holds it up to the light of his beautiful, burning city. "Besides, what choice have we left?"

"Not much."

"Exactly. And as they say . . ." Turgon, king of Gondolin, rushes at the dragon. His towers will crumble around him. He is doomed. But for a moment, he shines bright.

" screams his companion, amid the swirling flame. "What do they say, my king?" He splutters in the mist and smoke. "With all due respect, of course!"

The king grins. "
Great is the fall of Gondolin.
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Post Post #1797 (isolation #66) » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:58 pm

Post by Plum »

Behold, the tower leapt into a flame and in a stab of fire it fell, for the dragons crushed the base of it and all who stood there. Great was the clangour of that terrible fall, and therein was lost Turgon King of the Gondolindrim, and for that hour the victory was to Morgoth.


Albert B. Rampage
House of the King
, Gondolin Vanilla
Removed from Gondolin Night 4

Not voting (10)
: Tierce, shos, ActionDan, Espeonage, SpyreX, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, sirdanilot, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)

Peregrine V
is V/LA until Monday the 17th.
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Post Post #1842 (isolation #67) » Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:14 am

Post by Plum »


But Tuor wept and left the king's tower, and gathering the men of the Wing went through the streets; and by that hour was the light great and lurid and there was stifling heat and a black smoke and stench arose about the pathways in the city. And now came the Monsters across the valley and the white towers of Gondolin reddened before them; but the stoutest were in dread seeing those dragons of fire and those serpents of bronze and iron that fare already about the hill of the city; and they shot unavailing arrows at them.

- 2 - SpyreX, sirdanilot

- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum

Not voting (6)
: shos, ActionDan, Espeonage, Desperado, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)

Cogito Ergo Sum
's V/LA is noted.
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Post Post #1895 (isolation #68) » Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:55 pm

Post by Plum »


There stood the house of the Golden Flower who bare a rayed sun upon their shield, and their chief Glorfindel bare a mantle so broidered in threads of gold that it was diapered with celandine as a field in spring; and his arms were damascened with cunning gold.

Then came there from the south of the city the people of the Fountain, and Ecthelion was their lord, and silver and diamonds were their delight; and swords very long and bright and pale did they wield, and they went into battle to the music of flutes.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 3 - PeregrineV, sirdanilot, shos

- 1 - Desperado

Not voting (3)
: ActionDan, Espeonage, Elscouta

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)
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Post Post #1941 (isolation #69) » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:29 pm

Post by Plum »


Tuor slew Othrod a lord of the Orcs, cleaving his helm, and Balcmeg he hewed asunder, and Lug he smote with his axe that his limbs were cut from beneath him at the knee, but Ecthelion shore through two captains of the goblins at a sweep and cleft the head of Orcobal their chiefest champion to his teeth; and by reason of the great doughtiness of those two lords they came even unto the Balrogs. Of those demons of power Ecthelion slew three, for the brightness of his sword cleft the iron of them and did hurt to their fire, and they writhed.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 4 - PeregrineV, sirdanilot, Elscouta, shos

- 1 - Desperado

Not voting (2)
: ActionDan, Espeonage

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)
Last edited by Plum on Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1959 (isolation #70) » Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:28 pm

Post by Plum »


There he became weary from the strangling heat and was beaten down by a great demon, even Gothmog lord of Balrogs, captain of Morgoth. But lo! Ecthelion, whose face was of the pallor of grey steel and whose shield-arm hung limp at his side, strode above him as he fell; and that Gnome drave at the demon, yet did not give him his death, getting rather a wound to his sword-arm that his weapon left his grasp.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 3 - PeregrineV, sirdanilot, shos

- 1 - Desperado

Not voting (3)
: ActionDan, Espeonage, Elscouta,

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)

's V/LA is noted.
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Post Post #1996 (isolation #71) » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:04 am

Post by Plum »


Bands of the Swallow and of the Arch of Heaven there fight bitterly amid the wreck or contest the walls to east and west with the foe; but even as Tuor comes nigh driving the Orcs, one of those brazen snakes heaves against the western wall and a great mass of it shakes and falls, and behind comes a creature of fire and Balrogs upon it. Flames gust from the jaws of that worm and folk wither before it, and the wings of the helm of Tuor are blackened, but he stands and gathers about him his guard and all of the Arch and Swallow he can find, whereas on his right Ecthelion rallies the men of the Fountain of the South. Now the Orcs again take heart from the coming of the drakes, and they mingle with the Balrogs that pour about the breach, and they assail the Gondolindrim grievously.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 4 - PeregrineV, sirdanilot, Espeonage, ActionDan

- 2 - Desperado, shos

Not voting (1)
: Elscouta

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)
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Post Post #2034 (isolation #72) » Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:04 pm

Post by Plum »


Morgoth had assembled all his most cunning smiths and sorcerers, and of iron and flame they wrought a host of monsters such as have only at that time been seen and shall not again be till the Great End. Some were all of iron so cunningly linked that they might flow like slow rivers of metal or coil themselves around and above all obstacles before them, and these were filled in their innermost depths with the grimmest of the Orcs with scimitars and spears; others of bronze and copper were given hearts and spirits of blazing fire, and they blasted all that stood before them with the terror of their snorting or trampled whatso escaped the ardour of their breath; yet others were creatures of pure flame that writhed like ropes of molten metal, and they brought to ruin whatever fabric they came nigh, and iron and stone melted before them and became as water, and upon them rode the Balrogs in hundreds; and these were the most dire of all those monsters which Morgoth devised against Gondolin.

- 1 - SpyreX
- 1 - Tierce
- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 4 - PeregrineV, sirdanilot, Espeonage, ActionDan

- 2 - Desperado, shos

Not voting (1)
: Elscouta

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)
Last edited by Plum on Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2076 (isolation #73) » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:23 pm

Post by Plum »


Yet of the leap of that axe Dramborleg that was swung by the hand of Tuor were they still more afraid, for it sang like the rush of eagle's wings in the air and took death as it fell, and five of them went down before it.

