myko was the other Seeking Mason, everyone else was VT
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:33 am
by Bicephalous Bob
Rules & Information
1. Follow the Boilerplate Mafiascum Game Rules unless contradicted below.
2. I only respond to bolded text. If I think something is addressed to me, but it isn't bolded, I'll call the writer a fool by quoting this rule.
3. Don't lie about serious things in your real life to justify in-game behavior.
4. pre is my tag. You may use it occasionally.
5. Players will be prodded after 48 hours of inactivity and will be replaced if they remain silent in the 48 hours after the prod. They'll also be replaced if they require more than three prods.
Prods on day 1 (or the first day a replacement is active) count for two.
6. The deadline for Day 1 is two weeks. Deaths of townies and mafiosi respectively shorten the deadline for all following Days by 24 and 72 hours. Nights always last 48 hours.
7. Don't post when dead.
8. NAR is used to resolve night actions.
XXX and YYY, you are Mafia Goons. You win when you control the vote or nothing can prevent this from happening. Confirm by posting in the Mafia PT: link
XXX, you are a Mafia Roleblocker. YYY, you are a Mafia Goon. You win when you control the vote or nothing can prevent this from happening. Confirm by posting in the Mafia PT: link
You're a Vanilla Townie. You win when the Mafia are dead.
You're a Town 1-shot Jailkeeper. You win when the Mafia are dead. Once during the night you can target someone. This will both roleblock and protect your target.
You're a Town Jailkeeper. You win when the Mafia are dead. Every night, you can target someone. This will both roleblock and protect your target.
You're a Town Doctor. You win when the Mafia are dead. Every night, you can protect someone from a kill.
Note: your role appears twice in the setup and is therefore not indicative of the existence of a Jailkeeper.
You're a Town Tracker. You win when the Mafia are dead. Every night, you can target someone to see who they're visiting.
You're a Town Cop. You win when the Mafia are dead. Every night, you can target someone to see who they're visiting.
You're a Town 1-shot Friendly Neighborizer. You win when the Mafia are dead.
You can target someone once during the night. At the start of the next Day, your alignment will be confirmed to them and a neighborhood will be opened for you and your target.
You're a Town Seeking Mason. There is another Seeking Mason. You win when the Mafia are dead.
Every night, you may target someone. If you target the other Seeking Mason or if the other Seeking Mason targets you, both of you will be added to the Mason PT.
XXX and YYY, you are Town Masons. This is the Mason PT: linkie
Spoiler: Moderator Messages
No result.
You were roleblocked. Despite your attempt to use your ability, you still have 1 shot left.
Your target visited XXX/no one.
Not Mafia.
XXX is confirmed to be Town and added you to this neighborhood: linkie
XXX and YYY, you found each other! You have been added to the Mason PT: link
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:36 am
by Bicephalous Bob
Setting up votecounter, sending out role PMs.
Votecounter is ready, role PMs are out.
The game will start after:
-all townies have read their role PM
-the Mafia have posted in the Mafia PT.