All players must follow the
Forum Rules and Guidelines.
Discussion of this game outside of this thread or the mafia PT is forbidden. Discussion of ongoing games within this thread or the mafia PT is also forbidden, folks.
Players should try to post every day, but prods will only be issued after a full 48 hours of inactivity. If a player does not post in the thread within 24 hours of receiving their prod, they will be force replaced. If a player is in a position to receive their third prod, they will instead be forcibly replaced.
Several days of 'prod dodge' posts that consist of nothing else may also result in a warning, followed by a force replacement if the behaviour continues. Please play the game! If you anticipate that you'll be away for a period of time, please announce your V/LA period in the thread, or PM me about it.
If you need to ask me a public question, please bold it to ensure I see it. If you have to ask a question relating to your role or other private matters, PM me, as I will not answer questions of this nature in the thread, or acknowledge that I have answered them publically. Hypothetical role-related questions are fine, however.
Quoting role PMs or communications from the moderator, or fabrications of them, is forbidden. Paraphrasing any of these communications is fine.
If you have the power to, editing your posts or the posts of another player is forbidden.
If your slot has been compromised for any reason, please contact me privately.
Don't use it!
Punishment for rule-breaking or attempting to circumvent the rules will be dealt with as necessary. Punishments will include, depending on severity/willfulness of rule-breaking: warnings, force-replacements, modkills (only when absolutely needed), or blacklists.
The most important rule:
Have fun! This is a game of secrecy, manipulation, and lots and lots of arguing. Arguments happen, and so this site is more lenient than others might be when it comes to insults. However, it's important to remember that this is a game, and personal insults that are outside the scope of the game will not be tolerated. Personal attacks, and insults involving gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, etc. are forbidden. Please be respectful of your fellow players!
Each day phase will be
two weeks long
. Each night phase will last
48 hours
The day will end when a simple majority of votes is reached. This includes a majority voting for
No Lynch
. If no majority is reached by deadline, there will be no lynch. After a lynch, the game will proceed to twilight, where all players, including the lynched player, will be allowed to talk until I lock the thread and process the flip. Dead players are forbidden from posting after this point.
Deadline extensions may be posted if I deem it necessary. Feel free to request extensions if you believe you have a reason, but I can't promise anything.
When voting, please bold the vote or use the vote tags, such as
VOTE: MaxwellPuckett, or it will not count towards a lynch. Don't try to trick me. Nicknames or acronyms are fine, as long as I know who you're talking about. Putting the vote on a line by itself isn't necessary, but will make my life easier.
I will post regular vote counts, and will also post additional counts as soon as possible when requested by a player.
To remove a vote, please bold the unvote or use the unvote tags.
UNVOTE: Unvoting is not necessary when moving a vote to a different player, but is appreciated.
No backtracking after the hammer comes down. After a majority vote is reached, any other votes/unvoted will not count.
One man's trash talk is another man's treasure talk.