It's time to play everyone's favorite game of knowledge, strategy, and fun! It's time for Tic Tac Dough!
Game 1:
Board 1:
Board 2:
Board 3:
Board 4:
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:16 am
by Save The Dragons
The goal of the game is to make a tic tac toe with your letter (X or O). In the original format, the player won after one round. To make this more interesting for a forum adaptation, the game will be a best of three.
X will start. To begin, a random player will be selected as X. For the 2nd and 3rd round (if necessary), the player who won the previous round will be X.
Players take turns selecting a category on the board that corrisponds with a sqaure. The player will then recieve a question from that category. If the player elects the category in the center square, they will have to answer a two part question and get both parts of the question right.
If a player answers a question right, their letter will appear on that square. If they answer it wrong, nothing happens, and the opponent has a turn. Once a player has a square, it cannot be removed.
Categories are randomized and shuffled after each time a player has taken a turn.
If a player achieves tic tac toe, they will win the round. If the game ends in a tie, a new board will be given.
Red Categories:
Red categories are special categories that have different rules. The following red categories may be used and any special rules that apply to them appear below:
Players will be given a question, and starting with the player that selected the category, players will alternate between giving answers in that category. If one player provides an incorrect answer or cannot provide an answer within the time limit, their opponent will obtain the square. In the event that all possible items in the category are selected, then no one will get the square.
Spoiler: Example
Colors of the rainbow:
Player X: Red!
Player O: Blue!
Player X: Pink!
Dashing Host: O gets the square!
Number, Please:
The player who selects this will be given a question with a numeric answer. If they are correct, that player will get the square. If they are incorrect, their opponent will have the option to select 'higher' or 'lower.' If the correct answer corresponds with the choice the opponent made, they get the square, otherwise the player who answered gets the square.
Spoiler: Example
How many bones are in the adult human body?:
Player X: 204!
Dashing Host: That is incorrect. Player O may now guess if the correct answer is higher or lower.
Player O: Hmmm. I failed anatomy, but I do think it's less than that. Lower!
Dashing Host: That is incorrect, it is 206! X gets the square!
Take Two:
The player who buzzes in will be given two clues. If they can answer the question after one clue, they will win the square. However, if they wish to receive the second clue, they must first give the opponent a chance to answer the question after the first clue.
Spoiler: Example
Dashing Host: This actor played police chief Ed Ramsey in the 2003 thriller Phone Booth.
Player X: Oh shoot, I don't know. I need the second clue. Go ahead, Player O.
Player O: Well drat, I don't know either, but I think Keifer Sutherland was in that movie, so I'll guess Keifer Sutherland!
Dashing Host: That is incorrect! The second clue is: this actor also hosted a 2002-2003 revival of The Twilight Zone.
Player X: OMG I LOVE THAT SHOW! It's Forrest Whitaker!
Dashing Host: X gets the square!
Trivia Dare:
The player who selects this will be given a multiple choice question with three answers. They start by selecting an answer. Their opponent is then allowed to select one of the two remaining answers. If one player gets it right, they will get the square, but if the correct answer is the one not chosen, no one will get the square.
Spoiler: Example
What is the Greek Letter that comes after Beta?
A. Gamma
B. Delta
C. Chi
Player X: Chi starts with a C, so lets go with that one!
Dashing Host: Player O may now select one of the choices.
Player O: Hmm...I've heard of Delta before, so I think I'll choose that one.
Dashing Host: The correct answer is.....A. Gamma! No one gets the square
Secret Category:
This question is merely a question of an unknown category, otherwise it plays out as normal. When answered correctly, the pot is doubled.
In the event I'm feeling saucy and want to add another red category I will update this list and direct your attention. These categories are not guaranteed to be in the game.
Red categories, when they land in the center square, do not have two part questions.
Rules for forum adaptation:
If on the first game, 4 boards pass without a clear winner of the match, the game will go into sudden death, and the player who wins will win the game. The only reason for this rule is to ensure this does not take several months to complete.
We will go until one person has won 2 out of three boards, however long it takes.
Answers must be bold to be accepted.
Players will have 36 hours to select a category and 36 hours when given a question to answer it. If on V/LA, please make it very clear to the host so that we can plan accordingly. Standard forum trivia rules apply: you must use your own knowledge to answer the question, no google, no friends or family, no lifelines.