- 4 - SpyreX, sirdanilot, Tierce, Elscouta

- 2 - Cogito Ergo Sum, Espeonage
- 2 - PeregrineV, ActionDan
- 2 - Desperado, shos

Not voting (0)

With 10 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-02-25 20:05:00)
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Post Post #2098 (isolation #74) » Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:54 pm

Post by Plum »

Due to missing posts, the game will remain locked for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Post Post #2099 (isolation #75) » Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:27 pm

Post by Plum »

Taking it under advisement to start things up again even though missing posts.
has been lynched with 6 votes, 10 players alive. Wish I had a real votecount! Scene to follow! Apologies for the delay!
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Post Post #2100 (isolation #76) » Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:05 pm

Post by Plum »

Then the warriors of the Mole being more numerous than those few of the Wing, and loyal to their lord, came at Tuor, and there were great blows, but no man might stand before the wrath of Tuor, and they were smitten and driven to fly into what dark holes they might, or flung from the walls. Then Tuor and his men must get them to the battle of the Gate, for the noise of it has grown very great, and Tuor has it still in his heart that the city may stand.



Tuor turns at the sound, shakes a couple of dead Orcs off the head of his greataxe, and smiles at his son. "Hey there little buddy. What's up?"

"Well, nothing really, only I was just thinking, the festival is all spoilt this year, and really I'm being ever so patient about it, aren't I? So may I have a dragon?" Eärendil's wide blue eyes stare up earnestly. "Pleeaaase?"

Tuor sighs and shoves the kid out of the way of a passing Balrog. The child in his little coat of mail and pale blue tunic waves his arms wildly. "Mother says I mayen't, only I really want a dragon and if
say yes I would be so happy. Also may I hold your axe now, because Mother said I could."

"Ecthelion, you owe me one, take this alley from here and try to keep everything from exploding in a firey mess. I got your back, man, just need a sec to do a bit of parenting." He scoops up Eärendil in a hug . . . and sees the remaining warrior's of Maeglin's folk running straight at them. Looking distressed, and confused. And pissed off.

Suddenly Tuor has had enough of this whole farce. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALL WOULDN'T JUST HAVE LISTENED TO ULMO IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Maeglin's people stop short at the sound of his voice.

The people of Tuor's
House of the Wing
do too. All the warriors of Gondolin turn to face the husband of their princess, who built the Secret Way as an escape route and died for it, the King's chosen successor, the messenger of Ulmo, bearing a summons out of their beloved city. And in unison they move again. Towards him.

"Well," he tells his son, "I will need to use my axe for the moment. But if you go ask nice Uncle Ecthelion who makes you those nice willow-whistles, perhaps
will let you have a dragon."

His son's smile is, all things considered, a nice parting image before he is dispatched to the Halls of Mandos.
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Post Post #2101 (isolation #77) » Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:07 pm

Post by Plum »

About the saying of these words were they come to the southern walls and nigh to Tuor's house, and lo! it was cast down and the wreckage was asmoke.


House of the Wing
Gondolin Vanilla
Lynched Day 5

Night 5
will end in
(expired on 2014-03-05 01:10:00).
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Post Post #2102 (isolation #78) » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:32 pm

Post by Plum »

Then leapt Ecthelion lord of the Fountain, fairest of the Noldoli, full at Gothmog even as he raised his whip, and his helm that had a spike upon it he drave into that evil breast, and he twined his legs about his foeman's thighs; and the Balrog yelled and fell forward; but those two dropped into the basin of the king's fountain which was very deep. There found that creature his bane; and Ecthelion sank steel-laden into the depths.


House of the Fountain
Gondolin Vanilla
Removed From Gondolin Night 5

Not voting (8)
: Tierce, shos, ActionDan, SpyreX, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)

Sorry, Mod's too busy/tired to do full flavor tonight, will edit some in later :(
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Post Post #2113 (isolation #79) » Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:43 pm

Post by Plum »

- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 1 - Elscouta

Not voting (5)
: Tierce, shos, ActionDan, SpyreX, Desperado

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)

Sorry about flavor and pretty things still not being here or filled in from yesterday yet :(
Last edited by Plum on Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2135 (isolation #80) » Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:04 am

Post by Plum »

- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 2 - Elscouta, Desperado

Not voting (4)
: Tierce, shos, ActionDan, SpyreX

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)

has been prodded.

Still sorry about flavor stuff :(
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Post Post #2146 (isolation #81) » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:49 pm

Post by Plum »

- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 2 - Elscouta, Desperado

Not voting (4)
: Tierce, shos, ActionDan, SpyreX

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)
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Post Post #2185 (isolation #82) » Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:23 pm

Post by Plum »

- 1 - Cogito Ergo Sum
- 1 - PeregrineV
- 2 - Elscouta, Desperado
- 3 - SpyreX, shos, Tierce

- 1 - ActionDan

Not voting (0)

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)
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Post Post #2275 (isolation #83) » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:40 pm

Post by Plum »

- 1 - PeregrineV
- 3 - Elscouta, Desperado, Tierce

- 1 - shos
- 1 - ActionDan

Not voting (2):
Cogito Ergo Sum, SpyreX

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)

This malware business should be fixed now, sorry :(
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Post Post #2310 (isolation #84) » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:12 am

Post by Plum »

- 4 - PeregrineV, ActionDan, shos, Cogito Ergo Sum

- 2 - Desperado, Tierce

Not voting (2):
SpyreX, Elscouta

With 8 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-15 06:00:00)
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Post Post #2338 (isolation #85) » Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:24 pm

Post by Plum »

"In the wide lands without, Elemmakil, many strange thing may befall one, and tasks unlooked for be laid on one."


THE WAY OF ESCAPEElemmakil guards the path to Gondolin. He has guarded it for decades upon decades, the herald, the watcher, the one who holds the Gates to the Hidden City.

To be honest, given how very well-hidden it is, the job has been rather boring. And the Enemy, in the end, struck from the North. The Gates were too strong, too well designed, for Morgoth to have his horrors fight their way through them. Now the city is aflame, and its people are dying, some, it seems, at the hands of their fellows. Still, Elemmakil knows his duty. He guards the way.

And yet, he knows, there is another. Another way to safety. He has guarded the way into Gondolin, whence one cannot exit. But there is a younger, still more secret path.

