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Post Post #14 (isolation #0) » Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:14 pm

Post by ShadowLurker »

now a ranger wrote:I got on Mafiascum from March to May at school during keyboarding class, and I didn't use an anonymizer. I just got on the website, then afterwards deleted the history of me ever going to that website. The administrators at our school don't shut down anything, because I guess it is just a middle school, they don't care, and they don't think kids are naughty like that. :) They just have some websites like google where you can't search anything, same for yahoo, etc. They have a list of banned sites.
Ok? How is this relevant to this topic?
:sadtorch Ken Hoang, A.D/Fuzzie, Cameron Ferris, Taj Johnson-George, Annie Duke, Patti Blagojevich, Maria/Tiffany :sadtorch
:torch Tammy/Victor, Dan/Jordan
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