Prepare yourselves.
- No outside-of-thread communications, guys, unless it's been confirmed by me.
- general site rules.
- Don't do anything you wouldn't do in a regular game.Anything is a modkillable offense.
- You are guaranteed that what your role PM says is true. 100% true.
- This is a bastard game. As such, it may contain anything unexpected. No alignment changes, no jesters.
- Have fun!1
- You may ask me anything, anytime.
- Days will last two weeks.
- Nights will last as long as scum want them to. This means that nights might end before they started, or within 1 hour, or within 6 days.2
- Any night ability that is not submitted before night deadline will not be used. Work quickly!
- Cryptography, and all the similar stuff, are not allowed.
Crabalocker -
Fault -
Vertigo -
Whomping Willow -
MarshawnLynch24 -
Kagamine -
1 - not too much fun.
2 - to a limit, of course. No minimum, maximum of 1 week.
3 - randomized order by