So when little Eärendil comes up prattling to him about not getting to hold his father's axe, and his friend Ecthelion and a Balrog, and a dragon that he wants as a pet in compensation for having to put up with all of this, Elemmakil wonders whether it's too late. He sets down his sword, and - finally - steps away from his post.

He walks into the midst of battle. He calls on the living warriors of Gondolin, he speaks about the well-known path out of the city he has guarded all this time. Now, he says, he knows the Enemy will have it set about, there is no hope of escape there. But if there were yet another way . . .

He does not live long after setting aside his duty.
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Post Post #2339 (isolation #86) » Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:25 pm

Post by Plum »

Many Noldor, mail-clad and armed, stepped forward out of the darkness and surrounded them with drawn swords. And Elemmakil, captain of the guard, who bore the bright lamp, looked long and closely at them.


Elemmakil, Secret Way Conspiracy Goon
Lynched Day 6

Night 6
will end in
(expired on 2014-03-18 00:40:00)
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Post Post #2340 (isolation #87) » Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:11 pm

Post by Plum »


THE FLOWER OF THE PLAINWe will attribute to smoke inhalations, concussions, and other sundry unpleasantness the fact that none of the suicidally dedicated lords of Gondolin are surprised that no one has died or mysteriously disappeared between the last stretch of full daylight and now, when the clouds part again over the Hidden City.

Not voting (7)
: shos, ActionDan, SpyreX, Cogito Ergo Sum, Desperado, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 7 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-28 02:15:00)

Public notice that I didn't do my usual confirmation PM replies to Night-related stuff as usual last Night due to busyness.
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Post Post #2357 (isolation #88) » Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:48 am

Post by Plum »

- 2 - Cogito Ergo Sum, SpyreX

- 1 - Desperado

Not voting (4)
: shos, ActionDan, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 7 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-28 02:15:00)
Last edited by Plum on Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2363 (isolation #89) » Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:56 pm

Post by Plum »

- 3 - Cogito Ergo Sum, SpyreX, shos

- 1 - Desperado

Not voting (3)
: ActionDan, Elscouta, PeregrineV

With 7 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-28 02:15:00)

Fixed the previous faulty votecount.
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Post Post #2377 (isolation #90) » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:57 am

Post by Plum »

- 3 - Cogito Ergo Sum, SpyreX, shos

- 1 - Desperado
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 2 - PeregrineV, Elscouta

Not voting (1)
: ActionDan

With 7 players alive it takes
votes to lynch.

Deadline is in
(expired on 2014-03-28 02:15:00)
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Post Post #2392 (isolation #91) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:55 pm

Post by Plum »

- Cogito Ergo Sum, SpyreX, shos, ActionDan

- 1 - Desperado
Cogito Ergo Sum
- 2 - PeregrineV, Elscouta

Not voting (0)

With 7 players alive,
votes have been placed to lynch. Please stand by.
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Post Post #2393 (isolation #92) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:09 pm

Post by Plum »


THE LAST STANDThe elven-lord so tall that no one is confused about the fact that he's the lord of
Houses associated with being really tall. The Elf your man could smell like. Look at that Balrog. Now look back at him. He's on a horse.

And he's out of this Eru-foresaken hellhole. He's far, far too intelligent - not to mention handsome - to die in the flames when there is a perfectly viable alternative. And if the people of his Houses, maybe even some of the other surviving lords, happen to follow him because he is just
charismatic, well, that wouldn't be a tragedy either. Not any more than the rest of the day has been, at least. Will the Fall of Gondolin be remembered as another stain on the honor of the Noldor, another kinslaying? Well, perhaps Pengolodh can figure that one out later, because thankfully he
has been saved
mysteriously disappeared . . .

Ah, the Secret Way. Idril approached him and her other two co-conspirators years ago, fraught with premonitions and (let's be honest) a healthy degree of paranoia. Well, Penlod is not going to be Balrog kindling today. It's worth living somewhere that's not Gondolin to be alive, right?

"Is it?"

Only then does he realize that he spoke aloud. He slowly turns, and behind him stand his friends, each and every one of them bloody, singed, or both (and a few of them soaking wet from having been extinguished in Gondolin's beautiful fountains).

"Well, yes, it is . . ." he says.

He sees the look of exhausted betrayal on their faces and knows that he won't be allowed to find out through personal experience.
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Post Post #2394 (isolation #93) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:10 pm

Post by Plum »

Then did dread fall more heavily still upon many of the men of the Pillar and many of the Tower of Snow, and Penlod perished there.


House of the Pillar
House of the Tower of Snow
Secret Way Conspiracy Jailkeeper
Lynched Day 7
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Post Post #2395 (isolation #94) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:17 pm

Post by Plum »


THE ARCHIVES OF THE HAVENS AT SIRIONNow who shall tell of the wanderings of the exiles of Gondolin in the wastes that lie beyond the mountains to the south of the vale of Tumladin? Miseries were theirs and death, colds and hungers, and ceaseless watches. That they won ever through those regions infested by Morgoth's evil came from the great slaughter and damage done to his power in that assault, and from the speed and wariness with which they went; for of a certain Morgoth knew of that escape and was furious thereat.

Ulmo had heard tidings in the far oceans of the deeds that were done, but he could not yet aid them for they were far from waters and rivers - and indeed they thirsted sorely, and they knew not the way. But after a year and more of wandering, in which many a time they journeyed long tangled in the magic of those wastes only to come again upon their own tracks, once more the summer came, and nigh to its height they came at last upon a stream, and following this came to better lands and were a little comforted.

Here did Voronwë guide them, for he had caught a whisper of Ulmo's in that stream one late summer's night - and he got ever much wisdom from the sound of waters. Now he led them even till they came down to Sirion which that stream fed, and then Voronwë saw that they were not far from the outer issue of old of the Way of Escape, and were once more in that deep dale of alders. Here were all the bushes trampled and the trees burnt, and the dale-wall scarred with flame, and they wept, for they thought they knew the fate of those who sundered aforetime from them at the tunnel-mouth.

