For archiving signup threads after their corresponding games are complete.
Serenity East November
Serenity East November
Serenity East November
Townie Townie
Posts: 92 Joined: March 23, 2015
Post #1582 (isolation #0 ) » Fri May 15, 2015 3:18 pm
by Serenity East November » Fri May 15, 2015 3:18 pm
Setup-specific (modified) rules for this game (slight modifications from what was described in signups):
There are two factions in this game: and . ( are town. are scum.)
Each Night, every player will send in a list of 2 possible "dreams", which will take place of night actions. To prevent game-breaking, the following restrictions are in effect:
After you send in the dreams, I will comment on each one (with regards to whether or not I accept it and any other notes about that dream), and send it back to you. You will not be informed at that point about what each dream's effect will be.
You will then choose which one you prefer to implement.
Dreams must be in "dream format", which means "I become a dayvig
" is not allowed. However, "I dream that when I wake up, I will have a gun
" is allowed.
All dreams will be subject to my interpretation. For example, the gun in the last dream probably won't be a killing gun; it would probably just be a paintball gun that causes the target to only post in a certain color. Or maybe the gun would
shoot a bullet and it would force the target to dream of being healed the next night (aka an effective roleblock).
You may reuse dreams subsequent nights.
In addition to the above, the following mechanics are in effect:
Spoiler: Role PMs
Lucid Dreamers — Role PM You are a ! You have enjoyed experiencing the world of dreaming and letting your desires roam free. However, someone has started messing with your dreams and you haven't been able to completely control your own dreams recently. With the help of some fellow Dreamers, you have decided to try to take back control of your own dreams by rooting out the Nightmares in the land of the living!
During the Night, you are able to dream about something, and it just may come true! Each Night, send me a 2 actions in "dream format" (as if you were dreaming about the action). I will respond to each of your actions, and after that, you will choose which one you would like to use. Please note all of the mechanics of the dreams listed in the game setup post in the game thread.
You win when all of the
have been eliminated and at least one
is left alive.
Please confirm your participation by choosing and sending in your first 2 dreams for Night 0.
Lucid Dreamers — Role PM You are a ! You have enjoyed experiencing the world of dreaming and letting your desires roam free. However, your desires are a little dark and need to feed on the Dreamers' desires. With the help of your fellow Nightmares, you have decided to take down the Dreamers and let your Nightmares roam free!
During the Night, you are able to dream about something, and it just may come true! Each Night, send me a 2 actions in "dream format" (as if you were dreaming about the action). I will respond to each of your actions, and after that, you will choose which one you would like to use. Please note all of the mechanics of the dreams listed in the game setup post in the game thread.
The Nightmares have a factional nightkill that cannot
be used during Night 0.
Additionally, as a Nightmare, you may communicate with your fellow Nightmares at Night here .
You win when the
equal or outnumber the
and at least one
is left alive.
Please confirm your participation by choosing and sending in your first 2 dreams for Night 0.
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