Other info. Day phases will be 4 days. 5 if the day phase rolls through a weekend. Prod cycle will be 24/12. Night will last 24 hours. Ruleset will be modified from this form. (Deadline and activity requirements will be different. Rest of rules will be tweaked.)
This game will be run with activity requirements such that having an inactive playerslot is unacceptable. I will make attempts to replace slots as necessary but any slot that remains inactive for a time period equivalent to one day and night cycle will be modkilled. (5-6 days.) For this reason, consider whether or not you will be able to fulfill a commitment to play this game from start to finish.
To that end, I'm requiring IC level experience to sign up for this game with a relatively good record of finishing games. If you have SE status, PM me with a record of your completed games and you may be accepted into the game as well. (If you have previously completed any non-newbie game I have modded, the experience requirement is waived.)
Hydras are welcome, all heads are subject to the experience requirements, and disclosure of the heads playing is required. If you're playing the game as an alt that does not meet the experience requirements but your main does you will have to pm me the identity of your main account. Disclosure of alts is not required, I just need to verify that the person playing meets the experience requirements.
1. JasonT1981
2. SaintKerrigan
3. Slandaar
4. Nero Cain
5. Speedy Saki (Metal Sonic + Saki)
6. Not_Mafia
7. helium-3 (Antihero + Pirate Mollie)
8. Desperado
9. Perpetual Nonsense (Bert + SXTLHGaiden)
10. Juls
11. Sugoku Sugoi (F-16_Fighting_Falcon + pieguyn)
12. Imperium (Nachomamma8 + Tammy)
13. Oversoul
14. Hoopla
15. Feu et Vol (beastcharizard + Marquis)
16. SleepyKrew
17. Ser Arthur Dayne
18. Nobody Special
19. Slice of Life (Haylen + Mastin2)