Now they journeyed down that river but were again in fear from Morgoth, and fought affrays with his Orc-bands and were in peril from the wolfriders, but his firedrakes sought not at them, both for the great exhaustion of their fires in the taking of Gondolin, and the increasing power of Ulmo as the river grew. So came they after many days - for they went slowly and got their sustenance very hardly - to those great heaths and morasses above the Land of Willows, and Voronwë knew not those regions. Now here goes Sirion a very great way under earth, diving at the great cavern of the Tumultuous Winds, but running clear again above the Pools of Twilight, even where Tulkas' after fought with Morgoth's self.

Tuor had fared over these regions by night and dusk after Ulmo came to him amid the reeds, and he remembered not the ways. In places that land is full of deceits and very marshy; and here the host had long delay and was vexed by sore flies, for it was autumn still, and agues and fevers fared amongst them, and they cursed Melko. Yet came they at last to the great pools and the edges of that most tender Land of Willows; and the very breath of the winds thereof brought rest and peace to them, and for the comfort of that place the grief was assuaged of those who mourned the dead in that great fall. There women and maids grew fair again and their sick were healed, and old wounds ceased to pain; yet they alone who of reason feared their folk living still in bitter thraldom in the Hells of Iron sang not, nor did they smile. Here they abode very long indeed, and Earendel was a grown boy ere the voice of Ulmo's conches drew the heart of Tuor, that his sea-longing returned with a thirst the deeper for years of stifling; and all that host arose at his bidding, and got them down Sirion to the Sea.

Now the folk that had passed into the Eagles' Cleft had been nigh eight hundreds - a large wayfaring, yet was it a sad remnant of so fair and numerous a city, and among them were not Idril of the Silver Feet, or Galdor the valiant, or Penlod the Tall, or Elemmakil of the Gates, who had made the Secret Way and kept it in despite of the wishes of the people. But they who arose from the grasses of the Land of Willows in years after and fared away to sea, when spring set celandine in the meads and they had held sad festival in memorial of Gondolin, these numbered but three hundreds and a score of men and man-children, and two hundreds and three score of women and maid-children. Now the number of women was few because of their hiding or being stowed by their kinsfolk in secret places in the city. There they were burned or slain or taken and enthralled, and the rescue-parties found them too seldom; and it is the greatest ruth to think of this, for the maids and women of the Gondolindrim were as fair as the sun and as lovely as the moon and brighter than the stars.

Glory dwelt in that city of Gondolin of the Seven Names, and its ruin was the most dread of all the sacks of cities upon the face of Earth. This is esteemed the worst work that Morgoth has yet thought of in the world. Yet now those exiles of Gondolin dwelt at the mouth of Sirion by the waves of the Great Sea. There they take the name of Lothlim, the people of the flower, for Gondothlim is a name too sore to their hearts, and in their souls they wish they had not been forced to forsake her, even for the sake of their lives Yet they rejoice, though in sorrow, to know that there were those who stood against Morgoth for Gondolin against all hope, and that those traitors who took them from the White City were stopped at the last by the valour of those named below.

Here ends the tale of Gondolin as far as it can be known by

Hendor, Gondolin Voyeur
Survived and Won

Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

House of the Swallow
Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

Cogito Ergo Sum
Eärendil, Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

House of the Hammer of Wrath
Gondolin Vanilla
Survived and Won

House of the Harp
Gondolin Tracker
Survived and Won
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Post Post #2398 (isolation #95) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:20 pm

Post by Plum »

Of course, of course, Town all win :]. Mafia all lose :(. Fuller post with design ethos and thoughts to come soon.
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Post Post #2400 (isolation #96) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:22 pm

Post by Plum »

The flavor also went in a completely rad direction. Hence Eärendil, the progressively creepy.
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Post Post #2410 (isolation #97) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:13 pm

Post by Plum »

Oh, sorry, time for Role PMs :P.
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Post Post #2411 (isolation #98) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:15 pm

Post by Plum »

Spoiler: Roles
Secret Way Conspiracy

Notes: Kill flavor is
Removed from Gondolin



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Idril, Secret Way Conspiracy Rolecop

"Fairer than all the wonders of Gondolin was Idril, Turgon's daughter, she that was called Celebrindal, the Silver-foot, whose hair was as the gold of Laurelin before the coming of Melkor."

"Fair indeed was she and brave thereto; and the people called her Idril of the Silver Feet in that she went ever barefoot and bareheaded, king's daughter as she was, save only at pomps of the Ainur; and Maeglin gnawed his anger seeing Tuor thrust him out."

Factional Abilities:
  • Mafia Conspiracy
    - The
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    comprises of you,
    PLAYERNAME, Galdor,
    House of the Tree
    , Secret Way Conspiracy Shieldrender
    PLAYERNAME, Penlod,
    House of the Pillar
    House of the Tower of Snow
    , Secret Way Conspiracy Jailkeeper
    , and
    PLAYERNAME, Elemmakil, Secret Way Conspiracy Goon
  • Night Kill
    - Every Night, one member of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    may attempt to kill another player. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Kill: Playername
  • Communication
    - You may communicate before the game starts and each Night with the other members of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
  • Safeclaim
    - You know that the following role is not in this game. Feel free to use the following information:


    Welcome to
    The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
    . You are
    House of the Golden Flower
    , Gondolin Vanilla

    "There stood the house of the Golden Flower who bare a rayed sun upon their shield, and their chief Glorfindel bore a mantle so broidered in threads of gold that it was diapered with celandine as a field in spring; and his arms were damascened with cunning gold."

    You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Please confirm your role by PM.
Active Abilities:
  • Rolecop
    - Once every night, you may target a player in order to determine the player's role. You may receive results of "
    Character Name
    Role Title
    " or "No result". This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Rolecop: Playername
You win when only members of the Secret Way Conspiracy are alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Please confirm your role by PM.



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Tree
, Secret Way Conspiracy Shieldrender

"There were those of the Tree, and they were a great house, and their raiment was green. They fought with iron-studded clubs or with slings, and their lord Galdor was held the most valiant of all the Gondolindrim save Turgon alone."