Players must be respectful of each other and especially of your dashing host, even if he makes terrible puns.
The winner may play a bonus round if they wish that is strictly for fun and has no bearing on the game.
Money earn from the game has no bearing on the person who wins; the player that successfully beats the other on two boards will become the victor.
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:21 am
by Save The Dragons
Game will begin shortly!
(like later this week).
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:56 am
by Save The Dragons
Please note rule changes in italics. Rule changes will (hopefully) be displayed publicly.
Due to the sudden start, I will forgo the time rule for the first two questions.
Welcome to the game! I'm your host, Dashing Host! It's time to begin. Please welcome our first contest, who just arrived in the nick's everyone's favorite doctor, winner of Countdown, doctorwho! And please welcome our next she an elf? Is she a backwards fox? Science doesn't know, but we know her as the winner of Pointless, put your hands together for xofelf!
Backstage in the Random.Org Lounge, doctorwho won the coinflip and will be playing as X, while xofelf will be playing as O. Let's take a look at the board!
Before and After
Food and Beverage
Sports is in the center, so keep in mind that is a two part question if you choose to take it. As you can see, there is only red category this game, Seesaw, and you can see the rules for it above. Lastly, Before and After is just like the Wheel of Fortune category of the same name, where the answer will be two phrases connected by a common word.
Spoiler: Example
For example, if the question was "First president and University in Pullman whose mascot is the cougar," then the answer would be
State University
doctorwho, you may begin by selecting a category!
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:22 pm
by xofelf
Just so I don't lose this later.
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:49 pm
by doctorwho
Let's give
a try.
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:56 pm
by Save The Dragons
A peninsula is a strip of land surrounded by water on each side. Panama is connected to Columbia on the east and Costa Rica on the west, having water on two of its sides. What is this geographic feature called?
Categories are randomized and shuffled after each player has taken a turn.
which sounds like I meant after both players, but I meant each time a player has taken a turn, so I wish to clarify that each time a question is asked, the categories will shuffle.
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:26 pm
by Save The Dragons
Isthmus is correct!
Before and After
Food and Beverage
xofelf, please select a category.
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:19 pm
by xofelf
Oo, give me aminals!
Also, what if I want to berate you for awful puns? ;~;
And your intro for me <333333333333
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:11 am
by Save The Dragons
The theory of evolution by means of natural selection is credited to one British naturalist who is famous for recording differences in beak sizes in finches on the Galapagos Islands, as well as publishing
On the Origin of Species
. However, another British naturalist and colleague independently came up with the idea and the two of them helped inspire each other. Who are these two men who helped develop the theory of evolution by natural selection?
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:13 am
by Save The Dragons
Also a quick clarification: if a red category falls into a center square, the question will not be 2 part it will just follow the rules of the red category.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:35 pm
by xofelf
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:54 pm
by Save The Dragons
That is indeed correct, the center square is yours!
Before and After
Food and Beverage
doctorwho, pick a category!
(expired on 2015-12-06 07:54:55)
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:06 pm
by doctorwho
I'll have
, please.
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:13 pm
by Save The Dragons
Egg laying mammals are few, though this one is also known for its duck-like bill. What is it?
(expired on 2015-12-06 15:13:12)
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:28 am
by doctorwho
Thank you Phineas and Ferb
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:35 am
by Save The Dragons
That is correct!
xofelf, it is your turn, please select a category!
Before and After
(expired on 2015-12-07 01:35:19)
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:51 am
by xofelf
Whoops, sorry my bad.
But hold up a second here. Platypus REALLY? REALLY? That's a real question given after the "hey so remember that guy people forget about? Yeah what's his name too" OKAY. I call bullshit, but okay.
ugh, fine
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:57 am
by Save The Dragons
I recognize the disparity in the questions. They are of random difficulty (and center square is typically harder anyway). Since you have an equal chance of getting a question I am less concerned with making sure each question is of the exact same difficulty and more concerned with having enough for each category.
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:59 am
by Save The Dragons
xofelf, your question!
While there are 10 frames in bowling, how many strikes are required in order to attain a perfect score of 300?
(expired on 2015-12-08 04:59:36)
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:00 am
by xofelf
Oh, well that makes much more sense then. I was VERY confused.