6-day deadlines, impromptu flavor, BaM-like ruleset:
1. Follow the Boilerplate Mafiascum Game Rules unless contradicted below.
2. If you insist on using bold tags for votes, make sure they have a colon in it or the votecounter won't pick them up.
3. Don't lie about serious things in your real life to justify in-game behavior.
4. pre is my tag. You may use it occasionally.
5. Players will be modkilled if they don't post anything for three days straight on day 1, or if they don't post for six days straight on a later day.
6. Players will also be modkilled when their vote hasn't been on anyone 144 of the last 168 hours (= 6 of the last 7 days), ignoring in-game Nights, or if there's nothing they can do to prevent that from happening. In practice, this means someone will be modkilled if they haven't voted anyone for six days straight, or if they only quickly vote and unvote.
7. Days last six days, Nights last 24 hours.
2. If you insist on using bold tags for votes, make sure they have a colon in it or the votecounter won't pick them up.
3. Don't lie about serious things in your real life to justify in-game behavior.
4. pre is my tag. You may use it occasionally.
5. Players will be modkilled if they don't post anything for three days straight on day 1, or if they don't post for six days straight on a later day.
6. Players will also be modkilled when their vote hasn't been on anyone 144 of the last 168 hours (= 6 of the last 7 days), ignoring in-game Nights, or if there's nothing they can do to prevent that from happening. In practice, this means someone will be modkilled if they haven't voted anyone for six days straight, or if they only quickly vote and unvote.
7. Days last six days, Nights last 24 hours.