Factional Abilities:
  • Mafia Conspiracy
    - The
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    comprises of you,
    PLAYERNAME, Idril, Secret Way Conspiracy Rolecop
    PLAYERNAME, Penlod,
    House of the Pillar
    House of the Tower of Snow
    , Secret Way Conspiracy Jailkeeper
    , and
    PLAYERNAME, Elemmakil, Secret Way Conspiracy Goon
  • Night Kill
    - Every Night, one member of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    may attempt to kill another player. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Kill: Playername
  • Communication
    - You may communicate before the game starts and each Night with the other members of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
Active Abilities:
  • Shieldrend
    - Once every Night, you may target a player. All non-kill actions targeting that player will be blocked,
    any action or ability that would prevent that player from dying if the player were targeted with a killing action will not prevent that player from dying, for that Night only. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Shieldrend: Playername
You win when only members of the Secret Way Conspiracy are alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Please confirm your role by PM.



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Pillar
House of the Tower of Snow
, Secret Way Conspiracy Jailkeeper

"There too were the folk of the Pillar and of the Tower of Snow, and both these kindreds were marshaled by Penlod, tallest of Elves."

Factional Abilities:
  • Mafia Conspiracy
    - The
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    comprises of you,
    PLAYERNAME, Idril, Secret Way Conspiracy Rolecop
    PLAYERNAME, Galdor,
    House of the Tree
    , Secret Way Conspiracy Shieldrender
    , and
    PLAYERNAME, Elemmakil, Secret Way Conspiracy Goon
  • Night Kill
    - Every Night, one member of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    may attempt to kill another player. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Kill: Playername
  • Communication
    - You may communicate before the game starts and each Night with the other members of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
Active Abilities:
  • Jailkeep
    - Once every Night, you may target a player. The player will be roleblocked
    protected from kills for that Night only. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Jailkeep: Playername
You win when only members of the Secret Way Conspiracy are alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Please confirm your role by PM.



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Elemmakil, Secret Way Conspiracy Goon

"Many Noldor, mail-clad and armed, stepped forward out of the darkness and surrounded them with drawn swords. And Elemmakil, captain of the guard, who bore the bright lamp, looked long and closely at them."

Factional Abilities:
  • Mafia Conspiracy
    - The
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    comprises of you,
    PLAYERNAME, Idril, Secret Way Conspiracy Rolecop
    PLAYERNAME, Galdor,
    House of the Tree
    , Secret Way Conspiracy Shieldrender
    , and
    PLAYERNAME, Penlod,
    House of the Pillar
    House of the Tower of Snow
    , Secret Way Conspiracy Jailkeeper
  • Night Kill
    - Every Night, one member of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
    may attempt to kill another player. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Kill: Playername
  • Communication
    - You may communicate before the game starts and each Night with the other members of the
    Secret Way Conspiracy
You win when only members of the Secret Way Conspiracy are alive or nothing can prevent the same.

Please confirm your role by PM.




Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Mole
, Gondolin Godfather

"And Aredhel bore to Eöl a son in the shadows of Nan Elmoth, and in her heart she gave him a name in the forbidden tongue of the Noldor, Lómion, that signifies Child of the Twilight; but his father gave him no name until he was twelve years old. Then he called him Maeglin, which is Sharp Glance, for he perceived that the eyes of his son were more piercing than his own, and his thought could read the secrets of hearts beyond the mist of words.

As Maeglin grew to full stature he resembled in face and form rather his kindred of the Noldor, but in mood and mind he was the son of his father. His words were few save in matters that touched him near, and then his voice had a power to move those that heard him and to overthrow those that withstood him. He was tall and black-haired; his eyes were dark, yet bright and keen as the eyes of the Noldor, and his skin was white. Often he went with Eöl to the cities of the Dwarves in the east of Ered Lindon, and there he learned eagerly what they would teach, and above all the craft of finding the ores of metals in the mountains.

Yet it is said that Maeglin loved his mother better, and if Eöl were abroad he would sit long beside her and listen to all that she could tell him of her kin and their deeds in Eldamar, and of the might and valour of the princes of the House of Fingolfin. All these things he laid to heart, but most of all that which he heard of Turgon, and that he had no heir; for Elenwë his wife perished in the crossing of the Helcaraxë, and his daughter Idril Celebrindal was his only child."

"Wise in counsel was Maeglin and wary, and yet hardy and valiant at need. And that was seen in after days: for when in the dread year of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad Turgon opened his leaguer and marched forth to the help of Fingon in the north, Maeglin would not remain in Gondolin as regent of the King, but went to the war and fought beside Turgon, and proved fell and fearless in battle.

Thus all seemed well with the fortunes of Maeglin, who had risen to be mighty among the princes of the Noldor, and greatest save one in the most renowned of their realms. Yet he did not reveal his heart: and though not all things went as he would he endured it in silence, hiding his mind so that few could read it, unless it were Idril Celebrindal. For from his first days in Gondolin he had borne a grief, ever worsening, that robbed him of all joy: he loved the beauty of Idril and desired her, without hope. The Eldar wedded not with kin so near, nor ever before had any desired to do so. And however that might be, Idril loved Maeglin not at all; and knowing his thought of her she loved him the less. For it seemed to her a thing strange and crooked in him, as indeed the Eldar ever since have deemed it: an evil fruit of the Kinslaying, whereby the shadow of the curse of Mandos fell upon the last hope of the Noldor. But as the years passed still Maeglin watched Idril, and waited, and his love turned to darkness in his heart. And he sought the more to have his will in other matters, shirking no toil or burden, if he might thereby have power."

Factional Abilities:
  • Godfather Kill
    - Once every Night, you may choose one player (other than yourself) to carry out a kill on a specified
    player. This is not considered a targeting action. The player assigned to perform the kill will not be informed. If the player you assign perform the kill is a member of your faction (Town), the player will automatically attempt to kill the player specified to be killed as a normal targeting action (in addition to any other action that player takes, if applicable). If the player assigned to perform the kill is
    a member of your faction, nothing will happen. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Assign Playername to kill Playername
Passive Abilities:
  • Miller
    - A Sane Cop would receive the result "Not Town Aligned" upon investigating you.
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: No kill flavor for this poor soul



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Hendor, Gondolin Voyeur

"The child was upon the shoulders of one Hendor, a house-carle of Idril's, and he seemed like to be left with his burden."

