Bert, Cubone- Bonemerang- Town Astheticizer
Marquis, Venomoth- Powder JOAT- Mafia 1-Shot Hatedizer/Vote remover/RB
Seohyun, Poliwhirl- Hypnosis- Town 2-Shot Redirector
Metal Sonic, Metapod- Harden- Town Restricted Tree Stump
Wisdom, Jigglypuff- Sing- Mafia 1-shot Global Roleblocker
Micc, Snorlax- Rest/Snore- Town Voteless/Doublevoter
Not_Mafia, Starmie- Hydro Pump/Psychic/Recover- Mafia 1 Shot Ninja+Strongman/Neighbor/Ascetic
BBT, Alakazam- Psychic/Kinesis- Town Neighbor/Self-Watcher
Keybladewielder, Mewtwo- Psychic/Hyper Beam- Town Neighbor/1-shot Dayvig (No PT access from use of the shot until the second night after)
Espeonage, Muk- Disable- Town Restrictor (if it guesses the move right it cannot be used)
Tiershift, Lapras- Perish Song- Town Delayed Suicide Vigilante (3 Phase)
Egg, Pidgeot- Fly- 1 turn Commute>1 turn Vigilante