referenced and modified from various other mods across the site):
I. General/Player Conduct
1. All sitewide rules apply.
2. Do not personally attack or insult other players.
3. Do not directly quote Role PM’s, Quicktopics, or any communication with the mod.
4. Do not use spoiler tags, encrypted text, small text, invisible text or any other text that cannot clearly be seen.
5. Do not edit or delete any posts.
(#800080) is my FAVORITE COLOR. Don’t use it.
7. To address the mod, use
8. Modkills will go out at my discretion.
9. As the mod, I reserve the right to change, edit, add or delete rules as I see fit.
II. Day Phase and Night Phase
1. The deadline for each day is two weeks, and the deadline for each night is three days. Extensions may be granted at my discretion to account for site downtime, holidays, etc. To request an extension yourself, notify me in-thread, or, if it’s night phase, PM me.
2. Votes must be
or use the VOTE: tags in the following formats:
Vote: phokdapolees
, VOTE: phokdapolees. If it looks like a vote to me, it's a vote, and as long as it is clear who you are voting, the vote will be counted. Unvotes are helpful but not required.
3. Lynches occur with a majority vote (over 50% of players voting one player). If no majority is reached by deadline, or a majority of players vote for a No Lynch, the day will end with a No Lynch.
4. All players, including the lynched player, may talk in twilight phase until I lock the topic.
5. All night actions must be sent in before the deadline, or they will not be counted. You may change your choice of action as much as you want, only your final choice will be counted. Night actions may be submitted via PM or your Quicktopic, if you have one.
III. Activity
1. Prods will be issued to players who have gone 48 hours without posting. Players who have been prodded have 24 hours to post before I begin searching for a replacement.
2. Three prods is the limit. If I have to prod you for a fourth time, you will be replaced.
3. If you are going V/LA, please let me know, either through PM or in-thread.
4. Dead players may not post (not even for a “bah” post).
IV. The Golden Rules
1. Don’t be an idiot/jackass.
2. Have fun!
Game-specific Rules
This game is using the Vengeball setup designed by Cheery Dog.
The game uses standard mafia rules, with the following exceptions and details:
The mafias can't kill at all. There is essentially no Night phase.
If a godfather is lynched at any point, the mafia goon of the same colour suicides.
If, before a LYLO day, one of the townies is lynched, this townie may choose to take a vigilante kill. (See Vengeful Townie)
The same-coloured mafia goon does not automatically suicide by having the godfather killed in this way.
Due to town possibly still having a shot at winning, the townie may elect to not kill after being lynched.
Mafia wins when they control 50% of the vote, unless circumstances prove otherwise.
If both Mafia teams meet their win condition at the same time, the game will be a mafia draw, unless there is only a godfather and a mafia goon remaining, in which case the godfather's team will win.
Spoiler: Role PMs
Welcome to Micro 366: Vengeball, [playername]! You are a
Vengeful Townie
During the day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. In addition, if you are lynched and no faction has met their win condition yet, you may vengekill anyone you choose. You may choose to not shoot as well.
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
Please confirm by responding to this message with your faction and role name.
Welcome to Micro 366: Vengeball, [playername]! You are a
Red Mafia Godfather
. Your partner is [playername], a
Red Mafia Goon
During the day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. If you are lynched at any point in the game, your partner will suicide, resulting in a loss for your faction. However, if you are killed by a vengekill your partner does not suicide.
You win when your faction controls 50% of the vote.
Please confirm by responding to this message with your faction and role name.
Welcome to Micro 366: Vengeball, [playername]! You are a
Red Mafia Goon
. Your partner is [playername], a
Red Mafia Godfather
During the day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. If your partner is lynched at any point in the game, you will suicide, resulting in a loss for your faction. However, if your partner is killed by a vengekill you do not suicide.
You win when your faction controls 50% of the vote.
Please confirm by responding to this message with your faction and role name.
Welcome to Micro 366: Vengeball, [playername]! You are a
Blue Mafia Godfather
. Your partner is [playername], a
Blue Mafia Goon
During the day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. If you are lynched at any point in the game, your partner will suicide, resulting in a loss for your faction. However, if you are killed by a vengekill your partner does not suicide.
You win when your faction controls 50% of the vote.
Please confirm by responding to this message with your faction and role name.
Welcome to Micro 366: Vengeball, [playername]! You are a
Blue Mafia Goon
. Your partner is [playername], a
Blue Mafia Godfather
During the day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. If your partner is lynched at any point in the game, you will suicide, resulting in a loss for your faction. However, if your partner is killed by a vengekill you do not suicide.
You win when your faction controls 50% of the vote.
Please confirm by responding to this message with your faction and role name.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:17 am
by phokdapolees
All Role PMs have been sent out. Day 1 will start once 7/9 have confirmed, or in (expired on 2014-07-23 16:00:00).
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:50 pm
by phokdapolees
8/9 have confirmed, this game is ago! Honey bee has (expired on 2014-07-22 23:00:00) to confirm before replacement
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:52 pm
by Boonskiies
And yay, another phokdapolees modded game. I enjoyed the last one.
VOTE: Drew-sta
we meet again...
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:54 pm
by BBmolla
Sup Evan and sup Danny
You're both scum
VOTE: Espressojet
Danny is gonna be easier to read though I think.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:24 pm
by Bert
VOTE: Mr_Ree
Long time no see.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:27 pm
by BBmolla
nvm Boon's first post was obv scum, gg
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:33 pm
by Bert
Molla you're drunk!
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:41 pm
by Rubicon
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:42 pm
by Rubicon
I'm not wagoning boonskiies
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:47 pm
by Boonskiies
But my wagon is yellow. You don't like yellow?
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 4:52 pm
by Rubicon
I'm going to hold my vote until closer to deadline.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:02 pm
by Drew-Sta
VOTE: Boonskiies
I didn't get him last time. I want to get him this time