Active Abilities:
  • Voyeur
    - Once every Night, you may target a player to see what action(s) they were sucessfully targeted with. You may receive results of "
    was targeted by
    Targeting Action(s)
    ", "
    was targeted by
    no Targeting Actions
    ", or "No result". This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Voyeur Target: Playername
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Pengolodh, Gondolin Weak Doctor

"Though Fëanor after the days of his first youth took no more active part in linguistic lore and enquiry, he is credited by tradition with the foundation of a school of Lambengolmor or 'Loremasters of Tongues' to carry on this work. This continued in existence among the Noldor, even through the rigours and disasters of the Flight from Aman and the Wars in Beleriand, and it survived indeed to return to Eressëa.

Of the School the most eminent member after the founder was, or still is, Pengolodh, an Elf of mixed Sindarin and Noldorin ancestry, born in Nevrast, who lived in Gondolin from its foundation."

Active Abilities:
  • Weak Doctor
    - Once every Night, you may target a player to prevent that player dying if sucessfully targeted by a killing action. If a Sane Cop would receive a result of "Not Town Aligned" upon investigating the player you target, you will die in a triggered death event. This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Protect: Playername
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill. If he dies the triggered death due to targeting Maeglin or a member of the scumteam, the kill flavor is simply



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Harp
, Gondolin Tracker

"Behind them came the host of the Harp, and this was a battalion of brave warriors; but their leader Salgant was a craven, and he fawned upon Maeglin. They were dight with tassels of silver and tassels of gold, and a harp of silver shone in their blazonry upon a field of black; but Salgant bore one of gold."

Active Abilities:
  • Tracker
    - Once every Night, you may target a player to see who they targeted. You may receive results of "
    ", "
    no one
    ", or "No result". This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Track: Playername
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill (so help me, neither he nor his house are noted as having a preferred weapon type)



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Tree
, Gondolin Tracker

"But the others, led by one Legolas Greenleaf of the House of the Tree, who knew all that plain by day or by dark, and was night-sighted, made much speed over the vale for all their weariness, and halted only after a great march."

Active Abilities:
  • Tracker
    - Once every Night, you may target a player to see who they targeted. You may receive results of "
    ", "
    no one
    ", or "No result". This action is preferably submitted in the format
    Track: Playername
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
Struck with an Iron-studded club
Hit by a sling bullet
, %50 odds of each, determined randomly, if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Wing
, Gondolin Vanilla

"And Tuor came into Nevrast, and looking upon Belegaer the Great Sea he was enamoured of it, and the sound of it and the longing for it were ever in his heart and ear, and an unquiet was on him that took him at last into the depths of the realms of Ulmo. Then he dwelt in Nevrast alone, and the summer of that year passed, and the doom of Nargothrond drew near; but when the autumn came he saw seven great swans flying south, and he knew them for a sign that he had tarried overlong, and he followed their flight along the shores of the sea. Thus he came at length to the deserted halls of Vinyamar beneath Mount Taras, and he entered in, and found there the shield and hauberk, and the sword and helm, that Turgon had left there by the command of Ulmo long before; and he arrayed himself in those arms, and went down to the shore. But there came a great storm out of the west, and out of that storm Ulmo the Lord of Waters arose in majesty and spoke to Tuor as he stood beside the sea. And Ulmo bade him depart from that place and seek out the hidden kingdom of Gondolin; and he gave Tuor a great cloak, to mantle him in shadow from the eyes of his enemies."

"And Tuor remained in Gondolin, for its bliss and its beauty and the wisdom of its people held him enthralled; and he became mighty in stature and in mind, and learned deeply of the lore of the exiled Elves. Then the heart of Idril was turned to him, and his to her; and Maeglin's secret hatred grew ever greater, for he desired above all things to possess her, the only heir of the King of Gondolin. But so high did Tuor stand in the favour of the King that when he had dwelt there for seven years Turgon did not refuse him even the hand of his daughter; for though he would not heed the bidding of Ulmo, he perceived that the fate of the Noldor was wound with the one whom Ulmo had sent; and he did not forget the words that Huor spoke to him before the host of Gondolin departed from the Battle of Unnumbered Tears."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
Cloven by a greataxe
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the King
, Gondolin Vanilla

"It has been told how by the guidance of Ulmo Turgon of Nevrast discovered the hidden vale of Tumladen; and that (as was after known) lay east of the upper waters of Sirion, in a ring of mountains tall and sheer, and no living thing came there save the eagles of Thorondor. But there was a deep way under the mountains delved in the darkness of the world by waters that flowed out to join the streams of Sirion; and this way Turgon found, and so came to the green plain amid the mountains, and saw the island-hill that stood there of hard smooth stone; for the vale had been a great lake in ancient days. Then Turgon knew that he had found the place of his desire, and he resolved to build there a fair city, a memorial of Tirion upon Túna; but he returned to Nevrast, and remained there in peace, though he pondered ever in his thought how he should accomplish his design.

Now after the Dagor Aglareb the unquiet that Ulmo set in his heart returned to him, and he summoned many of the hardiest and most skilled of his people, and led them secretly to the hidden vale, and there they began the building of the city that Turgon had devised; and they set a watch all about it, that none might come upon their work from without, and the power of Ulmo that ran in Sirion protected them. But Turgon dwelt still for the most part in Nevrast, until it came to pass that at last the city was full-wrought, after two and fifty years of secret toil. It is said that Turgon appointed its name to be Ondolindë in the speech of the Elves of Valinor, the Rock of the Music of Water, for there were fountains upon the hill; but in the Sindarin tongue the name was changed, and it became Gondolin, the Hidden Rock. Then Turgon prepared to depart from Nevrast and leave his halls in Vinyamar beside the sea; and there Ulmo came to him once again, and spoke with him. And he said: 'Now thou shalt go at last to Gondolin, Turgon; and I will maintain my power in the Vale of Sirion, and in all the waters therein, so that none shall mark thy going, nor shall any find there the hidden entrance against thy will. Longest of all the realms of the Eldalië shall Gondolin stand against Melkor. But love not too well the work of thy hands and the devices of thy heart; and remember that the true hope of the Noldor lieth in the West and cometh from the Sea.'"

