↑ InflatablePie wrote:notscience -Bulge, Mala,tree,Pants
Bulge-BBT,Pie, Mala
tree- Bins,Bulge, ns
BBT-tree,Pie,Pants,Maru, Mala
ns - Mala,tree, Bins,Pants
Majiffy-Bulge,Marquis, Mala, Bins,Pie
ns -Pants,Marquis
Bulge- Mala,Marquis
Marquis-Pants,Bulge,Pie, Bins
if Bins is town then scum bussed yesterday
Pants/Bins could have potentially quickhammered Mala yesterday
feel like Mala is more likely scum than ns
This. This is **** I like. I ******* love endgame charts.
In all 45 seconds I've spent in this game, can someone vet this to make sure it's right, or if there are errors, fix the chart