I'm open to ally/fuse up with anyone who wants!
↑ farside22 wrote:↑ mastin2 wrote:Varsoon is literally the worst.
He's lucky it's ME who got this role (because I'm too stubborn to replace out), because the VAST majority of Scummers, if they had the role I do, would quickly lose interest in the game and replace out/flake.
...Basically, I'm a tree stump with all the sucky parts but none of the benefits. I'm voteless, will become conftown on D3, and yet, distinctly,lackthe immunity to actions (in particular, y'know, NIGHTKILLS) that come with 'stumps. Yeah. I'm a bit bitter.
I'm a tree stump day 1 too.
How the mod said I'm not counted as a living person.
mod: is the not voting count and alive accurate
Varsoon: Thanks for pointing this out, actually. It should properly display that there are 20 players alive and 11 votes are required to reach a majority.
Hi grapes!
Is there no trust in our relationship still?
Hmm... we have two people here claiming to be stumps and only one person isn't counted. A liar in our midst?
Also hi! Happy to be in the game!