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
Slain with a mighty sword
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Swallow
, Gondolin Vanilla

"Now the folk of the Swallow bore a fan of feathers on their helms, and they were arrayed in white and dark blue and in purple and black and showed an arrowhead on their shields.

Their lord was Duilin, swiftest of all men to run and leap and surest of archers at a mark."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
Took an arrow to the . . .
if he performs Maeglin's kill (I don't deserve forgiveness, do I?)



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Eärendil, Gondolin Vanilla

"In these days came to pass the fulfillment of the time of the desire of the Valar and the hope of the Eldalië, for in great love Idril bore to Tuor a son and he was called Eärendil. Now this babe was of greatest beauty; his skin of a shining white and his eyes of a blue surpassing that of the sky in southern lands - bluer than the sapphires of the raiment of Manwë; and the envy of Maeglin was deep at his birth, but the joy of Turgon and all the people very great indeed."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
, Gondolin Vanilla

"But they of the Heavenly Arch being a folk of uncounted wealth were arrayed in a glory of colours, and their arms were set with jewels that flamed in the light now over the sky. Every shield of that battalion was of the blue of the heavens and its boss a jewel built of seven gems, rubies and amethysts and sapphires, emeralds, chrysoprase, topaz, and amber, but an opal of great size was set in their helms.

Egalmoth was their chieftain, and wore a blue mantle upon which the stars were broidered in crystal, and his sword was bent - now none else of the Noldor bore curved swords - yet he trusted rather to the bow, and shot therewith further than any among that host."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
Slashed by a curved sword
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Fountain
, Gondolin Vanilla

"Straightway there issued riders from the towers, but before those of the north tower came one upon a white horse; and he dismounted and strode towards them. And high and noble as was Elemmakil, greater and more lordly was Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountain, at that time Warden of the Great Gate. All in silver was he clad, and upon his shining helm there was set a spike of steel pointed with a diamond; and as his esquire took his shield it shimmered as if it were bedewed with drops of rain, that were indeed a thousand studs of crystal."

"Then came there from the south of the city the people of the Fountain, and Ecthelion was their lord, and silver and diamonds were their delight; and swords very long and bright and pale did they wield, and they went into battle to the music of flutes."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
Pierced by a helmet spike
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
House of the Hammer of Wrath
, Gondolin Vanilla

"Now the last of the battalions was furnished by the folk of the Hammer of Wrath, and of these came many of the best smiths and craftsmen, and all that kindred reverenced Aulë the Smith more than all other Ainur. They fought with great maces like hammers, and their shields were heavy, for their arms were very strong. In older days they had been much recruited by Noldor who escaped from the mines of Morgoth, and the hatred of this house for the works of that evil one and the Balrogs his demons was exceeding great.

Now their leader was Rog, strongest of the Elves, scarce second in valour to that Galdor of the Tree. The sign of this people was the Stricken Anvil, and a hammer that smiteth sparks about it was set on their shields, and red gold and black iron was their delight. Very numerous was that battalion, nor had any amongst them a faint heart, and they won the greatest glory of all those fair houses in that struggle against doom."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Voronwë, Gondolin Vanilla

"But in the morning when the storm was passed, Tuor came upon an Elf standing beside the walls of Vinyamar; and he was Voronwë, son of Aranwë, of Gondolin, who sailed in the last ship that Turgon sent into the West. But when that ship returning at last out of the deep ocean foundered in the great storm within sight of the coasts of Middle-earth, Ulmo took him up, alone of all its mariners, and cast him onto the land near Vinyamar; and learning of the command laid upon Tuor by the Lord of Waters Voronwë was filled with wonder, and did not refuse him his guidance to the hidden door of Gondolin. Therefore they set out together from that place, and as the Fell Winter of that year came down upon them out of the north they went warily eastward under the eaves of the Mountains of Shadow."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Enerdhil, Gondolin Vanilla

"There was in Gondolin a jewel-smith named Enerdhil, the greatest of that craft among the Noldor after the death of Fëanor. Enerdhil loved all green things that grew, and his greatest joy was to see the sunlight through the leaves of trees. And it came into his heart to make a jewel within which the clear light of the sun should be imprisoned, but the jewel should be green as leaves. And he made this thing, and even the Noldor marvelled at it. For it is said that those who looked through this stone saw things that were withered or burned healed again or as they were in the grace of their youth, and that the hands of one who held it brought to all that they touched healing from hurt. This gem Enerdhil gave to Idril the King's daughter, and she wore it upon her breast."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Please confirm your role by PM.

Notes: Kill flavor is
if he performs Maeglin's kill

Sample VT PM



Welcome to
The Fall of Gondolin Mafia
. You are
Húrin, Gondolin Vanilla

"For Húrin stood in despair before the silent cliffs of the Echoriath, and the westering sun, piercing the clouds, stained his white hair with red. Then he cried aloud in the wilderness, heedless of any ears, and he cursed the pitiless land; and standing at last upon a high rock he looked towards Gondolin and called in a great voice: 'Turgon, Turgon, remember the Fen of Serech! O Turgon, will you not hear in your hidden halls?' But there was no sound save the wind in the dry grasses. 'Even so they hissed in Serech at the sunset,' he said; and as he spoke the sun went behind the Mountains of Shadow, and a darkness fell about him, and the wind ceased, and there was silence in the waste.

Yet there were ears that heard the words that Húrin spoke, and report of all came soon to the Dark Throne in the north; and Morgoth smiled, for he knew now clearly in what region Turgon dwelt, though because of the eagles no spy of his could yet come within sight of the land behind the Encircling Mountains."

