The gameboard is a hex containing 25 hexes with all the letters of the alphabet (X and Y are together), randomly distributed. Whomever has control of the board will pick a hex (or a random hex in the middle of the board will be selected at first).
When a hex is selected, a question that has an answer that starts with that letter will be asked in thread. Both players will be required to submit an answer to me via PM.
If both players answer correctly or incorrectly, nothing happens, and the person who had control keeps control. When one person answers correctly and the other does not, that player will get the hex for their color, and will gain control of the board.
The first player to connect their color from one side of the hex to the other will win. With this board I believe it is only possible by connecting 5 or more hexes.
I don't really care about time but let's (me