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
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Post Post #2420 (isolation #99) » Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:32 pm

Post by Plum »

Spoiler: Night Actions
Night 1

Cogito Ergo Sum

Cogito Ergo Sum
no one

Weak Doctor

Returns: [
doesn't die in a triggered death event]

Voyeur Watches

was targeted by
no targeting actions


no one


Returns: [


Returns: [no effective change]

Cogito Ergo Sum

Cogito Ergo Sum
Eärendil, Vanilla


Returns: [no effective change]

Night 2

Weak Doctor
(replacing Natirasha) protects

Returns: [
dies in a triggered death event]

Voyeur watches
Albert B. Rampage

Albert B. Rampage
was targeted by
a protective, roleblocking action






Returns: [


House of the Tree
, Tracker


Returns: [no effective change]

Albert B. Rampage

Returns: [Voyeur
returns result
Albert B. Rampage
was targeted by
a protective, roleblocking action

Night 3


Albert B. Rampage

Voyeur watches
Albert B. Rampage

Albert B. Rampage
was targeted by
a jailkeeping action




House of the Harp
, Tracker


Returns: [MafiaSSK dies]

Albert. B Rampage

Returns: [shos returns
Albert B. Rampage
was targeted by
a jailkeeping action

Night 4

Voyeur Watches

no result


Returns: [
no result


Albert B. Rampage

Albert B. Rampage

Returns: [
Albert B. Rampage

Night 5

voyeur watches

no result


no one


Returns: [sirdanilot dies]


Returns: [
Voyeur action blocked]

Night 6

voyeur watches

was targeted by
no targeting actions

Cogito Ergo Sum

Cogito Ergo Sum
no one
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Post Post #2433 (isolation #100) » Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:48 am

Post by Plum »

sirdan, I beg of you, please try to let this rest and not bring this up here again.
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Post Post #2443 (isolation #101) » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:09 pm

Post by Plum »

So: commentary and such: Well played to the Town. Regarding the Mafia, I think I can pinpoint a couple of strategic missteps that really hurt in the long run despite a lot of good individual dayplay.

Very few players knew or cared much about the source flavor - which was fine, although it did make a lot of my flavor-related subversion irrelevant to how the game played out. Morgoth, the Balrogs, Dragons, &c. were the baddies alongside the treacherous Maeglin (and the cowardly Salgant!) in the source flavor, where Idril and all the Elves were the good guys. AI first decided that Maeglin would be a Town Godfather in the vein of one used in an old Marathon Day game of PokerFace's, which I'd admired since I saw it first (when putting things together, I discovered that I said as much in at least one old MD thread - which I guess was good for game integrity that no one found) and that Idril would be scum, and that the flavor motive of the scumteam would be Idril's Secret Way. From there, I made a list of all the Elves from Gondolin (plus Tuor, of course), decided the teams' proportions and powers, and randomized the characters' alignments, then randomized which characters on each team got powers. I gave only Idril a safeclaim (Glorfindel - I actually think I didn't randomize the choice). I suppose, given that in the non-
version of the story Tuor was explicitly in on the Secret Way stuff that if he'd been put on the Mafia I'd be tempted to give him a safeclaim, but it never came to pass.

Setup design ethos: The Godfather's ability to make players take actions without their knowledge was why I had to answer yes to the bastard game question when Queuing up the game. The Trackers were indeed intended to have the potential to discover these actions and get some messy accusations rolling. During review, a strange Seraph Knight-like bodyguard roll variation was replaced by the Voyeur, which I can only think of as a good thing. The Mafia were given multiple different tools to deal with Town power. The Godfather was not Roleblockable - but his chosen killers were, and blocking one of them would give a pseudo-guilty on them. The Shieldrender was a little like the Strongman people ended up assuming it was - it certainly could make kills go through Doctor protection. It was initially concewived as an inverted Jailkeeper - it puts of Rolestop mechanic on the target, but makes the target vulnerable to kill actions. In one version of the setup, Idril was Bulletproof, and using the Shieldrender on her would make her vulnerable to kills. It in this setup was more useful as an Ascetic-maker, able to keep Trackers off the killer and keep the Weak Doctor's protective action from going through (potential to give false pseudo-innocent results on a member of the Mafia). And there was next to nothing in terms of protective roles.

One thing I knew about the setup at the outset was that the scumteam started out with a lot of power to mitigate threats. They also started out in a position where losing a teammate early, especially one who had power, could hamstring the effort significantly. I anticipated from Day 1 that the bussing was counterproductive, which turned out to be the case even though they managed to mislynch the strongest Town PR Day 1. The exceptionally ballsy play and good reads from Town powerroles, combined with a bit of luck with ABR's fakeclaim that could easily have gone the other way both helped the Town a lot, obviously. That said, despite some pretty mediocre dayplay decisions by the Town over the course of the first two Days, I thought that scum were not in as good a position as they perhaps thought due to some of the expected fallout from Day 1 and the fact that they pushed JS to claim so early.

And yes, Maeglin's role was supposed to be a little overpowered. But consider that the one protective role in the game could not protect him without dying (and potentially implicating him). I worded Maeglin's Miller status and the Weak Doctor conditional very carefully. Consider also the general lack of protective roles at all.

I'm currently wondering if the setup was actually Town-favored or not. I certainly was not expecting the far-and-away strongest Townrole to be lynched Day 1 after claiming, despite the handicaps of the role. I was also not expecting the Weak Doctor to play so aggressively. To complete this trifecta, I never expected a Voyeur to be so actively useful prior to massclaim(!). Perhaps lower power all around might have been better, but keeping Maeglin's role, less power might have made him more powerful, not less . . .

As for the flavor . . . I didn't realize at first that it would develop to be so peculiarly lulzy (I wasn't even sue at first that I'd be writing acanonical flavor, but that went off pretty well). But there you are.

Good game to all.
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Post Post #2446 (isolation #102) » Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:23 pm

Post by Plum »

Agreed. It all turned out surprisingly not bad for the Town, but one doesn't rely one miracles happening every game.
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Post Post #2482 (isolation #103) » Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:19 pm

Post by Plum »


Also, before I'm certain this game has been put to rest - feedback on the Shieldrender role concept? Good, bad, indifferent? I thought it had some interesting tradeoffs and uses and could be used to interesting effect in many different styles of setup . . . in this game the potential impact didn't actualize into much of an impact on the game, of course.